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"May I have my hands back now? I can't eat this way."

"Don't worry," chirped Liv. "I'll feed you." She picked up a slice of pear and pushed it between the captive girl's lips.

"How long are you going to keep me like this?" asked Felicity between bites.

"I'm not sure. How long are you staying?"

"Not long, if this is the way I'm treated."

"Oh hush now," chided Liv. "You know you're going to enjoy this. You find it exciting and erotic and I can tell because your sex is positively gushing. And you are free to enjoy it because you have no choice. And no guilt. You didn't decide to do it. Liv made you do it. It's perfect!" She picked up a banana and slowly stroked it for Felicity's benefit. "Should I marinate this first?" she asked with a grin.

"Liv!!! You are shocking!!!"

Liv chuckled. "Just kidding. We'll save that for another day." Liv finished feeding her slavegirl and cleared the table. Then she led Felicity into the great room. "Time to inspect my property, properly. Stand in the middle of the room, sweetie."

Felicity just glared at Liv and stood her ground. Liv cross her arms and tapped her foot impatiently. "I'm waiting."

"You'll be waiting a long time, then," she said as she continued to stare down her captor. "I'm not your property. And you're not going to inspect me. And I want to be released right now."

Liv disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a plastic spatula and a coil of rope. This caused Felicity to blanch and back up a few steps. "What are you going to do with those?"

"This," replied Liv as she swished the spatula through the air a few times, "will have to do until I get a whip or a paddle. "And this," she swung the rope back and forth, "is to help me control you. It seems that the cuffs aren't enough to do the trick."

Liv approached Felicity again and, again, Felicity backed up. Liv reached out and swung the spatula, catching an unprotected thigh with a loud crack.

"Owww!!! That hurt!!!"

"It was supposed to hurt, Filly. Now are you going to behave?"

"I always behave!" spat Felicity. "You're the one who is out of control."

"Ouch! Stop that!" Felicity cried out as the spatula caught her other thigh. As Liv started to swing the makeshift paddle again, Felicity made her move. She lunged forward, crashing her body into Liv's and knocking her to the floor. Felicity pounced on Liv and straddled her, holding her down. But with no arms to use, Felicity was no match for Liv and quickly the tables were turned. Felicity found herself lying face down on the floor with Liv straddling her body. She thrashed her legs around trying to kick her captor but Liv quickly snared them and snapped the cuffs together.

"You're a feisty one," chuckled Liv. "You'll be lots of fun to train." She swatted each of Felicity's bottom cheeks, eliciting yelps from the captive girl before standing up. "Okay, this is going to be a little tougher than I expected."

Liv picked up the rope and tossed it into the air a few times before catching it on a hook in the ceiling. Then she held onto one end as she tied the other end to one of Felicity's wrist cuffs. She unsnapped those cuffs. "Okay, stand up now."

Felicity did not know what would happen next but she knew it would not be good. She remained motionless on the floor, refusing to cooperate.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Should I paddle you some more?"

"No," groaned the defeated girl as she struggled to her feet. Liv took up the slack as the girl arose and soon Felicity was standing in the middle of the floor. Liv snapped the cuffs together again, this time in front. Then she pulled on the rope, lifting Felicity's arms over her head. After she had stretched the girl tight, she tied off the rope, leaving Felicity reaching skyward. It was only then that she unsnapped the ankle cuffs.

"Now for that inspection of my property," announced Liv as she stood in front of her new slave. "I'll warn you that any more funny business will be dealt with harshly."

Liv started by pushing back Felicity's long blonde tresses, letting them drape down her back. Then she slowly circled the girl, letting her fingers glide across the soft tight flesh. "You truly are beautiful, little one. You are priceless."

Liv returned to the front and pushed Felicity's head back slightly as her fingers traced the outlines and contours of the slave's face. She kept this up for quite some time as if she were trying to memorize the texture and shape. Finally, she rubbed a finger back and forth across the pouting lips before parting them with her finger. She snaked her finger into the mouth and softly caressed the tongue. Her finger glided in and out slowly, almost as if she were having oral sex with her finger. Felicity was tempted to bite the finger off. Eventually, she grasped the tongue between thumb and forefinger and tugged on it, stretching it out of the mouth.

"Uggghhhh!" grunted Felicity as her tongue was pulled outward. She had been watching Liv the entire time and was puzzled and confused. Despite the harsh treatment that Liv was giving out, her face had a loving look on it. There was a touch of curiosity in the look as if Liv was exploring and discovering something new, but there was also a tenderness and concern. Liv reached up with her other hand and ran a finger up and down the wet flesh as the other hand held the tongue extended out from Felicity.

"I don't suppose this tongue has any experience," asked Liv.

"Ungh ungh," replied Felicity as she shook her head.

"Well, it's a beautiful tongue. And it should be used for what it was intended for. I will enjoy training it."

At long last, Liv released the tongue and Felicity quickly drew it back in. Liv continued her exploration of her new possession by placing her palms over the ample breasts and squeezing them slowly.

"These are remarkable," declared Liv as she slipped her hands beneath the breasts and held them in her palms. She bounced them several times, enjoying the way that they jiggled and moved. "Big but not huge. And soft. And perfect shape. And now they belong to me."

"Please, Liv. Please no more."

"Oh, I'm just getting started, little one," replied Liv. "These are going to be my favorite toys."

Felicity had been watching as Liv groped her chest. The whole scene seemed surreal to her. She had been essentially kidnapped and now imprisoned. But she also saw her nipples standing stiffly atop each of the mounds. With the warmth of the tropics, she knew that they weren't stiff with cold. Why was her body betraying her? How could her nipples become erect from this kind of treatment?

She continued to watch in horror as Liv lowered her head and then observed her friend capture the right nipple between her lips. She saw the nipple being drawn into Liv's mouth and felt the tongue dancing over the stiff little nubbin. A surge of arousal swept over her despite her desire to end this and escape. Her body had a mind of its own, though, and right now it was seeking pleasure.

Liv drew her head back as she continued to suck on the nipple, extending the breast away from Felicity's chest until it finally popped free. Felicity saw her breast glistening with Liv's saliva and noted with dismay how the nipple had stiffened even more in arousal. The process was repeated on the left breast and more waves of arousal swept over the captive girl. Then, Liv caused the hard little nubbins to stiffen even more as she gently blew on each wet nipple, making them stand up at attention even more.

"Oh, love, you are delicious," announced Liv. "So tasty and so sweet." She raised her right hand and lightly spanked the outer swells of the left breast, eliciting a gasp from Felicity and causing the breast to jump and sway and bob on her chest. Then she repeated the action to the right breast, followed by several alternating blows that kept the beautiful orbs in motion. "And your skin pinkens so nicely. You will be loads of fun to play with."