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Saint Marc de Giraudin, Souvenirs de voyage et d^tudes p 249, cited in Georges Haupt, 'La Russie et les Princapautes Danubiennes en 1790: Le Prince Potemkin- Tavrichesky et le Courrier de Moldavie' pp 58-63. Also N. Iorga, Geschichte des Osmanishen Ketches (Gotla 1908) vol 1 p 469, cited in Dvoichenko-Markov p 218.

Samoilov col 1553.

RGVIA, Prince de Cantacuzino and others to GAP 12 February 1790. RGVIA, Moldavian boyars to GAP 17 November 1789. RGVIA, Moldavian boyars to GAP ud, 1790, unpublished.

ZOOID 4: 470. Haupt, pp 58-63.

AAE 20: 367, Langeron, 'Resume 1790'

Samoilov col 1553.

RGADA, L 385, CII to GAP 25 November 1789.

RA (1907) 2 pp 130-2.

Engelhardt 1997 p 82.

RGIA 1146.1.31, Mikhail Garnovsky accounts 1790, unpublished.

RS (1876) 16 p 425, Garnovsky to Popov 4 March 1790.

RGVIA, unsigned to GAP ud, unpublished.

Moskvityanin zhurnal (1852) no 2 January vol 2 p 101.

Moskvityanin zhurnal (1852) no 2 January vol 2 p 99.

AAE 20: 98, Langeron, 'Resume 1790'.

RGADA 11.940.5, Peter Zahorevsky to Praskovia Potemkina ud, unpublished.

RS (1875) June V°1 T3 PP 164-8. Bruckner, Potemkin pp 254-5, GAP to Praskovia Andreevna Potemkina. RGADA 11.857.8, 13, 14, 19, 22, 40, P. A. Potemkina to GAP.

SBVIM vol 8 p 22, GAP Orders to M. L. Faleev 15 March and 25 April 1790.

AAE 20: 131, Langeron, 'Evenements de la Campagne de 1790 des Russes contre les Turcs en Bessarabie et en Bulgarie'.

RGVIA, Baron I. M. Simolin to GAP 16/26 July 1790, Paris, unpub­lished.

RGVIA, Count Stackelberg to GAP 18/29 March 1788, Warsaw, unpublished.

RGVIA, Simolin to GAP 16/26 July 1790, Paris, unpublished.

RGVIA, GAP to Baron Sutherland 1/16 March 1787 on payment to Baron Grimm for purchases in Paris, unpublished.

Literaturnoye nasledstvo (Moscow 1937) vol 29-30 pp 386-9. Simolin to A. A. Bezborodko 25 December 1788/5 January 1789, Paris. The bill was 8,000 Turenne livres, each worth approximately four normal livres.

Vigee Lebrun vol 1 p 323.

Ligne, Letters (Stael) vol 2 p 5, Ligne to Segur 1 August 1788.

Masson p 113.

A. S. Pushkin, 'Notes on Russian History of the Eighteenth Century* p 5.

RGADA 248.4404.221 reverse, CII to Senator Count Andrei Petrovich Shuvalov ordering him to assign three million roubles to GAP to build the Sebastopol Admiralty 2 September 1785. Once the war began in 1787, the budgets increased massively. A document in the same place as the above from Prince A. A. Viazemsky to CII on 7 November 1790 shows how, for example, 7.3 million roubles were distributed in 1787-90 by GAP to the Black Sea Navy and the Ekaterinoslav and Ukrainian armies through officials such as Colonel Garnovsky, Faleev and Popov. However, Viazemsky does complain that GAP had three times neglected to report on the details of all his spending of his money. Another example: SIRIO 27 (1880): 348-51, CII to GAP 14 January 1785. CII ordered Viazemsky to pay GAP one million roubles for creating new regiments. PSZ xxii no 16,131. SIRIO 27 (1880): 354, CII to GAP 13 August 1785. In this case, the money is 2.4 million roubles for the Black Sea Admiralty.

Memoirs of the Life of Prince Potemkin pp 85-7.

GARF 9: Potemkin's correspondence with different persons. Potemkin continued to use his 'Court Jew' and friend Zeitlin as well as bankers like Ferguson Tepper of Warsaw. Their unpublished correspondence is spread throughout the archives in RGIA in Petersburg, RGVIA f52 and RGADA fi 1 in Moscow. This is an invaluable picture of GAP's and the Russian Empire's finances, but again it is beyond the scope of this book. See next note for the unhappy struggles of Baron Sutherland.

