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Voenno-Istoricheskiy Zhurnal Zapiski Garnovskogo

Zapiski Odesskogo Obshchestva Istorii Drevostye


Albrecht, J. F. E., Panslavin Ftirst der Finsternis, und seine geliebte, Prince of Darkness,

a satirical tale being the History of Catherine II and Potemkin, Germanien 1794 Alexeev, G. P., 'Episode from the Life of Prince Potemkin', IV (1889) vol 37 Anonymous, General Observations Regarding the Present State of the Russian Empire, London 1787

Anonymous, Anecdoten zur Lebensgeschichte des Ritters und Reich s-fur stern

Potemkin, Freistadt-am-Rhein 1792 Anonymous, Authentic Memoirs of the Life and Reign of Catherine II, Empress of all the Russias, collected from authentic manuscripts, translations, etc of the King of Sweden, Right Honourable Lord Mountmorres, Lord Malmesbury, Monsieur de Volney and other indisputable authorities, 2nd edn, London 1797 Anonymous, La Cour de la Russie il у a cent ans 1725-1783, extraits des depeches

des ambassadeurs anglais et frangais, Berlin 1858 Anonymous, The Memoirs of the Life of Prince Potemkin, comprehending original anecdotes of Catherine II and of the Russian court, translated from the German, London 1812 and 1813 Anonymous, 'Songs of the Russian army about Potemkin', ZOOID 9 (1875): 459-6 Antoine, M. (Baron de Saint-Joseph), Essai Historique sur le commerce et la navigation

de la Mer Noire, Paris 1820 Anspach, Margravine of (Lady Craven), Journey through the Crimea to

Constantinople, London 1789 Anspach, Margravine of (Lady Craven), Memoirs, London 1826 Asseburg, A. F. von der, Denkwurdigkeiten, Berlin 1842 Banq, J., Letters to G. A. Potemkin, RGVIA f52










Barbarykin, A. D., Legend about Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky, RA (1907) 11 Bentham, Jeremy, Collected Works, ed Sir J. Bowring, Edinburgh 1838-43 Bentham, Jeremy, Correspondence of, London volumes 2-4 1968-1981 Bentham, Sir Samuel, Papers, Archives f 33540 BM Bezborodko, A. A., Letters to G. A. Potemkin, RS (1873)

Bezborodko, A. A., Letters to S. R. Vorontsov, A. R. Vorontsov, P. V. Zavadovsky etc,

AKV 13, Moscow 1879 (also ZOOID 11 and SIRIO 29) Bezborodko, A. A., 'Pisma A. A. Bezborodka к grafu P. A. Rumiantsevu 1777-93', ed

P. M. Maykov, Starina i novizna (1900) vol 3 Bibikov, A. A., Zapiski о zhizni i sluzhbe Alexandra llicha Bibikova, Moscow 1865 Bolotov А. Т., Zhizn i priklyucheniya Andreya Bolotova 1738-93, Leningrad 1931 Branicka, A. V., Letters to G. A. Potemkin, RGADA f n Bruce, P. H., Memoirs, London 1782

Buckinghamshire, Earl of, The Despatches and Correspondence of John, 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire, Ambassador to the Court of Catherine II of Russia 1762-5, ed A. D. Collyer, London 1900-2 Bulgakov, Ya. I., Iz bumagy Ya. I. Bulgakova, RA (1905) 7 pp 337-408 Bulgakov, Ya. I., Pisma Ya. I. Bulgakova k knyazyu Potemkinu, RA (1861) Burke, Edmund, Collected Works, London 1826

Casanova, Giacomo, Chevalier de Seingalt, History of my Life, trans Williard R. Trask,

Baltimore and London 1997 Catherine II

Bumagi Ekateriny 1744-1796, SIRIO 7, 10, 13, 27, 42

Imperatritsa Ekaterina II i knyaz Potemkin-Tavrichesky, podlinnaya ikh perepiska, RS (1876) 16

Pisma imperatritsky ii k Grimmu 1774-1796, SIRIO 23, St Petersburg 1878 Pisma imp. Ekateriny II k gr. P. V. Zavadovskomu 1775-1777, ed I. A. Barskov,

Russkiy istoricheskiy zhurnal (1918) vols 2, 3, 4 Catherine II: Books

Correspondence of Catherine the Great when Grand Duchess with Sir Charles Hanbury Williams and Letters from Count Poniatowski, ed and trans the Earl of Ilchester and Mrs Langford-Brooke, London 1928 Documents of Catherine the Great, the Correspondence with Voltaire and the Instruction of 1767 in the English Text of 1768, ed W. P. Reddaway, Cambridge 1931

Filosofskaya i politicheskaya perepiska Imperatritsy Ekateriny II s doctorom

Zimmermanom 1785-1792, St Petersburg 1803 Joseph II und Katharina von Russland. Ihr briefwechsel, ed Alfred Ritter von Arneth, Vienna 1869

Lettres de Catherine II au prince de Ligne 1780-96, Paris 1924 Memoirs of Catherine the Great, ed D. Maroger, London 1955 Memoirs of Catherine the Great, trans Katherine Antony, New York 1927 Oeuvres completes de Voltaire, correspondance avec I'Imperatrice de Russie, vol lviii, Paris 1821

Sochineniya imperatritsy Ekateriny II na osnovanii podlinnykh rukopsye с

obyasnitelnmi primechaniyami, ed A. N. Pypin, vols 1-12, St Petersburg 1901-7 Catherine II: Miscellaneous Papers

Catherine's charter about the recognition of Potemkin's merits, GAOO f 162 Instruction to our Gentleman of the Bedchamber G. A. Potemkin, RGADA f 18 Letters to: