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For my grandparents,

Bruce and Patsy Mounsey,

who are nothing like any of the grandparents in this book.


Many thanks to Barb Cabot, Debra Martin Chase, Bill Contardi, Sarah Davies, Laura Langlie, Abby McAden, Alison Donalty, and the usual suspects: Beth Ader, Jennifer Brown, Dave Walton, and especially, Benjamin Egnatz.

When things are horrible—just horrible—

I think as hard as ever I can of being a princess.

I say to myself,

“I am a princess.”

You don’t know how it makes you forget.



Frances Hodgson Burnett








Monday, October 20, 8 a.m. Okay

So I was just in the kitchen, eating cereal, you know, the usual Monday morning routine...

Monday, October 20, Homeroom

I am really trying to take this calmly, you know? Because there isn’t any point in getting upset...

Monday, October 20, Still Homeroom

And whatabout that? Why weren’t she and Mr. Gianini using birth control?

Monday, October 20, Algebra

I can’t believe this. I really can’t believe this.

She hasn’t told him.

Monday, October 20, English

Great. Just great.

As if things aren’t bad enough...

Monday, October 20, Lunch

Okay, Lilly knows.

All right, maybe she doesn’tKNOW.. .

Monday, October 20, G & T

And what about that, anyway? How many dates has my mom even been on with Mr. G, anyway?

Still Monday, October 20, Still G & T

Lilly caught me looking up stuff about pregnancy on the Internet.

Monday, October 20, After school

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse,

suddenly, they did.

Later on Monday

Just got off the phone with Grandmère. She wanted to know why I hadn’t returned her call.

Monday, October 20, 11 p.m.

Some surprise that was.

Somebody really needs to tell Grandmère...

Still later on Monday

My mom came in. I thought Mr. G had left, so I went, “How’d it go?”

Tuesday, October 21, 1 a.m.

Hey, I thought my mom was a feminist who didn’t believe in the male hierarchy...

Tuesday, October 21, 2 a.m.

Oh, my God. I just realized that if my mom marries Mr. Gianini, it means he’ll be living here.

Tuesday, October 21, 9 a.m.

When I woke up this morning, my throat hurt so much, I couldn’t even talk. I could only croak.

Later on Tuesday

My mom stayed home from the studio today.

I croaked to her that she shouldn’t.

Even later on Tuesday

Lilly just stopped by. She brought me all of my homework. She says I look wretched...

Wednesday, October 22

This morning my mom called my dad where he’s staying at the Plaza, and made him bring the limo over...

Thursday, October 23

Oh, my God. Something so exciting just happened, I can hardly write.

Later on Thursday

This afternoon while I was lying around with icepacks under the covers, trying to bring my fever down...

Even later on Thursday

After dinner I felt well enough to get out of bed, and so I did.

Friday, October 24, Algebra


Well, actually, I don’t feel all that great, but I don’t care.

Friday, October 24, World Civ



Friday, October 24, G & T

It turns out that since I’ve been gone, Boris has started learning some new music on his violin.

Later on Friday

Talk about embarrassing! Principal Gupta somehow found out about my giving Michael some...

Even later on Friday

What am I supposed to do about this stupid English journal assignment,Describe an experience...

Saturday, October 25, 2 p.m., Grandmère’s suite

I am sitting here waiting for my interview. In addition to my throat hurting, I feel like I am going to...

Saturday, October 25, 7 p.m., on the way to Lilly’s house

Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, OH GOD.

Sunday, October 26, 2 a.m., Lilly’s bedroom

Okay, I just have one question: Why does it always have to go from bad to worse...

Sunday, October 26, 7 p.m.

I was really afraid that when I got home my mom was going to be disappointed in me.

Sunday, October 26, 8 p.m.

You will not believe what got delivered to our house while I was gone. I was sure it was a mistake...

Sunday, October 26, 9 p.m.

Another e-mail from Jo-C-rox!

This one went...

Monday, October 27, G & T

Unfortunately, it appears that Lilly is not the only one who noticed the ads for tonight’s broadcast.

Monday, October 27, Bio

Mrs. Sing, our Biology teacher, says it is physiologically impossible to die of either boredom or...

Monday, October 27, After school

I never thought I would say this, but I am worried about Grandmère.

Monday, October 27, Later

I figured as soon as I got home, I would tell my mom that she and Mr. G need to elope, and right away.

Tuesday, October 28, Principal Gupta’s office

Oh, God! No sooner had I set foot in Homeroom today than I was summoned to the principal’s office!

Tuesday, October 28, Algebra

Principal Gupta is way concerned about my mental health.

Tuesday, October 28, G & T

Well, Mrs. Hill didn’t get fired.

Instead, I guess they gave her a warning...

Tuesday, October 28, Bio