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Princess Felicity

Chapter 1

Felicity stepped off of the airplane and was immediately suffocated by the hot, humid air. The weather had been below freezing when she left home, so her clothing did nothing to help her deal with the local temperature. Fortunately, the walk to the terminal building was short and she was soon safe inside the cool building.

She had wanted a tropical paradise and she had sure gotten the tropical part, the thought. The heat bordered on being oppressive but she knew that as soon as she changed into something more comfortable, she would enjoy her island getaway. Two days earlier, Felicity had graduated from college. She wanted to enjoy life for a month or so before starting her career so she jumped at the invitation to spend some time with her former roommate who now lived with her husband on a Caribbean island.

Felicity squealed in delight when she saw her friend, Liv, waiting for her near the baggage claim carousel. They hugged each other excitedly and then hugged and kissed again.

"You look great!" exclaimed Felicity. Liv had always been beautiful but now she glowed. She stood almost six feet tall and her long blonde hair which had been bleached by the sun provided a wonderful accent to her almond-colored, tanned body. She was dressed comfortably in a pair of white shorts, sandals, and a floral halter top that concealed her ample chest.

"You look hot," replied Liv. "Beautiful, but hot. You are going to die of heat exhaustion if you wear that much longer."

Felicity laughed and nodded. "It was a little chilly this morning."

Liv gave Felicity another hug and another kiss on the cheek. "Well, I'm glad you are here. We'll have lots of fun together."

The bags finally arrived and each girl carried one as they left the terminal. As always, Felicity felt like a midget as they walked together. Even though Felicity was average height at five feet four inches, Liv stood almost a whole head taller.

Felicity threw her blazer into the back of the car and got in. The short walk had started her perspiring again and the heat inside the car, combined with the wool slacks she was wearing, quickly resulted in her clothes becoming damp and sticking to her body.

"You better get out of those pants," warned Liv. "The heat here can be dangerous if you aren't properly dressed."

"It's take me forever to find my shorts," replied Felicity. "I'll just suffer."

"Not while I'm in charge. Forget about the shorts. Just strip off those pants."

"Liv!" gasped Felicity. "I'll be half naked!"

"Look sweety," said Liv as she furrowed her brow and peered at her friend. "Unless you forgot your panties, you'll still be wearing more than most around here."

With a shrug of her shoulders, Felicity complied and hiked up in the car seat to slide her slacks off her hips. She kicked them off and then threw them into the back seat to join the jacket.

"Unbutton your blouse too," continued Liv. "Let some air circulate."

"When did you become such a task master?" asked Felicity. "Jeeeshh, I feel like a little kid." Felicity unbuttoned the blouse and tied the tails in front, forming a makeshift halter top of her own.

"You don't have to worry about being mistaken for a little kid, Filly. Not with these." Liv punctuated her comment by reaching over and giving one of Felicity's breasts a playful squeeze. "You filled out nicely in all the right places."

"Hey!" shouted Felicity at the surprise intrusion. "Have you gone lesbo on me?"

"Nah," laughed Liv. "Men are too much fun."

"Well keep your hands off the merchandise!" cautioned Felicity as she adjusted herself in the seat.

"Hmmm, merchandise?" mused Liv. "Are these for sale or something, Filly?" Again, she reached over and gave the nearest breast a squeeze.

"Ha ha," responded Felicity as she swatted the roaming hand away. "Very funny. No, they aren't for sale."

Even though everything had been in fun, Felicity felt uncomfortable about the experience. While her breasts were not as large as Liv's, they were ampler on her smaller frame. In fact, they were so ample that she usually took great pains to conceal them through the use of loose sweaters and baggy blouses. Now they were more on display and probably would remain so throughout her stay.

Everyone she knew called her either Felicity or Fel or Feli. Liv always had to stand out from the crowd in everything she did so she coined the nickname, Filly. To this day, Liv was the only one who ever called her that.

"Too bad," commented Liv as she returned her attention to the road. "They would fetch a pretty price. I would sure be in the bidding."

"Liv, you are starting to scare me."

Liv laughed again. "Sorry. I was just kidding. Well, I was just kidding about me bidding on them. I do think that they are beautiful and that you are priceless. I'm just so excited that you are here. Ever since you called, I have been looking forward to this visit. I have all kinds of fun things planned for us."

"Oh good," said Felicity. "What do you have planned?"

"Oh, lots of things," replied Liv. "But they will mostly be surprises. You have worked hard and you deserve a break. I'll take over from here. You don't have to worry about a thing. No decisions, no worries. Just leave everything up to me."

Oh," smiled Felicity. "Sounds kinda nice." She relaxed into the seat again and looked out the window. "It's beautiful here."

"Yes it is. We'll get to explore a lot of it while you are here."

They chatted and caught up on each other's lives for the remainder of the short trip. Liv was loving her life as an island girl. She had married right out of college to James. Within a year, his firm had transferred him to the Caribbean and the couple found a home and moved in. All was perfect other than the frequent business trips that James had to take. Currently, he was in London but was due back in a few days.

Liv finally steered the car off the road and down a narrow drive. Palm trees and bright tropical flowers lined the path until they finally gave way to a spacious lawn. Across the lawn, next to the beach, was a house. It was a bright pink stucco structure, as was the apparent style on the island, but it was huge. "Gosh, it's a mansion," exclaimed Felicity.

"It's not exactly going native but it's very comfortable," smiled Liv. "And very private."

"I'll help you with your bags and then we can go for a dip." Liv pulled the car up to the front of the house and the two girls got out.

"Eeeek!!!" cried Felicity. "I can't get out. I'm almost naked!"

Liv chuckled. "Don't worry about it. Nobody's here at the moment. Now come on before you start heating up again." They took the bags into the house and Liv showed Felicity to her room. "I'll give you a tour later. Right now, why don't you get comfortable and meet me out at the pool?" Then she disappeared down the hallway.

Felicity looked around her room in amazement. It was huge. A large four poster bed stood against one wall between two sets of French doors. On the other side of the doors, she saw a balcony with table and chairs. She had her own private bath and a softly padded chaise. It was all so opulent compared to what she was accustomed to.

She decided to unpack later and rooted around in her suitcase for a swimsuit. She picked the jade green one-piece suit, liking the way it fit her and the way her long blonde tresses contrasted with it. Tying her hair into a ponytail, she headed back downstairs to find Liv.

"Eeeeeek!!!" she squealed again as she stepped out onto the patio. Liv was just getting out of the pool. And she was naked!

"Oh, Liv, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snuck up on you."

"Nonsense," Liv replied with a smile. "It's your house too while you are here. There's no sneaking."