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AVPRI 5.585.175, L 262, GAP to CII 15 January 1788, Elisabethgrad.

Ligne, M6langes vol 24 pp 44-6, Ligne to JII February 1788, Elisabethgrad.

RGVIA 52.11.69, Count Joseph de Witte to GAP 13 May 1788, Podolsky- Kamenets. RGADA 11.921.1 and 11.921.9, Witte to GAP 6-8 October 1787, unpublished.

RGVIA, GAP to Ligne 3 April 1788; and RGVIA, 2/13 May 1788, unpublished.

Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 49, Ligne to JII February 1788, Elisabethgrad.

AVPRI 5.585.168-73, L 265, GAP to CII; and RGADA, L 274, CII to GAP 8 March 1788.

RGADA, L 284, CII to GAP 7 May 1788, Tsarskoe Selo.

AVPRI 5.585.160, GAP to CII 3 January 1788, Elisabethgrad.

AVPRI 5.585.168-73, L 265, GAP to CII.

Memoirs of the Life of Prince Potemkin p 148. Ligne, Letters (Stael) pp 78-9, May 1788.

BM 33540 f395, SB to JB 30 August-2 September 1787.

BM 33558 f424, SB to Henry Fanshawe 2/13 September 1787, Kremenchuk.

BM 33540 f487, SB to JB 12/23 October 1788.

MIRF 15: 86, quoted in I. R. Christie, 'Samuel Bentham and the Russian Dnieper Flotilla', pp 175-8, and Christie, Benthams in Russia, pp 218-21.

AVPRI 2.2/83.21.94, L 248, GAP to CII 1 November 1787.

BM 33540 £487, SB to Jeremiah Bentham.

MIRF 15: 60-90, quoted in I. R. Christie, 'Samuel Bentham and the Russian Dnieper Flotilla', pp 175-8, and Christie, Benthams in Russia, pp 218-21.

Ligne, Melanges vol 7 p 158, Ligne to Segur 8 May 1787.

AAE 20: 71, Langeron, 'Resume des campagnes'.

Damas p 32.

RGVIA, GAP to N-S 26 March 1788, Elisabethgrad, unpublished.

Damas pp 32-3.

Aragon p 203, N-S to wife 18 March 1788.

SIRIO 23 (1878): 446, CII to Grimm 25 April 1788. The general sources for John

Paul Jones, apart from Russian archives and the unpublished correspondence with GAP, are three biographies: John Paul Jones: A Sailor's Biography by Samuel Eliot Morison; The Life of Rear-Admiral John Paul Jones by George R. Preedy; and The Life of John Paul Jones by James Otis.

RGVIA, GAP to Baron Simolin 5/16 March 1788, unpublished.

RGVIA, GAP to N-S 26 March 1788, Elisabethgrad, unpublished.

MIRF 15: 98, 188, GAP to Mordvinov 29 February 1788 quoted in Christie, Benthams in Russia pp 218-21.

BM 33540 f488, SB to JB 12/23 October 1788.

RGVIA, Segur to GAP 2/13 May 1788, unpublished.

Aragon p 223, N-S to wife 4 June 1788.

Damas pp 31-2.

Aragon p 225, N-S to wife.

Tott vol 3 p 24. Damas pp 44-5. Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 88, Ligne to JII August 1788.

Tott vol 3 p 24. Anspach, Journey p 191, Lady Craven to Anspach 25 April 1786, Constantinople.

SIRIO 27: 480, CII to GAP 27 May 1788.

BM 33540 f488, SB to JB 12/23 October 1788.

Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 20.

RGVIA GAP to N-S 2 April 1788 ud. RGVIA, GAP to N-S ud. Both unpublished.

J. P. Jones to Jose de Ribas 11/22 June 1788, quoted in Morison pp 374-8.

RGVIA, GAP to N-S, unpublished.

RGVIA, GAP to N-S 10 June 1788, unpublished.

Colonel Henry Fanshawe quoted in Christie, 'SB and the Flotilla' p 191.

Morison pp 379-81.

BM 33540 f489, SB to Jeremiah Bentham 12/23 October 1788.

BM 33554 ff9o-i, Fanshawe 18 June 1788.

Damas p 45.

Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 21.

Aragon p 238, N-S to wife 28 and 29 June 1788. RS (1875) June P GAP to Suvorov.

