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Finally, Liv slid her finger out of Felicity and raised it to her own mouth, slowly licking it clean. "Mmmmm, and you are so delicious too, love."

Felicity was breathing heavily by now and found it hard to speak. Instead, she just stood there with her hands high and her eyes cast down.

"Now let's see what I can find for you to wear." She went to the closet and rummaged around until she found what she was looking for. Then she returned with two pieces of filmy cloth and stood in front of her charge.

"Let's try this first," she said as she wrapped one of the thin pieces of material around Felicity's hips. She arranged it until she was satisfied and then tied it off. Felicity looked down and saw that the bright floral print was riding low on her hips at a slight angle and did not appear to extend much below her sex. Even a subtle breeze would probably expose her for all to see.

Liv reached up and lowered Felicity's hands until they were by her side and then stepped behind the girl, wrapping her arms around Felicity and forcing her to bend forward at the waist. "It's easies if we catch these beautiful orbs first," she said as she placed the fabric over the dangling breasts and then lifted it capturing the breasts and causing Felicity to straighten up again. Liv then arranged the material to her liking and knotted it behind the girl. She stepped in front of Felicity to admire her handiwork.

"Mmmmm, very nice," she smiled. "Just a couple more items." She disappeared for a moment and returned, carrying a small tray. She took a slender chain and wrapped it around Felicity's waist, fastening the latch and letting it settle onto her soft flesh.

The last item on her tray was a flower. Liv picked up the hibiscus blossom and arranged it in Felicity's hair over her left ear.

"Perfect," declared Liv as she stepped back to admire her work again. She wrapped an arm around Felicity's waist and then led her to the mirror. "What do you think?"

Felicity gazed at herself in the mirror with a mixture of awe and horror. She was awed by the beauty of the look that Liv had arranged. The colors highlighted her own tones and the outfit was very exotic looking. But even though the outfit was exotic looking, it bordered on obscene. Her sex was barely covered, the lower swells of her bottom cheeks were visible, and her breasts looked like they could burst out of the scant top.

"It's very nice," commented Felicity. "But don't you think that it's a bit risqué?"

"Risque?" asked Liv. "Not for around here. You'll fit in perfectly. You look just like a virginal island slavegirl."

Felicity gulped. "Slavegirl?"

Liv laughed. "Just kidding. But this chain will let me lead you around wherever I want." To emphasize her point, she slipped a finger beneath the chain and ran the back of her finger sensuously across the exposed flesh of Felicity's belly. Then she gave the chain a gentle tug, pulling Felicity forward so she could kiss her again.

Chapter 4

"Ahem," said Liv as she looked up from the newspaper. Liv was seated at the kitchen table, drinking her coffee as she caught up on the news when Felicity walked into the room.

"Good morning," smiled Felicity as she shook her disheveled hair, letting it settle on her shoulders and down her back. "Thank you for a lovely evening." They had gone out to dinner the evening before and Felicity's fears about being underdressed had been allayed. Scant clothing seemed to be the rule around here and her outfit fit in perfectly.

"You are welcome," replied Liv. "But aren't' you forgetting something?" Felicity looked around curiously, not knowing what she had forgotten.

"Um," replied a confused girl. "What am I forgetting?"

"Your clothes," responded Liv. "Remember, you are on vacation. I make all the decisions about what you wear. And everything else about you for that matter. And last night, I decided that you should be naked when at home. Remember?"

Felicity gasped and grabbed the front flaps of her robe pulling it around her more tightly. "But I thought you were kidding. You can't be serious."

"I was very serious," Liv went on. "You yourself admitted that you are too inhibited. So I have made it my personal mission to help you get over your inhibitions. I make all of the decisions for you while you are here, and I decided naked. Now give me your robe."

Felicity's fingers clung to the material and she cast down her eyes. "I can't. It wouldn't be right."

Liv arose from the table and crossed the floor to stand in front of the younger woman. She raised her hand and tucked a finger under Felicity's chin, tilting her face up until they were looking into each other's eyes. "Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you," blushed Felicity.

"Didn't you tell me yesterday that you wished you could be less inhibited?"

"Yes," Felicity felt her blush deepen.

"Then trust me to help you. Give me your robe."

Felicity paused for a moment but then reluctantly opened her robe, sliding it off her shoulders and leaving her dressed in just a short nightshirt.

"All of it," instructed Liv.

Felicity groaned but then handed the bathrobe to her friend before pulling off her nightshirt and giving it to Liv also. Liv led her naked charge to the table and served her a cup of coffee before sitting back down.

"It's not natural," complained Felicity.

"What's not natural?"

"Me being naked."

"Oh, I see," replied Liv. "You must have been born with a complete set of clothes on."

Felicity shook her head slowly. "No."

"Then it's completely natural," Liv went on. "You were born into a natural state. Now you have just returned to it."

Felicity groaned as she saw that she was going to lose this debate. "Then it's not normal."

"Hmmm," pondered Liv. "I'm not sure what is normal and what is not any more. But I have never thought of you as normal, anyways. I have always thought of you as extraordinary. And you look extraordinary right now."

Felicity just groaned again and shook her head in disbelief. Liv reached out and patted the side of Felicity's left breast, causing it to sway slightly. "And stop poking me!" she complained.

Liv laughed. "That wasn't a poke, silly Filly. Now, that was a poke." She punctuated her comment by pushing her finger onto Felicity's nipple and denting it deep into the girl's breast.

"Ow," exclaimed Felicity. "That hurt!"

"Oh, it didn't hurt at all. It just surprised you. That's your problem. You are so tight and inhibited that you can't handle surprises any more. If I wanted to hurt you, I would spank you. And if you keep complaining, that's exactly what I will do."

Felicity's eyes flew wide open in surprise at her friend's threat. She was both shocked and secretly thrilled by the possibility of being punished like that. She knew her face must be blushing and she hoped that Liv did not recognize her arousal.

The reaction was not lost on Liv. She saw the instantaneous pinkening of the naked girl's cheeks and recognized it immediately as sexual arousal. "This will be easier than I could hope for," she thought to herself.

"Now drink up your coffee. What would you like for breakfast?" asked Liv.

"Just some fruit if you have it," replied Felicity as she stared down at her mug.

Liv got up and went to the refrigerator where she pulled out several pieces of fruit. She placed them on the counter and then peeled off her own robe, hanging it on a hook by the door.

"What are you doing?" asked an astonished Felicity.

"You're not the only one who can go natural. Besides, this way I don't have to worry about getting my clothes dirty." She sliced the fruit and returned to the table with two bowls of it, heaving her robe by the door.