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Hesse-Darmstadt) 99, 100, 156-8 Nazshbandi brotherhood 291 Negroponte 432П

Nelson, Admiral Horatio (later Viscount) 465

New Russia 264

Newton (Irish soldier) 200

Neyelov, Ilya V. 319-20

Nicholas I, Tsar 138, 158П, 496

Nicholas II, Tsar i8n, 34, 138

Nikolaev 6, 277-8, 279, 287, 293, 294, 305,

414, 445, 492 Nikolai, St 277

nobility 17, 18-22, 24, 40 Nogai Hordes 254-5, 2.58, 287 nomads: resettlement 258 Northern System 57-8, 100, 202-3, 204, 264

Oakes, Richard 151, 157 Obreskov, Alexei M. 77, 89 Ochakov 268, 277, 384, 386, 391, 393, 399, 438П, 490 siege of 403-14, 500 Ochakov Crisis 454, 462, 465-6, 472, 474, 476

Odessa 2, 263, 277, 278, 294, 494, 497-8 Oginski, Michel 480 Old Believers 96, 277, 281, 393, 446 Olivares, Count-Duke of 8, 28n, 333П Olsufiev A. V. (secretary) 73, 74 Olviopol 37m, 421 Oranienbaum 50 Orczelska, Countess 193 orders of chivalry 66-7 Orenburg Secret Commission 129 Orleans, Philippe, Due de 193 Orlov-Chesmensky, Count Alexei G. 51-2, 96, 151

antagonism to P 158, 191, 403, 476

appearance 37

character 37, 68

Minister of War 158

part in Peter's murder 51

plot to put С on throne 37, 43, 44~5, 46,


seducing and kidnapping pretender 141-3, 144

story of damaging P's eye 71 watching С and P 122-3 Orlov, Count Fyodor G. 68, 313 Orlov, Prince Grigory Grigorevich 415 antagonism to P 71, 85, 129, 158 appearance 36

appointed adjutant-general 53 character 36

on Council of State 77, 130 dealing with plague 87 death 157П, 248, 315 description 68-9 family 36-7 illness 152

introducing P to С 53-4 as peace negotiator 88-90 plot to put С on throne 37, 43, 44-5, 46, 50

in power 50, 51, 99, 100 presented with C's miniature 145

Orlov, Prince Grigory Grigorevich - contd relationship with С 37, 38, 40, 62, 65-6,

68, 85, 90-1, 94, hi, 165, 182, 307 respect for P 72 rewards 51, 53, 91 son with С 37, 38, 41 sponsoring new favourites 172, 315 trips abroad 128, 136, 152 wish to marry С 53 Orlov-Davydov, Count V. P. 138 Orlov brothers 30, 40, 56, 58, 59, 65-6, 66,

73, 104, no, 122-4, 128, 179, 180 Osterman, Countess A. I. 466П Osterman, Count Ivan A, Vice-Chancellor

460 Ostrovky 319, 325

Ottoman army see Turkish army Ottoman Empire 215-21, 233, 383-5 Sublime Porte (government) 217, 218, 232, 242, 248, 249, 384,437 Ozerki 319

Pahlavis 234 Palaelogina, Zoe 219 Palavitsa 274

Palmerston, Henry Temple, Viscount 359П Panin, Count Nikita Ivanovich 58, 66, 235 appearance 43 С on 230 death 248 dismissal 237 gaining power 130-1 honours for 53

as minister 51, 56, 57, 69, 100, 129-30, 202

name for P no

as Paul's governor 43-4, 46, 52, 99 possible affair with Elisabeth 44 possible affair with niece 193 rivalry with P 203-4, 206, 207, 210, 212,

227, 240 role in coup 43-4, 46 sponsoring C's favourites 172 stirring up Paul's fears 236 support for P 69

support for Paul's succession 44, 51 support for Prussia 204, 221 supporting overthrow of Peter 43-4, 46, 5°

Panin, General Count Peter Ivanovich 80,

84, 104, 129, 130-2, 132-3, 147 Panopticon 309, 395П, 495 Parkinson, John 176 Parma, Count of 289-90 Passek, Captain 44, 45

Paul, Grand Duke (later Tsar Paul I) 46, 52, 74, 144, 316, 468 assassination 496 becomes Tsar 495-6 birth 34, 189-90 at death of Natalia 156-8 on death of P 490 defacing Taurida Palace 469П destroying P's tomb 10, 499 drilling troops 391 on Grand Tour 236-7, 240 illness 53

intriguing against С and P 463-4 investigating P's finances 489 love of things Prussian 124, 226, 228, 229 marriage to Maria 158 marriage to Natalia 99, 100 Panin's support for 43, 44 parentage 34, 42, 138, 190 proposed as joint successor with mother 38 P's plans to discredit 240 relationship with mother 98-9, 229, 355П, 390

relationship with P 10, 124, 155, 229, 240,

355П, 383, 390-1, 408П support for: as rightful heir 43, 44, 55, 56,

88, 140, 175 support for Prussia 235 as Tsar 61 Peacock Clock 199 peasant rebellion 129-31 Pella 319

Perekushina, Maria Savishna 136, 137, 138 Persia: alliance with 256 invasion of 232-4 Persian-Armenian Project 257 Peter I (the Great) Tsar: changing rules of inheritance 27 character 26

emotional crises: after battles 387 family 14

founding cities 491 founding Guards Regiments 29 founding St Petersburg 25 gathering information 140 illness 333

importing German titles 27 imposing compulsory service 19 military career 15, 25, 272, 379, 385 natural son 80 P's emulation of 6 similarities between P and 491 statue of 243 Table of Ranks 19 visit to south 381 Peter II Tsar 27

Peter III Tsar (Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich) 61, 226, 374, 496 abdication 50 affair 36 appearance 33

behaviour 33-4, 38, 40, 41, 42, 52

character 32

childhood 32-3

and Church 41

drinking 34

imposters claiming to be 95, 96-8 leading army 42 love of Prussia 3 6 marriage 32, 33-4, 37, 42 military plans 39-40 murder 51-2, 144

plots against 30, 34, 37, 38, 40-1, 42-50 succession to throne 38, 39 wedding 3 3 wife's opinion of 3 2 Peterhof 50 Petrov (librarian) 85 Pisani, N. 384, 385, 391 Pitt, William, the Younger 6, 323, 418, 454, 465,474

plague 69, 87, 253, 255, 258-9, 481 Poland:

Commonwealth with Lithuania 471 hereditary monarchy 471 kings 56, 57, 366 military alliance with Prussia 439 parliament 57

Partition 89, 155, 299, 464, 473-4, 479 Patriots 439, 440

proposed alliance with 365-7, 396-7, 411 P's lands in 360, 446