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Grace was teasing the stiff nipples of her own two slaves during the show and could feel herself getting wet. She would have to have her girls take care of her desires soon, but first she needed to make sure that everything was in place.

Eventually, Kelly coaxed an orgasm out of Ted and kept her lips wrapped around the shaft to catch all of his sperm. She swallowed all of the salty cum and then licked the penis clean before kneeling back on her heels and looking up at her owner. "I hope that I have pleased you, Master."

"Oh my god yes," stuttered a breathless Ted. "Wow! That was wonderful!"

"So what do you think of my proposition now?" asked Grace.

"Sign me up!" grinned Ted. "Can I borrow her tonight?"

"You own her. You don't need to borrow her," was Grace's response.

"Oh yeah. I keep forgetting. This takes some getting used to."

Chapter 14: Educating the New Master

That evening, the flock was gathered at the Dodd residence. Grace continued to think of it as more of a flock than a harem, but eventually it would be a harem. And either Ted would perform as the new Master or he would become the eunuch.

Ted rarely saw any of the girls wearing clothes during the rest of the day. The only time that they wore anything at all was when they would cross from one house to another. Then they looked just like any other housewife or neighbor. Nothing revealing. In fact, they usually wore something nondescript and baggy to avoid calling attention to themselves.

The girls prepared dinner while Grace and Ted talked in the living room. There were always two girls in the kitchen with one in attendance in the living room to meet the needs of the two owners. Grace talked past the slaves as she talked about them or other matters and behaved as if they were not even there. Each of the girls experienced it and each of them felt peculiarly about it. Ted had difficulty with this and was self-conscious in what he said because the girls might hear.

Grace was anxious to get Ted trained and had talked to Charles in the afternoon. Charles said that there were no openings in the upcoming week but that he could fit Ted in the following week. Ted agreed to take a week of vacation so he would be able to attend.

"What will the training be like?" he asked.

"I would imagine that they will alternate. On some days, you will be treated as a slave so that you can start to understand what it's like and how they are expected to behave. On other days, you will be taught different ways of handling and enjoying the slaves."

Ted gulped. "I'm to be treated as a slave?" What does that include?"

Grace laughed as she saw all of the color drain from Ted's face. "Not to worry. The girls survived. They spent a few days there this week. We'll have them describe their experiences after dinner."

"Girls? The girls went to training? My Meredith? I thought only Kelly went there."

Grace shook her head. "All three of them went. From what I understand, they were quite popular. But I need to correct you. It is MY Meredith now. She is your wife. She is my slave. Her body, mind and soul are my property now."

"Oh yeah," he replied. "Like I said, it takes some time getting used to."

For dinner, Grace was seated at one end of the table and Ted at the other end. Meredith knelt beside Grace's chair and Kelly knelt beside Ted's. Alana remained standing and did all of the serving and clearing.

Ted watched as Grace would cut little morsels from the food on her plate and then feed it to Meredith. Ted took the hint and similarly fed his slavegirl. There was only light conversation during dinner and certainly nothing about slavery. Grace asked Ted about his job and the two of them discussed favorite vacation spots. Finally, the last course was cleared and Grace invited Ted to join her with his coffee in the living room. She told the girls to leave the dishes until later.

Grace sat in one wing chair and Ted was in another. The girls knelt in front of them with their legs parted, their chests outthrust, and their hands clasped together behind their backs. It was all that Ted could do to keep from drooling at the sight of six gorgeous breasts being thrust in his direction. Each of the girls looked erotic and beautiful. And he saw his wife in a whole new light. She practically glowed.

"Ted will be going to the ranch in a week," commented Grace. "He was curious about what happens there. I thought that you girls might tell him what is in store for him." Grace smiled at the girls knowing that this would be a difficult topic for them. It was one thing to chat about their shared experiences among themselves. It was quite another to talk about it with someone else. Especially when that someone was the husband of one of them. She saw Meredith's eyes open wide and saw her blush extend all the way down to her nipples.

"But won't his experience be much different from ours, Mistress?" asked Alana.

Grace nodded. "Yes, it will be different, but there will be some similarities. He will get to occasionally experience the life of a slave. But most of his time will be spent learning how to handle and appreciate slaves. I thought that you should tell him what you did and what you learned."

"I learned that it's best not to piss off Mistress Gretchen," Kelly chimed in. "And stay away from Black Labs."

This caused Alana and Meredith to launch into another one of their giggle-fits and Kelly soon joined them, leaving Ted totally confused. They quickly regained their composure and Alana apologized. "Sorry Mistress. We'll try to do better."

They described the classroom settings and how they were constantly distracted while they tried to practice what they had learned. "Kelly even got fucked by a black man," said Meredith, "although she didn't even know it. So I guess it's not true what they say."

"Did you get fucked?" asked Ted of his wife.

"Oh yes," she replied but was interrupted by Grace clearing her throat. When she glanced at Grace, she saw a disapproving look and corrected herself. "I mean yes Master. I was fucked many times."

They described the dinner scenes where they were fastened to the crosses and exposed completely to everyone in the room. And they talked about the clothespins and the weights. Alana saw Ted wincing as she described the needles that had skewered her lovely breasts.

"And then there was the hunt," Meredith said.

"Wait, pet," said Grace. "Aren't you leaving something out about dinner?"

Meredith blushed again and cast her eyes down, nodding slowly. "Yes, Mistress. I guess we forgot."

"I see," responded Grace. "Well, let's complete the story before we move on to the next adventure."

"Yes, Mistress," said Meredith but she remained silent instead of describing the rest of the events. It was Kelly who picked up on the narrative.

"Well, it seemed that there was some kind of voting going on. Each night, each master would get a clothespin and put it on one of us. And they were pretty cruel about where they attached them." This comment caused the other two girls to nod vigorously. "And then the one with the most clothespins would be strapped down. And then they would bring in a dog and…" Her voice broke up at that point and she couldn't go on.

"The dog would fuck whoever had won," Meredith continued.

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Ted.

"Kelly was given to a dog the first night. I was given to a dog the second night," Meredith went on. "They didn't do it the third night because that was the day of the hunt."

"You had sex with a dog?" asked Ted.

Meredith nodded.

"Did you like it?"

Meredith nodded again. "I did." She paused for a moment. "It was different and it was exciting in an odd way."