"We allow only paint guns. Nothing else is acceptable. Each slave will be fitted with goggles for protection but we still ask that you try to avoid head shots. Any amount of paint anywhere on the body will be considered a kill. Anyone accidentally shooting another hunter will spend the remainder of the week in solitary confinement and will be banned from participating in future hunts."
"This is not a 'catch and release' event. This is catch and claim. You shoot it, you keep it. So aim wisely."
"There is a two slave limit. Don't bag any more prey than that or you will be banned from future hunts."
"You get to keep whatever you bag until 8:00 tomorrow morning. You may use your prey in any way you like as long as it doesn't violate the terms of their enslavement. Term sheets are available in the ranch office for review."
Alana listened in amazement at the rules. "We have limitations?" she wondered. "I haven't seen any limitations."
"Finally, I strongly encourage all participants to stay within the boundaries of the ranch. The entire property is surrounded by electrified fence and you will definitely ruin your day if you touch it."
With that, a horn sounded and all of the goggled slaves rushed out of the corral, scattering in all directions to find a place to hide. The dominants lingered around, chatting and drinking coffee as they waited for the starting bell.
Even though they were no longer attached to one another in a coffle, Alana, Meredith, and Kelly remained together. It was sheer pandemonium at first as everyone scrambled toward the gate. Alana held her other two fellow slaves back with an arm around each waist to wait until things settled down. Meredith pressed close to Alana and Kelly rested her head on Alana's shoulder as they watched the naked bodies scattering in all directions.
"Which way should we go?" asked Alana.
"It doesn't matter," replied a dejected Kelly. "We get fucked regardless."
"Well not all fucking is bad," said Meredith. This reduced Kelly and Alana to a giggling frenzy as they remembered Meredith's love affair with the German Shepherd. Soon, Meredith was giggling also. "Well, it's true," she managed to say in her defense as the giggling died down.
"So are we going to make it easy for them or are we going to give them a challenge?" asked Alana.
"I'm okay with a challenge," said Kelly. "I just know I'm going to get fucked."
Alana grew irritated by Kelly's whining and her defeatist attitude. "Look Kelly," Alana said as she gripped her owner's jaw in one hand and leaned in until their noses were almost touching. "If you want to walk up to them and say 'shoot me,' that's fine with me. I agree we'll probably all get fucked in the end. But if they're going to rape me, they're going to have to work for it."
Alana took Meredith's hand and walked her out of the corral leaving it empty except for Kelly. The dominants watched as the two women strode away with their heads held high and without the fear and anxiety that the others had shown before them. They also watched as the last slave scurried out of the corral and caught up with the other two.
"The blonde's mine," claimed one master.
"Fine with me," said another. "I'm setting my sights on the redhead."
"The brunette's actually a mistress," said a third. "I'm aiming for her."
"Good luck," said one of the mistresses. "But I'm bagging two of them. And I don't care which two."
Kelly caught up with her two comrades. "I'm sorry. I guess this place is just getting to me."
"It's getting to all of us," replied Alana. And then she thought she needed to bolster Kelly's resolve. "But we still have to give it our best shot, Mistress."
Both Kelly and Meredith turned to Alana in surprise at her calling Kelly Mistress again. Alana ignored the stares but kept walking her two friends toward the woods.
Once inside the forest, Alana got the trio running. She intended to put a lot of distance between where they were last seen and where they would end up. She had hoped that walking away would lull the hunters into thinking that they could easily find the three girls. And she assumed that she and her two fellow slaves would be high priority targets on most lists.
Running was hard, though. Each of the girls had too much movement on their chests. Plus, the ground was littered with sticks and stones that kept stabbing at their feet. But Alana kept her charges moving. Twigs whipped against their faces and arms. Tall grass snapped at their calves and thighs. Each of them developed their own form of running but they each used some variation of an arm across the chest to prevent the breasts from bouncing too much and an outstretched arm to keep twigs from slashing at their unprotected flesh.
They ran through the woods until they had circled around to the other side of the ranch buildings. Occasionally, they would spot a naked body hiding behind a tree or a rock. "Targets," muttered Alana. After they had gone that far, they moved deeper into the woods looking for a place that would provide shelter for three naked girls. Eventually, they found a rock outcropping with many nooks and crannies that would hide them. They found three that were close together and that would provide them with the ability to look out to see if anyone was coming. And then they settled back to wait.
"Thanks, Alana," said Kelly as she laid against her pet with her head resting on Alana's breast.
"It's okay, Mistress," replied Alana as she stroked the girl's hair. "Everyone has moments like that."
"Mistresses aren't supposed to, though."
"How do you know that?" asked Alana. "You've only been a mistress as long as I've been a slave. And I sure don't know what slaves are supposed to do or not do."
"But you're a perfect slave."
"Thank you, Mistress," said Alana. "I guess we'll just have to learn about all of this together."
Kelly smiled and tilted her head up kissing Alana. "We'll make it up as we go along, I guess. I wonder how many other mistresses have ever been fucked by a dog and then hunted down like an animal."
"Who knows?" sighed Alana. "This is strange stuff."
The day wore on and the girls occasionally sighted a slave or a hunter off in the distance, but nobody came near their little hideout. They lounged in their temporary home, taking little naps, cuddling together for comfort or just because it felt good and chatting.
"I know you two think I've lost it," started Meredith, "but I kind of like this."
"You really have lost it," quipped Kelly.
"Really, I do," Meredith continued. "It's exciting. I've never felt more alive in my life! Just think about what I would be doing if I weren't here."
"You'd be doing whatever you wanted," said Kelly. Alana remained silent because she didn't want to get into an argument. Besides, in a strange way, she agreed with Meredith.
"I'd be doing laundry and running errands. I'd be cleaning or watching TV. And I'd be sleeping in an empty bed. At least until Ted got home at the end of the week. How exciting does that sound? Here, I get to try new things and everything that we've done has been thrilling if you look at it closely. And I get to sleep with two beautiful women at night."
Alana gave her a hug and a kiss. "I love sleeping with you too."
"Me too" said Kelly, not to be left out, as she kissed Meredith and gave her breasts a squeeze.
Meredith smiled brightly and wrapped her arms around Kelly and Alana, holding one of the girls' breasts in each hand. "I guess we really are slave sisters. Well maybe not sisters. That would mean we've been committing incest. But I do love the two of you."
"Speaking of Ted," Alana said, "have you figured out if you are going to include him?"
"No, not really," replied Meredith. "What do you think?"
"Well, I don't really know him. Would he be a master or a slave?"