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"Wait right here," she said as she got up and disappeared into the house. Felicity just basked in the sun, reveling in the way she was being pampered. Liv returned with a tray and sat down on the edge of the recliner again.

"I have a little housekeeping to do," explained Liv. "Now stay perfectly still." Snip, snip was what Felicity heard and opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"Liv! What are you doing?"

"Just cleaning you up a little, love," she replied as she pushed Felicity back down in the chaise. "You'll love the look. I know I will."

"Liv!!!" yelled Felicity. "Have you gone crazy?" She reached down with both hands to cover her mound and protect the little tuft of hair there.

"Now, now, Filly," said Liv calmly. "I think you are overreacting. You have to trust me. You will like it. And if you don't, you can let it grow back. You do trust me, don't you?"

"Oh Liv," groaned Felicity as she continued to clutch her sex. "It's not a matter of trust. I just like the way I look down there."

"And I'm telling you that you will like the way you look when I am finished. You will just have to trust me. Now do I have to spank you? Should I cuff your hands over your head? Or are you going to be a good girl?"

Felicity gasped both from the shock of hearing her friend's words and from the rush of arousal that swept through her body at the threats. Once again, she felt like her head was spinning. She knew that she had to stop all of this at once or there would be no turning back. But she did not have the willpower to resist at the moment. She was far too aroused.

"Cuffs?" she asked in a whisper.

"That's right, little one," replied Liv. "Move those hands or I'll cuff them to the chair and then finish."

With great reluctance and in slow motion, she raised her hands and placed them over her head, resting them against the frame of the chair as she tried to imagine what it would be like to be bound this way. Liv returned to snipping away the hair until nothing but stubble was left. Then she lathered up the area and swiped away the remaining hair with the razor. She pushed the legs apart and gripped one labia at a time, stretching it away from Felicity to be able to swipe away the few stray hairs there. Then she wiped off the remaining lather and patted the denuded sex with her hand.

"See? It's beautiful!"

"Oh Liv," complained Felicity as she lifted her head and looked at her bald pussy." I look like a little girl.

Liv laughed and leaned down to kiss the smooth mound. At the same time, she reached up and gave each full breast a squeeze. "Trust me again. Nobody will ever mistake you for a little girl."

Felicity wondered where all of this would lead her and she was not at all sure that she wanted to find out. Liv had Felicity roll over and she completed lotioning up her charge. She also spread the girl's bottom cheeks, swiping away the few hairs that resided there, leaving Felicity without a visible hair from the neck down. The last thing she did was touch her lotioned finger to the little rosebud between the bottom cheeks and circle it slowly as she giggled. "It's just so cute."

Chapter 6

Some time later, Felicity woke up to a surprise. While she had been sleeping in the lounger, Liv had wrapped leather cuffs around her wrists and then locked the cuffs together behind her back. "Liv!!! Let me free! This is getting to weird!"

"There's my little slavegirl," chirped Liv. "Did you have a nice nappy?"

"Liv, this is really getting to be too much." She struggled to sit upright and then twisted her body to offer her hands to her friend. "Please take them off."

"Oh, but I can't. Slavegirls are supposed to be bound. Naked and bound."

Felicity rolled her eyes. "So I'm a slavegirl now?"

"Of course you are, silly Filly. You are my slavegirl until we work through all of those inhibitions of yours. Or at least until I decide that you aren't a slave any longer. Until then, you are my property. I told you that earlier. I guess you weren't listening."

Felicity shook her head in frustration and then realized that matching black cuffs had been wrapped around her ankles too. At least they weren't locked together. "Okay, I'll be your slavegirl for the day. Maybe things can get back to normal after that."

"Oh, it will take much longer than a day. We have a pretty long list to work through."

Felicity struggled to her feet and then twisted and pulled her arms trying to free herself, but quickly gave up as she realized that the cuffs held her securely. "Hmmphh," she uttered as she plopped back down in the recliner.

"This isn't right, Liv. It's not fair and it's not right. It's perverted."

"It's not perverted at all. Sex with a horse would be perverted. This is just two friends having fun."

"It's one friend having fun and the other friend starting to get scared."

"Well, I don't know why you're getting scared. You know me and you know you can trust me. Well, you can't trust me completely. I will probably take advantage of the situation. But you can mostly trust me."

"Liv. This is probably illegal. It's almost abduction. It's almost rape. Slavery is not legal either."

"It is here. At least consensual slavery is legal."

"Who consented? I sure didn't," Felicity said with raised voice.

"Now settle down, Filly. It's not like this is permanent or anything like that. It's just for fun. It will let you explore and expand your experiences. So relax."

"It's just for fun? Whose fun? Yours or mine?"

Liv patted Felicity on the top of the head and smiled. "It will be fun for both of us. And it should really be fun for you. It will let you kick back and relax. You don't have to think about a thing. I'll make all of the decisions."

Felicity glared at Liv. At first, she had been surprised. Then she got frustrated. Now she was starting to get mad. "Liv, you had better release me this instant. I don't want to have to go to the police. And I don't want to have to tell James how weird you got with me."

Liv just laughed and patted the blonde head again. "Oh he already knows I'm weird. And he already knows about our new slavegirl. He's looking forward to enjoying his new toy."

Felicity gasped. "This was all planned?"

Liv shrugged her shoulders. "No, not really planned. Hoped for is a better way of describing it."

Felicity shook her head in disbelief. "James agreed that you should capture me?"

Liv shrugged her shoulders again. "Captured doesn't sound quite right. It's more like I claimed you. And yes, he was quite all right with that. As I said, he's looking forward to playing with you."

Felicity groaned and then fell backward into the lounger, shaking her head. "This is all just unbelievable. How can you do this to a friend?"

Liv sat back down beside Felicity and rested her hand on the closest breast. "You are just dreaming up doom and gloom. There's nothing sinister about what's going on. It will be exciting for you. I want this to be a vacation you will remember forever."

"Trust me. It will be."

The two girls remained in the sun a while longer but then Liv led them into the shelter of the house. It was time for lunch and she let Felicity sit at the table while she prepared it. There was no way that Felicity could have helped anyway, without the use of her hands. Liv returned to the table with two bowls of fruit and sat down next to Felicity.