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The phone rang and Liv took the call. Felicity listened to a lot of "uh huhs" and other brief responses trying to figure out who was on the other end. After she heard Liv say, "I'm glad you enjoyed her," Felicity assumed that Grace had called. But it was when she heard "I'm sure she would love to," spoken by Liv that she was filled with dread.

"That was Grace," Liv informed her girl after she hung up.

"Yes Mistress."

"She wants to borrow you for the afternoon."

"Oh god!" gasped Felicity.

Liv laughed. "Don't worry. No dogs are involved. Ponies this time."

Felicity's eyes grew wide with fear, causing Liv to laugh again. "Ponygirls," the mistress went on. "Grace entered a team in the races. But one of her girls pulled a muscle. She wants to borrow you as a replacement."

Felicity found herself back at the stables an hour later. That was when she was finally introduced to Alana. She did not have time to chat with the beautiful slavegirl. The grooms had already fitted her with her bit and other tack and they worked quickly to get Felicity into her tack. Then they were led outside and attached to a cart. Grace worked them easily for the next forty five minutes, focusing mostly on form and getting the girls used to working together. Then they ran their first race. They did not win but they did well enough to race in the finals later that day. After the qualifying heat, they were taken back to the stables, stripped of their tack, hosed down and dried. Then they were locked together in Felicity's stall.

"I'm so sorry," said Felicity after they were alone. "I'm so inexperienced and you are so graceful. You could have won if you had a better partner."

"Hush girl," whispered Alana who then kissed her partner to keep her silent. The kiss lingered and Felicity started to feel all tingly inside. Alana wrapped her arms around Felicity and pulled he to the floor, cuddling with her. "You did great. I love running with you."

The two girls chatted and got to know each other better. Felicity described how he vacation had turned out a bit differently than she expected. Alana described how she had become a slave and what her life as a permanent slave to Grace was like.

"So you see," said Alana, "I was claimed too. Just like you. Now we should rest up for the next race." Alana turned Felicity so that they could spoon together and reached around her to cup and hold her partner's breast in her hand. Then they drifted off to sleep.

They did not win but they did come in second. Grace was ecstatic and James and Liv were glowing proudly as Grace led the two girls to Felicity's owners. "You have the makings of a champion here," Grace announced. "She did wonderfully."

James was given the leads after the girls were detached from the cart and led them back to the stables to be groomed. Then he took them to Felicity's stall and took advantage of their bottoms having been lubed and stretched by their plugs. He bent both girls over the bench and moved back and forth between them, taking them anally until he couldn't take it any longer. He finally lost his load deep in Alana's bowels.

The girls were left together and James went back to the room to take a nap and recover. The girls chatted some more and cuddled as they did. Felicity really liked Alana a lot and the feeling was mutual to Alana. Alana said that she hoped that they would see each other again. Liv and Grace collected the girls later and took them back to their respective homes.

A week later, Felicity was at her kitchen table. The day after the races, James and Liv had released her. Her vacation was over and she was put on the plane with her slavegirl memories. Putting on clothes after two weeks of enforced nudity had felt strange but trying to fly home naked would have gotten her in trouble.

Even now, wearing clothes felt odd to her. There was a blizzard outside but Felicity sat at the table naked, having turned up the heat to keep herself comfortable. She kept fingering the business card, turning it over and over again.

"Grace offered to buy you," Liv informed Felicity on the day she was released. Felicity's pulse quickened upon hearing the words but she did not know if it was from fear or anticipation. "But we told her that we did not own you. Well, we do own you but your vacation ends to day so we are releasing you."

"Yes Mistress," replied Felicity. "Thank you."

"She really wants you, though. She was willing to pay a huge price for you."

"How much?"

"Well, remember the first night at the auction when one of the girls was sold permanently?"

"Yes Mistress," replied Felicity. She remembered the staggering sum that was paid for the girl.

"That was only a small fraction of what Grace offered for you. Add a couple of zeroes behind that price and you will get close to what she is willing to pay to own you."

Felicity gasped at the revelation.

"She said she wanted you to become one of her princesses. She has several. And one princette, whatever that means."

"She must be referring to Ted," replied Felicity. "He's sort of halfway between prince and princess."

Ever since boarding the plane, she had thought of very little else other than her time in slavery and Grace's offer. Liv had given her Grace's card and told her that, if she wanted to take Grace up on her offer, then she should call her. Felicity stared again at the card.

"She even wants me," Liv had informed her. "It's not real practical with a husband and all. But I told her I would like to take her up on it on a temporary basis."

Felicity gasped. "You are going to be her slavegirl?"

"Yes. On a now-and-then basis. You can't being having all of the fun, you know. I'm going up there next month, in fact. I'm so excited. I can't wait!"

Felicity stared at the card one more time and then picked up the phone, dialing a number. "Hi. This is Felicity. May I be one of your princesses?"