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AKV 13: 227, A. A. Bezborodko to S. R. Vorontsov 17 November 1791.

SIRIO 27 (1880): pp 332-3, CII rescript to GAP on precautions on return of Zaporogians and Nekrazovsky Cossacks 15 April 1784.

SIRIO 27 (1880): 338, CII rescript to GAP on keeping detachment of Cossacks in Poland, 2 July 1784. SIRIO 27 (1880): 416, CII rescript to GAP permitting establishment of five squadrons of Polish Cossacks 6 July 1787.

See Rulikowski, Smila.

S. Malachowski, Pamietnik i Stanislawa hr. Nalecz Malachowskiego wyd. Wincenty hr. Los p 92.

AGAD 421: 58-65, Deboli to SA 17 May 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished.

PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers, Foreign, cyphers SP106/67, William Fawkener to Lord Grenville no 3, 2 June 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished.

PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers, Foreign, cyphers SP 106/67, Fawkener to Lord Grenville 18 June 1791, St Petersburg. Also in same place: GAP on the Black Sea Fleet, Fawkener no 3, 2 June 1791, St Petersburg. Both unpublished.

RGVIA, S. R. Vorontsov to GAP 3 May NS 1791, London, unpub­lished.

PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers, Foreign, cyphers SP 106.67, Charles Whitworth no 41, 5 August 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished. Stedingk p 146, Stedingk to Gustavus III 25 June 1791, St Petersburg.

Derzhavin vol 6 pp 592, 422-3.

Derzhavin vol 6 pp 592, 422-3.

This portrait of Derzhavin uses Jesse V. Clardy, G. R. Derzhavin: A Political Biography pp 70-1, 123, 128.

RP 1.1 p 39. Burton Raffel, Russian Poetry under the Tsars p 20. Segal vol 2 pp 262-74.

Derzhavin vol 6 pp 422-44.

AG AD 421: 122-3, Deboli to SA 22 July 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished. Derzhavin vol 6 pp 423-4. AKV 8: pp 44-5, Count Fyodor Rostopchin to S. R. Vorontsov 25 December 1791, Jassy.

AKV 8: 67, Rostopchin to S. R. Vorontsov 14/25 April 1793, and pp 44-5, 25 December 1791, Jassy.

3 5 PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers, Foreign, cyphers SP 106/67, Fawkener no 4, 7 June 1791, and no 8, 21 June 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished.

PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers, Foreign, cyphers SP 106/67, Whitworth 8 July 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished.

PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers, Foreign, cyphers SP 106/67, Whitworth 8 July 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished.

RGADA, L 457, CII to GAP June 1791.

RGADA, L 458, CII to GAP, and RGVIA, L 458, GAP to CII June 1791. The reports to GAP from the fronts, his orders to his commanders, and his reports to CII are in RGVIA 52 op 2, for example GAP's report to CII on M. I. Kutuzov's raid across the Danube of 4 June 1791 can be found, dated 19 June 1791, at RGVIA

AGAD 421: 122-3, Deboli to SA 22 July 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished.

AGAD 421: 77-8, Deboli to SA 31 May 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished.

RGVIA, L 458, GAP to CII July 1791. KFZ 2 July 1791. The fall of Anapa: Dubrovin, Istoriya voyny vol 2 p 269, Gudovich to GAP 22 June 1791. On capture and fate of Mansour: Marie Bennigsen Broxup (ed), The North Caucasus Barrier: The Russian Advance towards the Moslem World; see Paul B. Henze, 'Circassian Resistance to Russia' p 75.

PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers, Foreign, cyphers SP 106/67, agreement signed by Whitworth, Fawkener and Goertz 11/22 July 1791 and 16/27 July, St Petersburg, unpublished. KFZ 12 July 1791. RGADA, L 459, CII to GAP July 1791, and RGADA, L 459, CII to GAP July 1791. RGVIA, Repnin's report to GAP on Battle of Machin.

AGAD 421: 122-3, Deboli to SA 22 July 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished.

AGAD 421: 113-14, Deboli to SA July 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished.

RGVIA, Count Stackelberg to GAP 9/20 December 1789, unpub­lished.

AGAD 421: 85-6, Deboli to SA 17 June 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished.

Stedingk p 143, Stedingk to Gustavus III 25 June 1791, St Petersburg.

