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AVPRI 5.585.142, L 397, GAP to CII February 1790, Jassy.

AVPRI 5.585.128.31, L 389, GAP to CII December 1789.

RGADA, L 407, CII to GAP 19 March 1790, and RGADA, L 408, CII to GAP 30 March 1790.

AVPRI 5.585.323, L 394, GAP to CII 23 January 1790, Jassy. RGADA, L 387, CII to GAP 2 December 1789. AVPRI 5.585.128-131, L 388-9, GAP to CII December 1789. The orders to his Cossack officers Chepega and Golovaty about the formation of the new Host intensify in late 1789, spring 1790, for example SIMPIK KV vol 2 p 24, GAP to Golovaty 4 October 1789; p 32, 14 April 1790, Jassy.

RGVIA, GAP to Bezborodko.

RA (1842) 7-8 pp 17-18. AKV 5: 402, M. N. Radischev to Count A. R. Vorontsov 17 May 1791.

RGADA 1.1/1.43.107, L 441, GAP to CII 3 December 1790.

RS (1876) November pp 417-8, 1 GAP to CII June 1790.

RGADA, CII to GAP 27 April 1790.

RGADA 1.1/1.43.17, L 419, GAP to CII 19 June 1790.

Madariaga, Russia p 414. Austria's withdrawal from the Russian alliance was partly blamed by Wraxall on Leopold's hearing of GAP's rudeness. But Russian anger was

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the least of Leopold's problems. However, it is very likely that GAP was furious at the loss of the Austrian alliance. Wraxall claims GAP had 'ebullitions of rage'. Wraxall p 171.

RGADA, L 422, CII to GAP 17 July 1790.

RGADA, L 425, CII to GAP 9 August 1790.

RGADA 1.1/1.43.38, L 427, GAP to CII 16 August 1790, Bender.

AAE 20: 179, Langeron, 'Evenements 1790'

Dubrovin p 20, quoted in Lopatin, Potemkin i Suvorov p 182.

RP 2.1 p 36. RP 4.1 p 19. RP 1.2 p 85. Vigee Lebrun vol 1 pp 319-20. AAE 20: 138, Langeron, 'Evenements 1790'. Golovina pp 24-5. RGVIA, Ligne to GAP ud but probably 18 October 1789 or even 1790 from Vienna because it mentions that young Charles de Ligne is serving with GAP and Ismail may be taken. Unpublished. Ligne's handwriting is notoriously hard to decipher. This marks another stage in the reconciliation of Ligne and GAP after Ochakov: 'I often feel the need to tell my dear Prince I love him tenderly and, for the first time in my life, absence doesn't make any difference ... What unhappiness for me that I can't see ... Madame Samoilov ... and those who surround you in Moldavia whom I so like and who so adore you...'.

SIRIO 54 (1886): 111-98, Richelieu, 'Mon voyage'. RP 4.2 p 152.

SIRIO 54 (1886): 147-9, Richelieu, 'Mon voyage'.

SIRIO 54 (1886): pp 147-9, Richelieu, 'Mon voyage'.

AAE 20: 158, Langeron, 'Evenements 1790'.

RGVIA, GAP to Kaunitz October 1790, Bender, unpublished.

SIRIO 54 (1886): 147-9, Richelieu, 'Mon voyage'.

AAE 20: 160, Langeron, 'Evenements 1790'.

Vigee Lebrun vol 1 p 321.

Engelhardt 1868 p 88.

Engelhardt 1868 p 88. AAE 20: 226, Langeron, 'Evenements 1790'.

SIRIO 54 (1886): 152, Richelieu, 'Mon voyage'.

SIRIO 54 (1886): 147-9, Richelieu, 'Mon voyage'. AAE 20: 226, Langeron, 'Evenements 1790'.

Golovina pp 24-5.

AAE 20: 143, Langeron, 'Evenements 1790'. Pushkin, Polnoye Sobraniye Socb- ineniya vol 12 p 173. Pushkin's story is set at Ochakov with a countess, but the real events are more likely to have taken place at Bender with Princess Dolgorukaya in 1790.

Engelhardt 1997 p 88.

Vigee Lebrun vol 1 p 321. AAE 20: 226, Langeron, 'Evenements 1790'.

