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"But you're naked!"

"Of course I'm naked," laughed Liv. "I can't let all this privacy go to waste."

"Oh," replied Felicity as she glanced down at her green suit.

"You wear or don't wear whatever you want. But I think you'll enjoy getting an all over tan."

Felicity blushed at the thought. She looked up at Liv who was standing in front of her now. Her eyes moved down the taller girl's body and she saw that Liv did indeed have an all over tan. There was no sign of a tan line anywhere on her friend's body. She felt her blush deepen as her eyes reached the top of Liv's legs. Where there used to be a full bush of blonde hair, only a thin strip of short hair remained.

"Do you like it?" asked Liv as she stroked a finger up and down over the little streak of hair. "It makes me feel so wicked."

Felicity quickly averted her eyes. She silently cursed herself for letting herself be caught looking at her friend's sex. She had to admit, though, that it did look good. It gave Liv a sleek and sexual appearance. And it was a bit on the wild side. Liv had always been a bit on the wild side. In her senior year in college, her sorority sisters voted her "Most Likely to be a Stripper" because her uninhibited approach to life.

It seemed that Liv had continued her wild ways with her private adventures in nudity. But if she led a wild lifestyle, it certainly had not detracted from her beauty. She still glowed with almost an innocence about her and her body was even more remarkable than it had been in college. Even her breasts agreed with her increased maturity. They seemed slightly fuller and they completely defied gravity. And each of them was capped by a pink and very stiff nipple.

"Ahhhh, I've embarrassed you," cooed Liv. "Poor little bashful one. I'm sorry." She touched a finger under Felicity's chin and turned her face back toward her, kissing her lightly on the lips. "I'll behave, Filly. I promise."

Felicity felt as if electricity shot through her at the caress of the lips. She felt dizzy at the intimate touch and was afraid she might faint. She and Liv were used to hugging and kissing but somehow, this kiss was different.

Liv finally gave Felicity room to breathe as she turned around and dove back into the water. "Come on in. It's the best way to cool off."

"Cooling off is just what I need," thought the dizzy girl. She wondered what was happening to her that could cause such a reaction in her. She stepped to the edge of the pool and, without taking off her suit, dove in.

Chapter 2

Felicity pulled herself from the water and moved to one of the loungers. She spread a towel and then spread herself across it, letting the hot sun beat down on her. "I could get used to Paradise," she thought as she closed her eyes. She had only started to drift off when she heard a loud scraping noise. She sat bolt upright only to see Liv dragging an umbrella over to Felicity's chair.

"Olivia!" complained Felicity. "What are you doing? I was just trying to catch some sun."

"You'll burn up, Filly," replied the naked friend. "This sun can be very cruel."

"But I have my tanning oil," she said as she held up her bottle.

Liv took the bottle and read the label. "SPF 4? You might as well barbeque yourself on the grill. You would be crispy in no time at all if you used this."

"Well, what do you suggest?" responded an annoyed Felicity.

"I suggest the shade," said Liv, "or using some of my lotion. It's better suited for this sun."

"Okay," Felicity rolled her eyes. "I'll try yours. I just can't bear not taking advantage of this beautiful sun."

"Now you're making more sense. Lie back down and I'll spread it on you."

Felicity laid back and Liv sat on the lounger beside her friend. "So you are going with the tan lines look?"

"Oh," blushed Felicity. She really did want an all over tan but she also didn't want to jeopardize her modesty. "Hmmm. So nobody ever comes here?"

"Oh sure people come here. But they go to the front door. And when the help is here, you will know it. It really is very private here."

"Okay, get rid of the umbrella. I'll join the nude movement and put on your industrial strength sun screen." She stood up and quickly pulled off her suit, not noticing the way Liv stared at her or hearing Liv suck in her breath at the beauty that was revealed.

"Good girl," smiled Liv as she dragged the umbrella away. "But I'm going to apply the lotion. You might miss spots."

"Oh," sighed Felicity, knowing that she was going to lose this battle.

"So what would you like to do while you are here?" asked Liv as she started rubbing the lotion into Felicity's feet and calves. She lingered there, lovingly massaging her friend's muscles, and took time to coat each toe individually.

"Nothing," replied Felicity. "Everything. Anything. Mmmmmm, that feels good."

"Everything, huh? And anything? That sure includes a lot."

"Well you know me. You know what things I would like. And you know what's on your schedule. I don't want to intrude on your life. And you know the island. So you decide. My vacation is in your hands."

"Yes, I will decide. You shouldn't have to worry about decisions at all while you are here. And don't worry about intruding. You're not. While you are here, you are my schedule." Liv's hands moved up Felicity's glorious thighs. Although pale from lack of sunshine, the skin was beautiful and flawless. And the flesh was supple and firm.

"Hold out your hand. I want to give you some lotion."

Felicity complied and Liv squirted some lotion into the open palm. "What's this for?"

"Well, you have been so jumpy and bashful, I thought you would prefer to do your sex."

"Oh," blushed Felicity. "Yes, I suppose I should. I'm sorry about being so inhibited. I really wish I could break that." She rubbed the lotion into her pubic area as chastely as she could.

"I'll make that a goal of mine for your visit… to break you of your inhibitions."

"Thank you, Liv. That would be wonderful."

Liv smiled as she worked her way higher, letting her fingers glide over the taut, soft belly. Felicity had essentially given Liv permission to do things that would make her less constrained and modest. And she had put her vacations into Liv's hands. This was going to be perfect.

"Hold out your hand again. I assume you want to do your breasts."

"Oh," replied Felicity. "No, I suppose you should do them. There's no time like the present to get started."

Liv leaned down to kiss Felicity before pouring more lotion into her palm. She tried to hide her smile as she noticed the little shudder that rushed through the younger girl's body. It might take a little while, she thought, but this girl's definitely ripe for the picking. After she spread the lotion on her hands, she placed one palm on each of the beautiful breasts, pushing down and flattening them slightly against Felicity's chest. Then she used both hands on the left breast, gripping the breast at the base and sliding her slick fingers upward to coat the flesh. She repeated this motion several times before shifting her attention to the right breast.

Felicity watched as the first breast was captured and then stroked in a milking motion. She saw her nipple stiffen instantly and closed her eyes, ashamed of the way her body was reacting. This was not like her at all. She was a good girl. And she was straight. Why would her body all of a sudden betray her? Felicity felt the delicate fingers encircle the right breast and knew that its nipple had instantly stood at attention.

Liv was definitely taking more time than she needed and Felicity debated whether or not to protest. But she decided against it to prove to Liv and to herself that she could shed some inhibitions and act liberated. But when she felt Liv's soft lips kissing each of her nipples, her eyes flew wide open.