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Larga, Battle of 83 Lavater, Johann Kaspar 209 Lavrenev, Boris 500 Lazhkarev, Sergei L. 432, 446, 482 Le Picq (dancemaster) 469 League of German Princes 323 Leeds, Francis Godolphin Osborne, Duke of 439

Legislative Commission 73-5, 86 Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor (formerly Grand Duke of Tuscany, then King of Hungary) 240,439, 441 Lermontov, Mikhail Yurievich 20in Levashev, Major 172 Levashov, Vasily I. 317, 324, 346 Ligne, Prince Charles de 447, 448 Ligne, Charles-Joseph, Prince de 140, 264, 320

in Bakhchisaray 372-3 on С 6o, 176, 334 С on 229, 351 correspondence with P 248 at C's meeting with Joseph 368, 369, 370 departure 229-30 estate given by P 375 friendships 229 with P 229-30, 285, 288, 338, 407, 409, 442 end of 391 on Greek/Turkish women 431 on Joseph II 224, 225 in Kiev 355, 357

Ligne, Charles-Joseph, Prince de - contd lies told by 392-3, 395-6, 4°6, 4°9, 4M, 443?452

love of being foreigner everywhere 201

marriage 228

at Ochakov 404, 407

on P 3, 8, 333, 343, 344, 345, 361, 388,

402, 494 poem 376

on Polish king's meeting with С 366, 367

in Seven Years War 228

spying on P 39m, 409

on Tartars 372, 378-9

on Turks 82

upbringing 228

visiting P's towns and villages 370, 382, 383

on voyage with С 364 wish for military command 229, 494 as writer 229 Liman 399

Liman, Battles of the 395, 398-402 Liman fleet 394-5, 397 Litta, Count Giulio 496 Little Hermitage 68

Littlepage, Lewis 8, 330, 357, 361, 362,

398, 402, 408, 414 Livanov, Professor 277, 288 Lopatin, V. S. 174П, 452П Lopukhina, Countess Natalia 26 Loudon, Field-Marshal Gideon 336, 421, 428

Louis XIV, King of France 15, 28n, 21 in Louis XV, King of France 4, 112, 178, 201 Louis XVI, King of France 5, 33, 103, 128,

140, 146, 177, 185, 210П, 359, 463 Louis, Prince of Prussia 497 Lubomirska, Princess 445-6 Lubomirski, Prince Ksawery 331, 339, 360

Macartney, Sir George (later Earl) 48, 60, 176

Mack (jewellers) 353 Macmillan, Harold 345П Mahmud II, Ottoman Sultan 218n Malmesbury, ist Earl of, see Harris Malmesbury, 6th Earl of 2 5 on Mamonov, Alexander Matveevich Dmitriyev 315, 325-7, 355, 358, 362, 364, 368, 370, 414, 415, 417-18, 421-3 Manchin 477

Mansour, Sheikh 291-2, 384, 385, 396, 476 Marchese (singer) 330-1 Maria Fyodorovna, Grand Duchess, later Tsarina (nee Princess Sophia Dorothea of

Wurttemberg) 157,158,218-19,236,481 Maria Theresa, Empress-Queen 89, 103, 128, 155, 177, 204, 221, 222, 223, 224, 230, 282

Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France 5, 177,

2ion, 229, 392, 496 Mariupol 247, 280-1 Marlborough, John Churchill, ist Duke of

334П Massandra 305

Masson, Charles 104, 122, 168, 329, 413,

424, 435>489 Massot, Dr 483, 484, 499 Matushkina, Countess Sophia 296-8 Mavrocordato, Prince Alexander 356, 384, 431

Maximovich, General S. P. 412 Mazarin, Cardinal Jules 28П, 193 Mazeppa, Hetman Ivan Stepanovich 266 medical murder 157П Mehmed II, Ottoman Sultan 215 Meilhan, Senac de 343, 482 Mengli Giray 244 Mennonites 282

Menshikov, Prince Alexander S. 25,44П, 9m Meschiricz 360 Mesmer, Friedrich Anton 209 Mettemich, Princess Clementine 497 Metternich, Prince Klemens von 497 Mickiewicz, Adam 394П Mikhelson, Lieutenant-Colonel Ivan I. 129, 132.

military service 19, 24 Minorca 231 mint 354

Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel Riqueti, Comte

de 462-3, 498 Miranda, Francisco de 273, 284, 292, 360, 381

background 351, 352 death 494

in French Revolutionary armies 494

icy treatment from P 361-2

journey to Kiev 356-7

in Kiev 357, 358-9

on new cities 271, 272, 274

on P 338, 343,351-2

on Poles 361

presented to С 3 5 8

on P's correspondence 336

on P's Court 351

on P's musical talent 331

travelling with С 343, 352-4

Venezuela 494

on women 3 5 8-9

Mirovich, Vladimir 59 Mniszech, Countess (Urszula Zamoyska) 356П

Mocenigo, Count 281

Mogilev 222, 225-6, 480

Moldavia 420, 421, 430-2, 441, 472, 473,

481, 483 Moldavians 282 Moldova 498П Montagu, Mary Wortley 197 Montenegro 96-7

Mordvinov, Admiral Nikolai S. 175, 279,

301, 302, 395, 397, 398 Moscow 22-3 Plague 69, 87 Moscow University 24-5, 28-9 Moslems 273

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 332, 379, 483 Miinnich, Count Burhard von 47 Murat, Caroline, Queen of Naples 496 Murid Wars 292 Musin-Pushkin, Count V.P. 403 Mustafa II, Ottoman Sultan 80 Mustafa III, Ottoman Sultan 125, 216, 218

Nachkichevan 281

Nagu (Kalmyk boy) 377П

Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France 5,

8, 393,405, 43in> 492., 494 Naryshkin, Lev A. 68, 88, 126, 179, 318,

325, 341-2., 355, 358 Naryshkina, Anna N. 422, 424 Naryshkina, M. L. 359 Naryshkina sisters (including Natalia

Sologub)342, 358-9 Nassau-Siegen, Charles, Prince de 352-4, 356-8, 361, 362, 364, 368, 373, 375, 420, 460, 463, 494 fighting Sweden 441 in Russo-Turkish war 397-8, 400, 401,

402, 403, 404-5, 408, 409 Natalia, Grand Duchess (nee Wilhelmina of