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dislike of Peter 36 finding wife for heir 3 2 funeral 40

holding transvestite balls 26 illness 30, 35, 37-8 lovers 25, 27, 28, 44 marriage 58, 137 in men's clothes 26, 46 seizing throne 28, 42, 47 taking Catherine's children 34, 35 vanity 26 views of Peter 36

Elisabeth II, Queen of England 382 Elisabethgrad 390, 391-2., 392, 393 Elphinstone, Admiral John 84 Emin, Mehmed 79, 80 Engelhardt, Alexandra (niece) see Branicka Engelhardt, Anna V. (niece) (later Zhukova) 186

Engelhardt, Ekaterina (niece) see

Skavronskaya Engelhardt, Lev Nikolaevich (cousin) 13,

18, 180, 259, 266, 316, 345 Engelhardt, Marfa Elena A. (sister) 18, 22, 149

Engelhardt, Nadezhda V. (niece) (later Ismailova, then Shepileva)i86, 238 Engelhardt, Tatiana V. (niece) (later Potemkina, then Princess Yusupova) 187, 192, 198, 208, 238, 252, 479, 496 Engelhardt, Varvara (niece) see Golitsyna Engelhardt, Vasily A. (brother-in-law) 18, 22, 149

Engelhardt, Vasily V. (nephew) 187, 192,

226, 366, 490 Eschenbaum 170-1, 319 Estandas, Antonio d' 289 Evrard (valet) 358П executions: in Ottoman Empire 216, 217 in Russia 133, 134-5

Fages, Vaumale de 70 Faleev, Mikhail Leontovich 265, 268, 269, 277, 278, 279, 287, 290, 397, 406, 433, 435

Fanshawe, Henry 398, 401, 403, 404, 412 faro 345-6

Fasi (jeweller) 338

Fawkener, William 293, 465, 472, 474, 476, 477,481

Ferdinand of Brunswick, Prince 394 Fidonise, 408

Fitzherbert, Alleyne (later Baron St.Helens) 190, 289, 297, 322-3, 324, 354, 355, 370, 373-4 Fitzherbert, Mrs 137 Flying Geese 201 Fokshany, Battle of 425 Four Year Sejm 396, 418, 454, 473 Fox, Charles James 242, 250, 465, 474 France:

allies in East 57 allliance with Austria 222, 252 in American War of Independence 204, 250 role as mediator 204 support from Prussia 253 support for Turkey 77, 84, 125, 218 Franco-Russian trade treaty 323-4 Frederick II (the Great) of Prussia 8, 55, 80, 99, 103, 155, 229, 345, 492 anti-Austrian League 323 colonization 280 C's hatred of 3 5 disgust with C's behaviour 100 emotional crises after battles 387 encouraging France against Russia 253 on Frederick William 228 honours given to P 128 jealousy of Russia's gains 89, 125 Joseph IPs emulation of 224, 226 meanness 205 musical ability 331 mysogyny 104 on P 104

Paul's admiration for 158 on Peter 50

Peter's admiration for 37 Peter's support for 39, 40, 41 reports made to 125, 182, 208 on Russian soldiers 78, 412 saved by death of Elisabeth 39 supporting С 57, 202-3 Frederick William, Prince (later King ) of Prussia 228, 229, 375, 403, 418, 438, 439, 441, 454, 455, 463, 464, 465 Freemasonry 208-9, 463~4 French Revolution 421, 440, 467, 471 Fyodor, Tsar 14-15

Gaks, Colonel 269-70, 282 gallows 133

gardens: English 304-6, 347, 378, 425

Garnovsky, Colonel Mikhail A. 198, 199,

293^327,380,411,415 Gaveston, Piers 28n Genghis Khan 244

Georg-Ludwig, Prince of Holstein-Gottorp

41,42, 193 George II, King of England 197 George III, King of England 68, 103, 128,

146-7, 202П, 323, 325, 495 George IV, King of England (Prince of Wales) 136

George V, King of England 498П Georgia, Kingdom of 255-6, 384 Georgievsk 291

Georgievsk, Treaty of 256, 291 Giroir, Claude 274 glagoly (gallows) 133 glass factories 300 Glinka, S.N. 258 Goebbels, Dr Josef 39П Goertz, Count J. E. von der 182, 208, 211, 228

Golavaty, Anton 393, 409 Golavaty, Pavel 9

Golenishev-Kutuzov, Mikhail see Kutuzov Golia Monastery 498, 501-2 Golitsyn, Field-Marshal Prince Alexander M. 77, 79-8o, 93, 102, 130, 136, 143, 296, 297, 312П Golitsyn, Prince A. M. (Vice-Chancellor) 50 Golitsyn, Prince Dmitri M. 154, 222 Golitsyn, Prince Grigory Sergeievich 189 Golitsyn, Prince Mikhail A. 477 Golitsyn, Prince Peter M. 128 Golitsyn, Prince S. 13 8n Golitsyn, Prince Sergei Fyodorovich (later

Field-Marshal) 188-9 Golitsyna, Princess Praskovia Andreevna

{nee Shuvalova) 477, 478П Golitsyna, Princess Varvara (niece) {nee Englehardt) 150, 185, 186, 187-9, I9°, 191, 193, 194, 238, 239 Golovina, Countess Varvara N. 430, 445, 479

Goltzwart, Katerina 419

Goncharova, Natalia 138

Gorbachev, Mikhael 29 m

Gordon Riots 174

Gothland, Battle of 403, 411

Gould, William 292, 293П, 304, 305-6, 311,

347, 353, 367, 378, 381, 42.5, 432., 468 Grand Tour 196

Grantham, Thomas Robinson, Viscount

248, 253 Grasse, Admiral Joseph de 242

Great Instruction 74

Greek Project 219-21, 225, 232, 233, 235,

240, 242-3,431 Gregoripol 281, 495

Greig, Admiral Samuel 84, 143, 398, 402, 411

Grimm, Baron Frederich Melchior 320, 398 correspondence with С 9, 66, 105, 114, 141, 145, 170-1» 2.09, 2io, 312, 313, 319, 321, 331, 344, 360, 368, 460, 467, 468, 471 introduction to С 99 Guards Regiments 29-30 Gudovich, Ivan V. 448, 449, 472, 476 Guibald, Mademoiselle 208, 342, 352 Gulesy, Elisabeth 379

Gunning, Sir Robert 69,104, no, 128,140, 147-8

Gustavus III, King of Sweden 90, 169, 204,

253,402-3,441-2,462 Guthrie, Maria 78, 271, 272, 290, 377П

Hablitz, Karl-Ludwig 233, 234, 272, 288 Habsburgs 224, 439 Haci Giray 244 Hackett (gardener) 305 Hadjibey 278, 426, 494 Hamilton, Emma, Lady 239 Hamilton, Sir William 142 Hannibal, General Abraham 16, 267 Hannibal, Ivan Abramovich 267, 268, 269, 271

Hannibal, Osip 267

Harris, Sir James, ist Earl of Malmesbury 221,229,237 advice from P 321, 345 and Benthams 297, 303 created Earl of Malmesbury 494 friendship with P 242, 250, 314, 319, 338 leaving Petersburg 250 negotiating alliance 205-8, 210-12, 230-

1, 249, 250 recommending Englishmen to P 306 reports by 168, 169, 170, 171-2, 173-4, 182-3, 184, 188, 189, 190, 196, 234, 240, 248, 250, 251, 333, 343 of bribery 210-12