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Felicity worked hard to elicit an orgasm from James, trying to end this humiliating episode. She reached up with one hand and gripped the base of his shaft, pumping the section that did not fit into her mouth. With her other hand, she held and lightly squeezed his balls, rolling them gently back and forth. While she had been a virgin when it came to sex with women before she arrived, she knew her way around male genitalia. But, despite her best efforts, she was not able to bring James to a climax.

"She has done a very nice job of preparing me, Love. But I think that I want to give you my gift this time. After all, I have been away almost a whole week."

Dahlia quickly scrambled out of the lap, losing her sarong in the process as James extracted himself and moved toward his wife. He shed his clothes as Liv quickly peeled off her shorts and t-shirt. Then he positioned his cock at Liv's sex and, with one thrust, entered her, eliciting a moan from her. "Go back to your show, Felicity."

Felicity groaned as she heard the command but dutifully sent one hand to her sex and the other to a breast to resume the obscene entertainment. She watched the husband impaling his wife and saw the beautiful maid move behind the chair. Dahlia reached down and claimed the large breasts in her hands, squeezing them and rubbing them, and placed her lips on Liv's whenever James was not kissing her. The coupling lasted for at least fifteen minutes and both bodies were glistening by the time Felicity heard the dual groans. Both bodies stiffened and the slave knew that they had climaxed together.

"You may cum now, girl," instructed James as he slipped out of his wife and sat back down in a chair. Bu this time, Felicity was a bundle of sexual energy. The combination of the erotic scene before her and the actions of her fingers and hands had brought her close to orgasm. It took only a few more strokes to her clit to send her over the edge.

"Quite acceptable," remarked James. Felicity was now kneeling between the two owners who had put their clothes back on. Even Dahlia was once again wrapped in her floral sarong, leaving Felicity alone in her nudity. Dahlia thanked the two owners and then returned to her duties.

"I did not realize that Dahlia was so attractive," remarked James after the housekeeper had left the room. "But you are always telling me how unobservant I am."

That night, she slept between them in their bed. James finally gave her "the gift of his seed," and she finally made love to Liv with her tongue. Then the couple fell asleep with Felicity wedged between them, leaving the slavegirl alone in her thoughts and wondering how she ever got into this mess. And how she could possibly get out of the mess.

Chapter 9

A full week into her slavery, Felicity had still not adjusted to her current lot in life. The sex was good; very good. And the sex was frequent; very frequent. And the sex was varied; very varied. She was used by James at least twice a day. Liv provided her with at least three orgasms each day. And every other day, she was given to the insatiable Dahlia for several hours and she lost track of the number of times she climaxed.

She had sex in bed. She had sex on the floor. She had sex on the dining room table, the kitchen table and each of the coffee tables. She had sex standing. She had sex suspended by her wrists. She had sex in the pool. There were probably other places, but she lost track of that too.

She had never before had so many orgasms. And she had no idea that orgasms could be so powerful. Her body, or at least her erogenous zones, loved her new role as a sexual plaything.

But despite all of the wonderful eroticisms, several things bothered her. She was naked. She had not worn a stitch of clothing since her capture and she couldn't get fully comfortable with the constant enforced nudity. It became especially troubling for her when she was exposed to someone new. The maid and the gardener had witnessed her naked charms since her second day of captivity. In the following days, so had the postman, the appliance repairman, the real estate agent and the delivery boy. And over the weekend, James and Liv invited another couple to dinner and Felicity was on display. While she was allowed to eat dinner at the table with the hosts and their guests, naked of course, she was placed kneeling on a pedestal after dinner as a sort of decorative piece. It was all very disconcerting.

Another thing that bothered her was the punishments. Everyone makes mistakes and Felicity was no exception. But now, when she made mistakes, they were always met with punishments, some of which were very cruel. The couple had replaced the spatula with a variety of paddles, whips, clamps, and other cruel and devious devices. On day, she dropped a plate in the sink. Nothing broke. There was no damage. But for that mistake, she was tied spread eagle across the kitchen table so that Liv could punish her sex with a flogger. The leather strands of the flogger stung a little bit but were not really painful. But the humiliation of being treated this way was very painful to her.

On another occasion, she had been given five minutes to make James climax using only her lips and tongue. It had taken over six minutes. The result was Felicity wearing two vicious clamps on her tender nipples for the next hour.

For another minor infraction, she ware a huge plug in her bottom for half the day. "Relax, little one," Liv had told her. "You would have worn this anyways. This is just training so that James can enjoy you there." Despite this news, Felicity still viewed it as cruel punishment and was sure that she would view it as punishment if or when James sodomized her.

Yet another reason that Felicity was ill at ease with her station in life was the uncertainty. This was supposed to be a two week vacation. It was already half over and she had no idea whether or not she would be released at the end of the two weeks. The two owners always talked about their new property or their prized possession or their beautiful slave. The words temporary or current were never used. She knew that she could ask, but she was afraid of what the answer might be.

But the most important reason that she disliked being a slavegirl was that she liked it. Despite all of the humiliation and punishment and uncertainty, she found herself liking it. She got to explore all kinds of adventurous sex without guilt. She was being forced to do these things, after all.

Today, she was simply hanging out. Actually, she was just hanging. She had been fastened inside a wooden frame with her arms and legs stretched outward toward the corners of the frame. They had done a very good job of binding her because there was not an inch of slack in the ropes. Her body was stretched tight as a drum. And she was completely exposed and vulnerable, a state that Dahlia took advantage of frequently. The housekeeper thrilled as she would stop by during her breaks to enjoy the slavegirl. Nipples were sucked. Felicity's sex was kissed, licked, sucked and probed. And even her bottom has been probed by the maid.

Currently, she had a banana embedded in her sex and she had been told not to let it drop or she would be punished. The curve of the fruit made it easier to hold it in, but her growing arousal was working against her as she lubricated freely.

James and Liv had left for the afternoon but were expected home in time for dinner. Felicity did not how long she had been bound or what time it was, but she felt that they should be arriving soon.

"It's getting hot out there," she heard the male voice coming from the kitchen. "Oh my, oh my," she heard as Maxwell stepped into the living room. "A present all wrapped up for me."