Aragon p 236, N-S to wife 25 June 1788.

RGVIA fVUA 2388.13, L 296, GAP to CII June 1788.

M. S. Bentham p 89, quoted in Christie 'SB and the Flotilla'. BM 33540 f490, GAP to SB.

Aragon p 250, N-S to wife.

SIRIO 23 (1878): 446, CII to Grimm 31 May 1787.

RGADA, L 305, CII to GAP 19 July 1788, St Petersburg. It is said that Tatiana Engelhardt's husband Mikhail Potemkin, who was in St Petersburg as General-Kreigskommissar or inspector-general of the army from 1783, and Mamonov joined forces in 1788 to counter the arguments of A. R. Vorontsov, Zavadovsky and Orlov-Chesmensky about GAP's conduct of the war. See 'M. S. Potemkin' in Russkiy Biographicheskiy Slovar vol 14 (1904).

RGADA, L 302, CII to GAP 17 July 1788.

AVPRI 5.585.260, L 304, GAP to CII 18 July 1788, Ochakov.

RGADA, L 299, CII to GAP 3 July 1788.

BM 33554 d92-3 June 1788.

RS (1889) no 9 p 510, Prince Y. V. Dolgoruky. Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 95, Ligne

to JII 12 July 1788. RGADA, L 301, CII to GAP 13 July 1788, St Petersburg.

chapter 27: cry havoc: the storming of ochakov

For the main sources for this account of the Second Turkish War, see Chapter 26, note I. BM 33554 ff93~4, Henry Fanshawe July 1788, unpublished.

B&F vol 2 p 170, JII to Count Cobenzl 16 June 1787, Kherson.

Ligne, Melanges vol 24 pp 21-3, 2 July 1788, Ochakov.

Aragon p 255, N-S to wife.

RS(i895>9pi75. Ligne, Melanges vol 7 p 194, Prince de Ligne to Comte de Segur 1 October 1788, Ochakov.

BM 33540 f489, SB to JB ud.

Petrushevsky vol 1 p 3 27.

Damas pp 58-9. Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 123, Ligne to JII n August 1788.

RS (1895) September pp 175-6, Roman Maximovich Tsebrikov, Vokrug ochakova 1788 god (dnevnikochevidtsa). RS (1875) May p 38, GAP to A. V. Suvorov 27 July 1788.

Damas pp 56-9. Aragon pp 256-8, N-S to wife. Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 129, Ligne to JII 20 August 1788; p 176, Ligne to Cobenzl. An unpublished letter from GAP to Nassau-Siegen dated from July/August 1788 was recently placed on the market by Maggs Brothers of London in their Catalogue 1275 of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, lot 149. The undated letter, handwritten by GAP in French, recounts that Admiral Mark Voinovich is covering the Capitan-Pasha's approach from the Black Sea so that Nassau-Siegen can water his men in Kinburn during the day and 'at night return to the current position'. It is typical of GAP's sympathetic attitude to his men that he specifies that they should be allowed time on land. Its price was £1,200.

Damas pp 56-7. Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 129, Ligne to JII 20 August 1788, Ochakov.

RGADA, L 311, CII to GAP 31 August 1788.

Samoilov col 1260.

RS (1875) May pp 21-33, GAP to Suvorov April 1788.

Ligne, Letters (Stael) p 87, Ligne to JII August 1788.

RGVIA, GAP to Count Rzewowski, 7 November 1788, Quartier-General Ochakov, unpublished. AVPRI 5.585.278, L 320, GAP to CII 17 October 1788. ZOOID 4: 363, GAP to M. L. Faleev 14 August 1788, Ochakov. ZOOID 2: 667, 668, GAP to Faleev.

Lettres de Catherine II au prince de Ligne p 81, JII to Ligne 18 June 1788.

CII - Ligne pp 96-7, Cobenzl to Ligne. Ligne, Мё1а^е$ vol 24 p 157, Ligne to JII; p 75. RGVIA fVUA.2388.7, L 291, GAP to CII 8 June 1788, Camp on the Bug. AVPRI 5.585.278, L 320, GAP to CII 17 October 1788.

Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 176.

AAE 20: 74, Langeron, 'Resume des campagnes'.

Aragon pp 268-70, N-S.

RGADA 11.864.2.91, Praskovia Potemkina to GAP (unsigned but probably Pra- skovia Potemkina), unpublished.