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Wednesday, October 8

Oh no.

She’s here.

Thursday, October 9

I found out why.

She’s giving me princess lessons.

Friday, October 10

Princess lessons.

I am not kidding. I have to go straight . . . 

Saturday, October 11, 9:30 a.m.

So I was right: Lilly does think the reason I’m not participating in the taping today is because . . . 

Saturday, October 11

I can never go to school again. I can never go anywhere again. I will never leave this loft, ever, ever again.

Later on Saturday

Well, I don’t know who Lilly Moscovitz thinks she is, but I sure know who she isn’t: my friend.

Past Midnight, Sunday, October 12

She still hasn’t called.

Sunday, October 12

Oh my God. I am so embarrassed. I wish I could disappear. You will never believe what just happened.

Later on Sunday

Oh, okay. According to my mom, who just came into my room, Mr. Gianini spent the night on the futon couch . . . 

Even Later on Sunday

I just turned on my computer to look up some stuff about Afghanistan on the Internet . . . 

Even Later on Sunday

Just when I thought things might be looking very slightly up, my dad called.

Monday, October 13, Algebra

When Lars pulled up in front of Lilly’s building to pick her up for school, her doorman said she’d already left.

Later on Monday, French

So even if Lilly and I weren’t in a fight, I wouldn’t have been able to sit with her at lunch today.

Later on Monday

Oh my God. I am in so much trouble. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before!

Monday Night

Well, I don’t know what I’m going to do now. I have detention for a week . . . 

Tuesday, October 14, Homeroom

No Lilly again this morning. Not that I expected there to be. But I made Lars stop at her place anyway . . . 

More Tuesday, Algebra

Oh my God. I can’t even believe this. But it must be true, since Shameeka just told me.

More Tuesday, English

No boy will ever ask me out. Ever. EVERYONE has a date to the Cultural Diversity Dance . . . 

More Tuesday, French

Today in G & T, in between showing me how to carry over, Michael Moscovitz complimented me . . . 

Tuesday Night

Grandmère says Tina Hakim Baba sounds like a much better friend for me than Lilly Moscovitz.

Wednesday, October 15, Homeroom

No Lilly again today. Lars suggested we’d make better time if we just drove straight to school . . . 

Later on Wednesday, Before Algebra

This totally weird thing happened. Josh Richter came up to his locker to put his Trig book away . . . 

Wednesday, Principal Gupta’s Office

It’s over.

I’m dead.

More Wednesday, English

It isn’t fair. This is totally, completely unfair.

More Wednesday, French Class

I guess I should have my picture on the front of thePost more often.

Wednesday Night

No wonder my dad was so mad about Carol Fernandez’s article! When Lars and I walked out of Albert Einstein . . . 

More Wednesday

My mom thinks the person who tipped off Carol Fernandez is Grandmère.

Thursday, October 16, Homeroom

Well, this morning my face was on the covers of theDaily News andNew York Newsday.


Thursday, Algebra

Today in Algebra Mr. Gianini was totally trying to teach us about the Cartesian plane . . . 

Thursday, G & T

So I was eating lunch with Tina Hakim Baba and Lars and Wahim, and Tina was telling me . . . 

More Thursday, French

When I went to my locker after lunch to get my books for French, Josh was there.

Thursday Night

Grandmère says: "Well, of course the boy likes you. What wouldn’t he like? . . . "

Friday, October 17, English



More Friday

You will not even believe what just happened. I was putting my Algebra book away in my locker . . . 

Friday, G & T

Okay, so I don’t know who Lilly Moscovitz thinks she is. First she stops talking to me.

Friday Night

Abbreviated lesson with Grandmère today because of my spending the night at Tina’s.

Saturday, October 18

When I got home, the first thing I did was check to make sure Josh hadn’t called to cancel.