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SIMPIK KV vol 2 p 9. GAP's orders to his Cossack officers show his gradual development of Cossack forces into a substantial new Host. GAP to Ataman Sidor Bely 2 January 1788, Elisabethgrad; p 10, GAP to A. A. Golavaty on formation of Black Sea Host from ex-Zaporogian Cossacks 10 August 1788; p 24, GAP to Anton Golavaty to recruit the new Black Sea Host 4 October 1789.

AVPRI 5.585.339, L 350, GAP to CII 10 June 1789, Elisabethgrad.

RS (1876) 15 p 16, Garnovsky December 1786.

Masson pp 42, 55. Vigee Lebrun pp 13-14. Golovina p 120. Golovina, who shows Catherine's playful simplicity with her ladies, was writing about the last year of the Empress's life. They knew she was not well and Golovina wept after she seeing her for the last time.

CII Sochinenya vol 12, 2nd half-volume pp 699-701, L 355, CII to GAP June 1789. RGADA, CII to GAP 14 July 1789.

RS (1876) 16 p 400, Garnovsky to Popov 21 June 1789. RGADA, GAP to CII 18 July 1789, Olviopol.

AKV 12: 63, P. V. Zavadovsky to S. R. Vorontsov June 1789, St Petersburg.

Khrapovitsky pp 290-1, 19 June 1789.

RS (1876) 16 pp 406-7, Garnovsky to Popov.

Masson pp 99-100.

RS (1876) 16 p 404, Garnovsky to Popov. Khrapovitsky p 290, 18-23 June 1789.

RGADA, L 358, CII to GAP 6 July 1789.

RGADA, L 363, CII to GAP 5 August 1789, Tsarskoe Selo.

Khrapovitsky pp 294-8, 501-4.

RGADA, L 357, GAP to CII ud.

RGADA, L 319, CII to GAP 14 July 1789.

RGADA, L 358, CII to GAP 6 July 1789.

RGADA, L 365, CII to GAP 12 August 1789.

Masson p 194.

PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers, Foreign, cyphers 65 SP 181, Baron de Keller to Berlin 26 February 1789, St Petersburg.

Saint-Jean pp 137-45. This is always dubious but see also GAP on V. A. Zubov after Ismaiclass="underline" RGADA 1.1/1.43.35-5, L 444, GAP to CII 18 December 1790, Bender.

Damas p 113.

RGADA, L 362, GAP to CII 30 July 1789, Olviopol.

Philip Longworth The Art of Victory pp 156-7. SD vol 3 pp 500-10. V. S. Lopatin, Potemkin i Suvorov pp 157-69.

RGIA 1146.1.33, Mikhail Garnovsky' accounts for GAP 27 July 1789, William Gould sent to Dubossary, unpublished.

RS (1889) 9 p 512, Prince Y. V. Dolgoruky.

RGVIA 52.1.586.2.430, GAP to Suvorov 1 September 1789.

Longworth, Art of Victory p 157. SD vol 3 p 553, Suvorov to Khvostov 29 August 1796.

RS (1875) October p 220, GAP to CII 10 September 1789.

AAE 20: 95-7, Langeron, 'Resume des campagnes'. Lopatin, Potemkin i Suvorov PP 157-70.

SO (1839) vol 9 p 64, GAP to Suvorov and Suvorov to GAP September 1789, quoted in Lopatin, Suvorov i Potemkin p 167.

RGVIA, GAP to Ligne 15 September 1789, Lauchon, unpublished.

AAE 20: 149, Langeron, 'Evenements de campagne de 1790'.

AVPRI 5.585.144, GAP to CII 9 November 1789, Bender.

RGVIA, GAP to Count Stackelberg with text of Bender surrender 7 November 1789, unpublished.