AAE 20: 312, Langeron, 'Evenements de l'hiver de 1790 et 1791'. Stedingk p 209, J. J. Jennings to Fronce December 1791, St Petersburg. Golovina p 64.

RGADA, L 460, CII to GAP July 1791. GAP, contrary to legend, was keen to reform the army to stop financial abuses by officers. Hence he created a new sort of Army Inspectorate to check abuses. AVPRI 2.2/81.21.138, L 460, GAP to CII 14 July 1791, and AVPRI 2.2/83.21.139, L 460, GAP to CII 14 July 1791. See Epilogue note 34.

Vigee Lebrun vol 1 p 323.

Lojek, 'CII's Armed Intervention in Poland' pp 579-81. It is argued that conditions CII places on his actions prove that this is a sham, though the rescript contained no more conditions than her 1783 Crimean rescript to GAP. This suits the overview of many Polish historians. Lojek, for example, suggests that the condition that GAP had to arrange a Polish opposition was clearly a sham because CII knew the nobility supported the new Constitution. Yet one country rarely invades another without first arranging to make it look as if they are being invited in by the opposition. Besides, Felix Potocki was one of many Polish magnates opposed to May the Third and devoted to the old Polish concept of 'golden liberty'. GAP's actions were also conditional on signing peace with the Porte, but this was just common sense: he himself had always stressed that southern peace was necessary before war in the west.

PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers, Foreign, cyphers SP106/67, no 4° Whitworth to Grenville 5 August 1791. AGAD 421: 103-4, Deboli to SA 8 July 1791. Both these diplomatic despatches from St Petersburg are unpublished.

PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers, Foreign, cyphers SP 106/67, Whitworth 12 July 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished.

RS (1876) September p 43, Knyaz Platon Alexandrovich Zubov.

Reshetilovsky Archive (Popov archive) pp 77-84, Catherine I I's secret rescript on Poland to GAPT 18 July 1791. RA (1874) 2 pp 281-9.

Golovina p 28.

RGADA, L 461, CII to GAP 25 July 1791. KFZ 24 July 1791.

chapter 33: the last ride

Michel Oginski, Memoires sur la Pologne and les Polonais vol 1 ch 7 pp 146-53.

Ligne, Melanges vol 24 p 67 Prince de Ligne to JII April 1788. RGADA, CII to GAP 19 November 1786.

Masson p hi.

RGVIA, Prince N. I. Repnin to GAP July-August 1791. RGADA, CII to GAP 12 August 1791, Tsarskeo Selo. SIRIO 29: 220, A. A. Bezborodko to P. V. Zavadovsky 17 November 1791. Engelhardt 1997 p 94. SIRIO 23 (1878): 553, CII to Baron F. M. Grimm 27 August 1791.

PRO FO Secretary of State: State Papers, Foreign, cyphers SP 106/67, Charles Whitworth to Lord Grenville 5 August 1791, St Petersburg, unpublished. Samoilov col 1555 and notes 1 and 2, plus cols 1556-7.

RGADA 1.1/1.43.97, L 464, GAP to CII 4 August 1791, Olviopol. RGADA, L 465, CII to GAP 12 August 1791.

This was Mrs Maria Guthrie's expression ten years later for the feverish sicknesses of the rivers around the Black Sea: letter 23 p in. SIRIO 29: 121, Bezborodko on GAP's breaking of talks in August 1791.

Samoilov col 1557.

AKV 8:37, Count F. V. Rostopchin to Count S. R. Vorontsov 7 October 1791. Samoilov col 1555. RGADA 1.1/1.43.100, L 465, GAP to CII 15 August 1791,

Galatz. Stedingk p 197, J. J. Jennings to Fronce ud, St Petersburg.

RGVIA, V. S. Popov to Bezborodko 24 August 1791. RGADA 1.1/1.43.104, GAP to CII 24 August 1791. RGADA, L 466, CII to GAP 28 August 1791. Khrapovitsky 28 and 29 August 1791. AAE 20: 358, Langeron, 'Evenements 1791'. RV (1841) vol 8 p 372, GAP to Repnin August 1791.

RGADA 1.1/1.43.106, L 468, GAP to CII 6 September 1791, Jassy. RGADA, CII to GAP 4 September 1791, St Petersburg. RGVIA, Popov to Bezborodko 6 September 1791.