RGVIA, GAP to Princess Lubomirska 2 August 1790, 'Not a moment for myself', and RGVIA, GAP agrees to cede Dubrovna 20 July 1790, Czerdack near Jassy, unpublished. On Polish politics: RGVIA, GAP to Branicki 28 February 1790 on the Hetmanate; RGADA 11.946.56, Baron Ivan I. d'Asch to GAP 23 July/3 August 1790, and document 65 d'Asch thanks GAP for present of a Turkish manuscript. RGVIA, SA to GAP 22 July 1790, Warsaw; RGVIA, Count Felix Potocki to GAP 1 May NS 1790, Vienna. All unpublished. On reforms of army, Cossacks and Guards regiments: RGADA 1.1/1.43.24-6, L 414, GAP to CII May 1790. G. S. Vinsky, Мое vremyay zapiski with new introduction by Isabel de Madariaga. Vinsky p 100. Vinsky grumbles that GAP is filling the Guards with 'all kinds of raznochintsky and even Asiatics'. AKV 9: 270, S. R. Vorontsov complains of the same 7 November 1792, quoted in Duffy,

Russia's Military Way p 138. On Cossack recruitment: SIMPIK KV vol 2 p 39, GAP to Chepega 9 November 1790, Bender. On the Kuban war: Dubrovin, Istoriya voyny vol 2 pp 260-1, Yury Bogdanovich Bibikov to GAP 16 February 1790; p 269, GAP to General de Balmain 26 June 1790; and p 269, GAP to I. V. Gudovich 24 December 1790. Also SBVIM vol 8 p 9, GAP to Y. B. Bibikov 23 February 1790. On naval war, vol 7 p 107, GAP to Jose de Ribas 8 July 1790; p 139, GAP to Ribas 17 August 1790. On signals for fleet: vol 8 p 18, GAP to Ribas 14 March 1790. On Nikolaev: ZOOID 8: 200, GAP on Nikolaev Church, orders to Starov and architects and orders to Faleev on 24 August 1790, quoted in Kruchkov.

RGADA, L 440, CII to GAP October 1790.

RGADA, L 430, CII to GAP 29 August 1790.

RGADA, L 434, CII to GAP 11 September 1790. RGADA, L 439, CII to GAP October 1790.

The threat to Potemkin's indigenat and Russia's position in Poland can be followed in the unpublished Potemkin-Stackelberg correspondence, e.g. RGVIA, GAP to Marshals of the Sejm Malachowski and Sapieha 7 November 1788, Ochakov. RGVIA, CII to Stackelberg 12 May 1788, Tsarskoe Selo. RGVIA, Stackelberg to GAP 13/24 December 1788. RGVIA, Stackelberg to GAP 1/12 April 1790. RGVIA, Stack­elberg to GAP 5/16 March 1790. RGVIA, Stackelberg to GAP 12/23 January 1790. RGVIA, Stackelberg to GAP 3/14 January 1790. See also the anti-Potemkin propaganda: 'Reflexion,' RGVIA, ud, unsigned. All the above unpublished. See Chapter 23 note 49.

RGADA 1.1/1.43.59-60,1.432, GAP to CII 10 September 1790, Bender. RGADA, CII to GAP 16 September 1790. RGADA, L 436, CII to GAP 30 September 1790. RGADA, L 436, CII to GAP 1 October 1790.

Petrov, Vtoroya turetskaye voyna vol 2 pp 43-4, GAP to Lazhkarev 7 September 1790. RA (1884) 2 p 30.

SBVIM vol 8 p 16, GAP to F.F. Ushakov 14 March 1790; p 89, GAP to Ushakov 24 June 1790; p 92, GAP to Ushakov 3 July 1790.

RGADA 1.1/1.43.55, L 431, GAP to CII 4 September 1790, Bender.

RGADA, L 434, CII to GAP 6 September 1790.

SBVIM vol 8 p 172, GAP to Ribas 28 September 1790.

RGVIA, GAP to Bezborodko.

RGVIA 52.1.586.1.586, GAP to Bezborodko.

SBVIM vol 8 p 186, GAP to Ribas 13 November 1790.

AAE 20: 272, Langeron, 'Evenements 1790'

Odessa State History Local Museum d68o and d68i, Armand Due de Richelieu to GAP and Alexandre Comte de Langeron to GAP 10 November 1790.

chapter 30: sea of slaughter: ismail

1 For the main sources for this account of the Second Turkish War, see Chapter 26, note 1. This chapter also uses Alexander, CtG pp 257-92, and Madariaga, Russia pp 413-26. RA (1871) September 394-6, Count G. I. Chernyshev to Prince S. F. Golitsyn 23-24 November 1790, Ismail. G. I. Chernyshev was the son of Ivan, who ran the Naval College and was opposed to Potemkin. But he is writing to his friend Prince S. F. Golitsyn, who was married to GAP's niece Varvara and was therefore close to Serenissimus. Therefore this is the testimony of a hostile witness given to a friendly one and shows how futile it is trying strictly to divide the Russian Court into family factions or political parties.