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of money and gifts given 174-5, z8o Hassan-Pasha Genase, Grand Vizier 421,

425-6, 427 Hassan-Pasha, Ghazi ( Capitan Pasha, later Grand Vizier) 385, 399, 400, 401, 402, 408,421,425,437, 441 Hastie, William 276 Helbig, Georg von 380, 383

Henderson, Logan 303, 308, 354, 378 Henry of Prussia, Prince 155-6, 157, 158,

204, 205, 228 Hercules, Tsar of Kartli-Kacheti 255-6, 291, 384

Herman, General 1.1, von 447

Hertzberg, Count Ewald Friedrich von 403

Hertzberg Plan 437

Hervey, Augustus, Earl of Bristol 197

Hill, Mr 300П

Hitler, Adolf 39П, 387П

Holland: Triple Alliance 403, 411

Hood, Admiral Sir Samuel (Viscount) 455

Horenstein, Michal 394П

Hospodars 430-1

Howard, John 439

Howden, John Caradoc, Lord 497

Howe, William, 5th Viscount 303

Hussein-Pasha, Seraskier of Ochakov 413

icons: depicting С and P 271 Igelstrom, General I. A. 258 Imeretia 255 incest 193

Iona, Metropolitan 484 Isabella of Parma 225 Isackcha 447 Ismail 442, 447 Ismail, Battle of 390, 448-52 Ismailov, Colonel P. A. 238 Israelovsky regiment 394 Ivan III, Tsar 219

Ivan IV (the Terrible), Tsar 219, 263 Ivan VI, Tsar 28, 43, 55, 59-60, 144 Ivanov, M. M. (painter) 353

Jassy 430-5, 453, 492_3, 498, 501 Jefferson, Thomas 398, 495 Jennings, Jean-Jacob no, 459, 460 Jews 282-4 Israelovsky regiment 394 Karaim sect 373 Johnson, L. B. 33 5П

Jones, Admiral John Paul 388, 398-400,

401, 408-9, 415, 419-^0, 495 Joselewicz, Colonel Berek 394П Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor 229, 236, 252, 285, 331, 354 appearance 223

Bavarian scheme 204, 221, 323 buying painting of С 307 buying slave girl 379 character 224-5 on C's marriage 140 death 438

defence alliance with Russia 221-2, 223- 7,228,230,234-5 protocol problems over signing 232 and Greek Project 242-3, 249-50 honours given by 154-5, 428 ill health 418

inspection mania 224, 226 and Jews 282

joint reign with mother 224 journey with С in South 367, 368-75,

376-7, 378-9, 382, 404 journey to Mogilev 223-4, 2-2.5-6 marriages 225 military advisers 20in on P 227 painting of 329П Paul's visit to 236, 240 on P's ships 279 reforms 224-5, 3 67 reign alone 230 reports made to 183, 314, 342 and Russo-Turkish War 253, 258, 391,

392-3, 395, 407, 414, 427, 429 sex life 225 Josepha of Bavaria 225

Kagul 83, 84, 319

Kahovsky, Vasily V. 276, 286, 287, 381, 386

Kalischevsky P. I. (Hetman) 266

Kalmyks 371

Kamenets, Battle of 79

Kamensky, General Mikhail F 78

Kantemir, Prince 141

Kaplan Giray 451

Kar, General Vasily 97, 98

Karasubazaar 252, 256, 257, 293, 377-8

Karl-Peter-Ulrich, Duke of Holstein see Peter

Fyodorovich Kartli-Kacheti 255 Karzev, Semen 20

Kaunitz-Rietberg, Prince Wenzel von 6, 205,

221-2, 329П, 335, 420, 438, 444 Kaushany 426 Kazan 129, 131, 232, 263 Kazan Commission 126, 129, 133 Keith, George, last Earl Marshal of Scotland 201

Keith, James 201

Keith, Sir Robert Murray, (Lord) 140 Keyserling, Count Herman von 56 Kherson 267-72, 414, 492 building 247-8, 268-72, 370 Court in 383 first governor 267 fleet 310

inspected by Joseph II 367, 369-70

palace 292

plans for 267-8

population 294

position 268

present-day 263, 27 m, 279П P's tomb 27m, 492, 498, 499-501 settlers in 281-2, 283, 284, 286 shipyards 268, 279, 370 taking possession of 246, 256 threat to 386, 399 visitors to 296, 367, 369-70, 380 Khitrovo, Lieutenant Fyodor A. 46, 58-9 Khotin, Battle of 80 Khotin, Pasha of 461 Khrapovitsky, Alexander V. 9, 324, 326,

380,415,417-18, 494 kibitka (light carriage) 353 Kiev 357-62 Kilia 447

Kinburn 370, 386, 389, 396, 399 Kingston, Evelyn Pierrepont, 2nd Duke of 197

Kingston, Elisabeth Chudleigh, Countess of Bristol and Duchess of 196-9, 248, 288, 297, 327 Kirim Giray 79, 245 Kirtland sisters 303, 304, 308 Kiselev, (adjutant) 359 Kizikerman 371

Kizlovsky, Grigory Matveevich (godfather)

16, 17, 23-4 Kizlovsky, Sergei Grigorievich 23 Kliuchevsky, V. O. 264 Korsakov, Ivan Nikolaevich see Rimsky- Korsakov

Korsakov, Colonel Nikolai I. 270,27m, 272,

274, 279, 288, 297, 298, 301, 302, 309 Kostrov, Ermil 24-5 Krasnopevzev, Timofei 20 Kremenchuk 292, 311, 367, 382 Krestinek, Ivan 143

Krichev 299-301, 308-9, 310-11, 360 Kronstadt, fortress of 46, 47 Kuban 254, 255, 258, 273, 291, 385, 396, 445

Kuban corps 393 Kuban Cossacks 394 Kuchuk-Kainardzhi, Treaty of 131, 202, 246, 356

Kurakin, Prince Alexander B. 240-1, 499 Kurakina, Princess Elena 37 Kutuzov, General Mikhail I. (later Prince and Field-Marshal) 405-6, 407П, 449, 450, 475

Lacey, Count Francis Antony 20in Lacey, Field-Marshal Count Francis

Maurice 20m, 369, 378, 379 Lafayette, Marquis de 388 Lafite (engineer) 404

Lampi, Giambattista 278, 280, 329, 407, 444

Lamsdorf, Major 434-5 Langeron, Alexandre, Comte de 78, 278, 344, 410, 443, 445, 447, 448, 450» 451* 452,461,492 Lansdowne, ist Marquess of, see Shelburne Lanskoy, Alexander Dmitrievich: appearance 313

C's favourite 174-5, *79> l8l> i84> *92> 232, 297, 298 problems 183 death 157П, 312-14 illness 210, 233 intrigues against P 174, 259 relationship with P 174, 182, 222, 247, 327