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In terms of published Western histories, I have used as my reference books the works of Isabel de Madariaga and J. T. Alexander, along with Marc Raeff, David Ransel, Roger Bartlett (Human Capital), John LeDonne (Ruling Russia), Anthony Cross (on the British in Russia), Lord and Zamoyski (on Poland) and Kinross and Mansel (on Constantinople). Of Potemkin's previous biographers, Bruckner is the most important, while Soloveytchik is useful but lacks all references.

archives, periodicals and abbreviations used in notes and bibliography

AAE Archives des Affairs Etrangeres, Quai d'Orsay, Paris, volumes 68-139

AGAD Archiwum Glowne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie

AGS Arkhiv Gosudarstvennogo Soveta

AHR American History Review

AKV Arkhiv Knyaza Vorontsova

AVPRI Arkhiv Vneshnyey Politiki Rossiyskhoy Imperii

B&F Joseph II und Graf Ludwig Cobenzclass="underline" Ihr Briefwechsel Fontes Rerum

Austriacarum, ed. A. Beer and J. Fiedler, Vienna 1873

BM British Museum, London

С ASS/CSS Canadian American Slavic Studies!Canadian Slavic Studies

CHOIDR Chteniya v Imperatorskom Obshchestve Istorii Drevnostyey Ros- siyskikh

CMRS Cahiers du Monde Russe et Sovietique

CtG/CII Catherine the Great/the Second, Empress of Russia

DVS Dukh Velikogo Suvorova Hi Anekdoty Podlinnyye о Knyaze Ita- liyskoye. Grafe Alexandre Vasileviche Suvorove-Rymnikskom, St Petersburg 1808

FtG/FII Frederick the Great/the Second, King of Prussia

GAOO Gosudarstvenny Arkhiv Odesskoy Oblasti

GAP/GAPT Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin (-Tavrichesky)

GARF Gosudarstvenny Arkhiv Rossiskoy Federatskii, Moscow

GIM О PI Gosudarstvenny Istoricheskiy Muzyey Otdel Pismennykh Istochnikov

GPB Gosudarstvennaya Publishnaya Biblioteka

H Sir James Harris, ist Earl of Malmesbury

HZ Historische Zeitschrift

IRLI Institut Russkoy Literatury Akademii Nauk SSSR

ITUAK Izvestiya Tavricheskoy Uchenoy Arkhivoy Komissii

IV Istoricheskiye Vestnik

IZ Istoricheskiy Zapiski

J В Jeremy Bentham

JII Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor

KD M. I. Kutuzov, Dokumenty, Moscow 1950-6, volumes 1-5

KFZ Kamer Fureskiy Zhurnal

L V. S. Lopatin, ed. Ekaterina II i G. A. Potemkin, Lichnaya Perepiska

1769-91, Moscow 1997

MIRF Materialy dlya istorii Russkogo flota

N-S Charles, Prince de Nassau-Siegen

PRO Public Record Office, London

PSZ Polnoye Sobraniye Zakonov

RA Russkiy Arkhiv 1863-1917

RGADA Rossiskiy Gosudarstvenny Arkhiv Drevnikh Aktov, Moscow

RGIA Rossiskiy Gosudarstvenny Istoricheskiy Arkhiv, St Petersburg

RGVIA Rossiskiy Gosudarstvenny Voenno-Istoricheskiy Arkhiv, Moscow

RP Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich, Russkiye Portrety xxviii i xix sto-

letiy (Portraits Russes), St Petersburg, 1906-13, volumes 1-5

RS Russkaya Starina 1870-1918

RV Russkiy Vestnik

Stanislas-Augustus (Poniatowski), King of Poland (Sir) Samuel Bentham

Sbornik Voenno-Istoricheskikh Materialov, St Petersburg, 1893-5 A. V. Suvorov, Dokumenty, ed G. P. Mescheryakov, Moscow 1949-53, volumes 1-4 Severny Arkhiv

Slavonic and East European Review Senatskiy Arkhiv

Sbornik Istoricheskikh Materialov po Istorii Kubanskoyo Kazachego Voyska 1737-1901, ed 1.1. Dmitrenko, St Petersburg 1896 Sbornik Imperatorskogo Russkogo Istoricheskogo Obshchestva Tavricheskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti Voprosy Istorii