RGADA 11.895.3-5, Baron Richard Sutherland to GAP 10 August and 13 Sep­tember 1783. RGADA 11.895.7, Baron Sutherland to GAP 2 March 1784. All unpublished. Presumably Sutherland was paid something because he calmed down until the next year, when he fell foul of Zeitlin: 'I am extremely mortified to learn that I'm losing the protection and confidence with which Your Highness has deigned to honour me, through the report of my business with Monsieur Zeitlin.' Sutherland claimed he was the 'victim of his own goodwill' and grovelled for Potemkin to forgive whatever he had done. One suspects that GAP is one of the few Russian statesmen who would fall out with a British baron on behalf of a Jewish merchant, (see Ch 19) RGVIA, Ferguson Tepper to GAP 11 January 1788 Warsaw. Sutherland was soon back in favour, but every delay in paying him hit the Scotsman's bankers in Warsaw, Ferguson Tepper, who were soon begging GAP directly to give Sutherland the money to pay them 77,912 roubles. For the way GAP's Chancellery functioned as both a state and a personal office, see RGVIA, Abbe Michel Ossowski to GAP 30 July NS 1789, unpublished. Here a Pole discusses both GAP's Polish estates and the supply of timber and masts for shipbuilding in Kherson.

RGVIA, Sutherland to GAP 6 October 1788. RGADA 11.895.13, Sutherland to GAP 22 October 1788, unpublished.

RA (1873) 2 p 1687, GAP to Bezborodko.

Khrapovitsky 24 December 1789.

Gerhard F. Kramer and Roderick E. McGrew, 'Potemkin, the Porte and the Road to Tsargrad: The Shumla Negotiations 1789-90' pp 467-87. This work quotes from the Barozzi Diaries in Austrian Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv Russland II Berichte 202A to 206B

RGIA 468.1.2.3904, list of jewels sent down to Jassy for Turkish negotiations, unpublished.

RGVIA, GAP to Barozzi February 1790. ZOOID 8 (1872): 194-5, GAP to Grand Vizier and Barozzi 16/27 February 1790. ZOOID 8: 198-9, GAP to Barozzi, the offer of the mosque in Moscow.

RGADA, L 397, CII to GAP 6 February 1790.

Blanning, JII 1, pp 189, 198. SIRIO 54: in, Richelieu, 'Journal de mon voyage'. RGVIA, GAP to Prince Kaunitz 31 January 1790, unpublished. Ligne, Letters (Stael) vol 2 p 34, Ligne to CII 12 February 1790. Joseph had been urging GAP to negotiate peace as his condition worsened. His correspondence with GAP (all unpublished): RGVIA, JII to GAP 7 October NS 1789, Vienna. RGVIA, JII to GAP 22 October NS 1789, Vienna (six-page letter). RGVIA, GAP to Kaunitz 11/22 December 1789, Jassy, and also RGVIA, GAP to Kaunitz 7 November 1789, Bender.

RGVIA, Leopold King of Hungary to GAP 30 March 1790, and GAP to King of Hungary ud. Also RGVIA, GAP to Leopold ud. The cor­respondence between GAP and the Austrians Leopold and Kaunitz is unpublished. GAP was said to have been outraged by Leopold's nervous letters, stamping on them furiously, and swearing at the Habsburgs, who soon heard about the names he had called them. Sir N. William Wraxall, Historical Memoirs of my own Time p 171.

RGVIA, Duke of Leeds to GAP 31 March NS 1790. RGVIA, GAP to Leeds 30 May 1790, unpublished. Cross, By the Banks of the Neva pp 361-3. John Howard (1726-90) was buried near Kherson, and Tsar Alexander I erected a pyramid over his tomb. The Soviets continued to revere this friend of humanity. In 1998, when the author visited Kherson, there were still tours and pamphlets offered to tourists to encourage visits to Howard's tomb.

RGADA, L 385, CII to GAP 3 December 1789.

RGVIA, GAP to Leopold King of Hungary 25 May 1790, unpublished.

AVPRI 5.5/1.589.214-16, GAP to CII ud, November/December 1789.

RGADA, L 385, CII to GAP 2 December 1789.

Engelhardt 1997 p 82.

RGADA 1.1/1.43.24-6, L 414, GAP to CII May 1790. The actual order is quoted in SIMPIK KV vol 2 p 30, 31 March 1790: 'To all ranks of the army, I order you to wear only regular uniform without any differentiation. The generals should not have eagles on their tunics...'.