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438, 441, 488 Semple, Major James George 199-200, 205,

247, 248, 289 Sereth, River 421 serfdom 17-18, 19, 20-2, 74

fugitives 267, 281 settlements 280-4, 285-7, 293-4 Seven Years War 35, 39-40, 57, 78, 146,

202, 228 Sevres, 'Comtesse de' 352, 258 Shagin Giray 202, 205, 241-2, 246-7, 249,

252, 254, 257, 258, 324 Shakespeare, William 363 Shamyl, Imam 29 2n

Shcherbatov, General Prince Fyodor F. 128 Shcherbatov, Prince Mikhail M. 21, 61-2,

69, 175, 339 Shcherbatova, Princess Daria F. 418, 422-3 Shelburne, William Petty, Earl of (later ist

Marquess of Lansdowne) 295, 303 Shemiakin, Nikita 293П, 316 Shepilev, P. A. 23 8 Shepilev house 160 Sheremetev, Count P. B. 20 Sheshkovsky, Stepan I 55, 134, 241 shipbuilding 268, 277-8, 279, 301, 309,

310, 367-8, 370, 395, 397, 492 Shubin F. I. (sculptor) 428, 468 Shuvalov, Ivan Ivanovich 25, 26, 27, 28, 38,

39, 44, 56, 355 Shuvalov, Count Peter I. 21, 37, 38 Sievers, Countess E. K. 104-5, 112 Sievers, Count Yakov E. 13 6 silk manufacture 289-90 Simferopol 273 Simolin, Baron I. M. 434 Sinclair, Sir John 343 Sinelnikov, Ivan M. 275, 286, 405 Skavronskaya, Countess Ekaterina P. (great-

niece) (later Princess Bagration) 497 Skavronskaya (nee Engelhardt), Countess Ekaterina (niece) 168, 310, 496 alleged pregnancy by P 190-1 appearance 186-7 child 192

help from C's favourites 3 27 illness 247 jewels 337

marriage to Litta 496 marriage to Skavronsky 237 P seeking favours for 232 relationship with P 190-1, 342, 357, 408, 488

temperament 190 travelling with С 222 widowed 496

Skavronsky, Count Pavel Martynovich 20,

237,238-9,305,340 Skouratova, Daria see Potemkina, Daria

Vasilievna Smila 360, 361, 362, 473 Smolensk 13-14, 381 Smolensk Regiment 14 Solms, Count von 104, no Solomon, Tsar of Imeretia 255, 256 Soloveytchik, George 275 Solugub, Count Ivan A. 342 Soluguba, Countess Natalia {nee Naryshkina) 342

Somov, Constantine 115-16П Sophia, Princess, of Zerbst-Anhalt see

Catherine II Sophia Dorothea, Princess of Wurttemberg

see Maria Fyodorovna, Grand Duchess Spahis 82

Sparrow (gardener) 305 Special Commission of the Secret Department of the Senate 133 Stackelberg, Count Otto-Magnus 155, 362,

435,440, 446 Stael-Holstein, Baroness Anne Louise

Germaine de 28 Stalin, Joseph 387

Stanislas-Augustus, King of Poland see

Poniatowski, Stanislas Starov, Ivan E. 270, 274, 276, 292, 293,

316, 432,468,498 State Council 125-6 Stavropol 291

Stedingk, Count Curt 9, 455, 459, 462, 463,

470-1, 489, 490 Stekalov, 103 Stephen the Small 96-7 Stormont, David Murray, 7th Viscount 211,

212, 231 Strackhov, 172, 173 Strawberry Hill 319-20 Stroganov, Count A. G. 460 Stroganova, Countess Ekaterina P. 173, 297 Sublime Porte see Ottoman Empire Suffolk, Henry Howard, 12th Earl of 147, 205

Sumarokov, P.I. 271

Sutherland, Baron Richard 282, 283, 302,

305,436-7,489 Suvorov-Rymniksky, Count General Alexander V. (later Prince and Field- Marshal) 492 Art of Victory 442 at Battle of Liman 401 commanding attack on Ismail 449-50, 452 commanding corps facing Sweden 462 controlling exodus of Christians from

Crimea 247 correspondence with P 390 discussions with P 345 eccentricity 389-90 'flying corps' 421, 425 at Fokshany 425, 426 friendship with P 390 honours 417, 428 intellectual side 390 at Kherson 397 at Kinburn 386

in Kuban 253, 254, 258, 29m military tactics 390, 405, 406, 453 mistakes made by 405П museum to 413П

mythology of hatred between P and 390 at Ochakov 405

praise and respect of P for 426, 427-8 preparing invasion of Persia 232, 233, 234 P's nickname for 390 reaction to P's death 490 role in capturing Pugachev 132 at Rymnik 426, 427-8 title of Rymniksky 428 turning against P 475 Svickhosky, 172

Sweden 89-90, 218, 402-3, 411, 418, 440,

441-2, 462 Swedenborg, Emanuel 208-9

Table of Ranks 19 Taganrog 247

Talleyrand, Prince Charles-Maurice de 193 Talyzin, Admiral Ivan L. 46, 47 Talyzin, Captain A. F. 46 Tarakanova, Princess 141-4 Tartars 82, 244-5, 246, 247, 254-5, 256, 273, 288, 353, 371-2, 373, 377П, 378, 397

Taurida Palace 258, 311, 453, 459, 467-70,

489, 494, 495,498 Tchaikovsky, Peter 432 Tchelitche, Sophie de see Witte, Sophie de Tekeli, General P. A. 267, 396 Telesin 13, 14

Temkina, Elisaveta Grigorevna 146

Tepper (banker) 337

Teyssoniere, Chevalier de la 200, 208

Theodosia 354

Thorn 437, 465, 473

Todi, Madame 330-1

Tolly, Prince Mikhail Barclay de 406П

Took, William 197

torture 21-2, 55, 126

Tott, Baron de 79, 82, 84, 216, 218, 245

Trapezountios, George 215

Trappe, Geroge 282

Triple Alliance 403, 411, 454, 463

Troitsk 129П

Troitsko-Sereevna Monastery 149 Trubetskoi, Prince Ivan U. 146 Trubetskoi, Prince Nikita S 3 8 Trubetskoi, Prince Sergei 392 Tsargrad see Constantinople Tsaritsyno 141 Tsarskoe Selo 318-19

Tsarskoe Selo park 84, 87, 318, 319 Tsebrikov, R. M. (secretary) 405, 411 Tsiruli, Lieutenant 379 Tulcha 447

Turkey see Ottoman Empire Turkish army 82-3, 217-18, 385, 395 see also Russo-Turkish Wars

Ukraine 267 Ukraine Army 385, 393 Ushakov, Rear-Admiral Fyodor F 447, 472, 481

Ushurma see Mansour