RGVIA, JII to GAP 1 December 1789, Vienna; and RGVIA, JII to GAP 5 December 1789, Belgrade, unpublished. These letters show the close relationship and liaison between the Austrians and GAP in 1789. The nuances are fascinating - but are outside the remit of this book. See also the following letters by GAP to JII, Prince Kaunitz, Count Cobenzl and the Prince de Ligne. RGVIA, GAP to Ligne 15 September 1789, Louchon. GAP, who had been hurt by the Prince de Ligne's slanders after their falling out at Ochakov, was still fond of his friend and always touchingly keen to win his admiration. After the Battle of

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Rymnik, for example, he wrote to him: 'I'm scribbling you a letter to remind you, my Prince, of one who loves you tenderly in spite of all your faults.' RGVIA, GAP to Cobenzl 30 July 1789, Olviopol. RGVIA, GAP to JII 15 September 1789, Kauchon. On Rymnik: RGVIA, GAP to Kaunitz 28 July 1789, Olviopol. RGVIA, GAP to Kaunitz 15 September 1789. RGVIA, Cobenzl to GAP 26 September 1789 on fall of Belgrade, and RGVIA, 15/26 October 1789, GAP to Cobenzclass="underline" sends congratulations. RGVIA, Cobenzl to GAP on Bender 16/27 November 1789, St Peters­burg. RGVIA, GAP to JII 7 November 1789 on fall of Bender. RGVIA, Kaunitz to GAP on hopes of peace 2 November 1789. RGVIA, JII to GAP 1 December 1789, Vienna, congratulates GAP on Bender. RGVIA, GAP to Cobenzl 25 March 1789 on the battle-plan for 1789. All of the above unpublished.

PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers Foreign, cyphers SP106/67, Sir Robert Ainslie in Istanbul to J. Ewart in Berlin 8 February NS 1790, unpublished.

AVPRI 5.585.326-7, L 383 GAP to CII.

AVPRI 5.585.326, L 383, GAP to CII 9 November 1789, Bender.

IRLI 265.2.2115.13-14, L 338, GAP to CII 22 September 1789, Kaushany.

AVPRI 5.585.132, L 374, GAP to CII 2 October 1789, Akkerman (Belgrade-on- Dniester).

AVPRI 5.585.237, GAP to CII 21 October 1789, Kishnev.

RGADA, L 379, CII to GAP 18 October 1789.

GPB S-Sch f755 vol 1 quoted in Lopatin, Potemkin i Suvorov p 173, GAP to Suvorov and Suvorov to Popov 8 November 1789.

CII-Ligne p 114, CII to Ligne 5 November 1789.

RGADA, CII to GAP 18 October 1789.

RGADA, L 378, CII to GAP 18 October 1789.

RS (1876) 16 pp 415-22, Garnovsky to Popov August/September.

RGADA, L 383, CII to GAP 15 November 1789.

AVPRI 5.585.128-31, L 388, GAP to CII December 1789.

RGADA, L 391, CII to GAP 20 December 1789.

AVPRI 5.585.123-31, L 359, GAP to CII December 1789, Jassy.

RGVIA, JIIto GAP 7 October 1789, Vienna, unpublished.

chapter 29: the delicious and the crueclass="underline" sardanapalus

For the main sources for this account of the Second Turkish War, see Chapter 26, note 1. Golovina pp 24-5.

SIRIO 54 (1886): 197, Richelieu, 'Mon voyage'.

Ligne, Melanges vol 7 p 199, Prince de Ligne to Comte de Segur 1 December 1788.

Mansel, Constantinople pp 154-5. This description owes much to Philip Mansel's chapter on the Greek princes of Wallachia and Moldavia.

AAE 20: 8-10, Langeron, 'Journal de la campagne de 1790'.

Ligne, Milanges vol 7 pp 199-210, Ligne to Segur 1 December 1788.

AAE 20: 8-10, Langeron, 'Journal de la campagne de 1790'. Damas p 139. Ligne, Memoires 1828 vol 1 pp 211-14, Ligne to Segur 1 December 1788 and vol 2 pp 390-2. Mansel, Constantinople pp 154-7. RGVIA, Prince Alexander Mavrocordato to GAP 21 September 1790, Elisabethgrad, unpublished. SIRIO 54

(1886): 197, Richelieu, 'Mon voyage*. Ligne, Melanges vol 7 p 199-210, Ligne to Segur 1 December 1788.

Castera vol 3 p 294. Saint Jean pp 48-54, 137-45. AAE 20: 38, Langeron, 'Journal de la campagne de 1790* (resume).

AAE 20: 367, Langeron, 'Resume 1790*.

RGVIA, Prince Nicholas Mavrogeny Hospodar of Wallachia to GAP 5 November 1789; and RGVIA, GAP to Prince Nicholas Mavrogeny Hospodar of Wallachia 24 October 1789, unpublished.

Demetrius Dvoichenko-Markov, 'Russia and the First Accredited Diplomat in the Danubian Principalities 1779-1808' pp 208-18.