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I actually sat up upon hearing this. “You DID?”

“That’s right,” Lilly said, sounding very self-satisfied. “When you ducked out of school on account of your little tummyache, Principal Gupta said you disqualified yourself from the race.”

“Oh, Lilly,” I breathed. “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be,” Lilly said. “I asked Principal Gupta what would happen if no one ran—you know, to the student council. And she said Mrs. Hill would just have to preside over it. Well, you know how THAT would turn out: We’d be selling candles from here to Spring Break. So I asked Principal Gupta if I could run in your place, and she said, seeing as how there were no other candidates, she didn’t see why not. So I gave your speech. You know, the one about all the things people should do in the event of catastrophes? I guess I embellished a bit. Nothing TOO much. Just, you know, a few bits about supervolcanoes and asteroids…nothing major. People were too afraid NOT to vote for me. They held the vote last period. And I won. Well, over fifty percent, anyway. I KNEW this freshman class would respond to fear, and fear alone. It’s all they’ve ever known, after all.”

“Wow,” I said. “That’s great, Lilly.”

“Thanks,” Lilly said. “Although I don’t know what I’m telling YOU for, since you didn’t help in any way. You are not my vice president, by the way. Perin is. I don’t need a boyfriend stealer as my vice president, OR as a friend.”

“Lilly,” I said. “I did NOT steal your boyfriend. I told you, I only kissed him because—well, I don’t know why I kissed him. I just did. But—”

“You know what, Mia?” Lilly snapped. “I don’t want to hear it. Why don’t you save it for someone who cares? Like J.P., for instance.”

“J.P. doesn’t like me that way, Lilly,” I couldn’t help snapping back. “And you know it!”

“Do I?” Lilly asked, with an evil laugh. “Well, maybe I know something you don’t know, then.”

“What are youtalking about?” I demanded. “Come on, Lilly, this is stupid. We’ve been friends too long to let a GUY come between us—”

“Yeah?” Lilly said. “Well, maybe we’ve been friends long enough, then. Good-bye, POG.”

Then I heard a click. Lilly hung up on me.

I couldn’t believe it. Lillyhung up on me.

I sat there, not having the slightest idea what to do. The truth was, I couldn’t believe any of this was happening. I’d lost my boyfriend and my best friend all in the same week. Was such a thing even possible?

I was still sitting there, holding the phone, when it rang again. I was so sure it was Lilly calling back to apologize for hanging up on me that I answered on the first ring and said, “Look, Lilly, I am so, so sorry. What can I do to make it up to you? I’ll do ANYTHING.”

But it wasn’t Lilly. A deep, masculine voice said, “Mia?”

And my heart soared. It was Michael. MICHAEL WAS CALLING ME! I didn’t know how, since he was supposedly on a plane. But what did I care? It was MICHAEL!

“Yes,” I said, my bones turning to jelly with relief. It was MICHAEL! I practically burst into tears—but this time with happiness, not sadness.

“It’s me,” the voice said. “J.P.”

My bones went from jelly to stone. My heart crashed back down to the earth.

“Oh,” I said, desperately trying to keep my disappointment from sounding obvious. Because a princess always tries to make callers feel welcome, even if they aren’t the caller she was expecting. Or hoping for. “Hi.”

“I take it you already talked to Lilly,” J.P. said.

“Um,” I said. How could I have thought it was Michael? Michael was on a plane, flying halfway across the world from me. And why would Michael ever bother calling me again, after what I did? “Yeah. Yeah, I did.”

“I’m guessing it probably went about as well as when I tried to talk to her, just now,” J.P. said.

“Yeah,” I said. I felt numb. Was numbness a symptom of dysthmia? Not just emotional numbness, but actual PHYSICAL numbness? “She pretty much hates my guts. And I guess she has a right to. I don’t know what I was thinking back there outside of Chemistry, J.P. I am so, so sorry.”

J.P. laughed. “You don’t have to apologize to me,” he said. “I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

It was nice of him to be so chivalrous about it. But it somehow made it a little worse, in a way.

“I’m such an idiot,” I said miserably.

“I don’t think you’re an idiot,” J.P. said. “I just think you’ve had a really bad week. That’s why I’m calling. I figured you’d need cheering up, and I think I’ve got just the ticket. Literally.”

“I don’t know, J.P.,” I said dully. “I think I have dysthmia.”

“I don’t have the slightest idea what that is,” J.P. said. “But I do know that I am holding in my hand two box seat tickets to tonight’s Broadway performance ofBeauty and the Beast. Would you be interested in coming with me?”

I couldn’t help gasping. Box seats, to my favorite musical of all time?

“H-how—” I stammered. “How did you—”

“Easy,” J.P. said. “My dad’s a producer, remember? So. You up for it? Show starts in an hour.”

Was hekidding ? How had heknown ? How had he known this was EXACTLY what I needed to get my mind off what a total and complete jerk I had been to the two people I cared about most in the world (besides Fat Louie and Rocky, of course)?

“I’m up for it,” I said. “I’m totally up for it!”

“I’ll meet you outside the theater in forty-five minutes,” J.P. said. “And Mia.”


“Just for tonight, let’s not mention either of the Moscovitzes. Deal?”

“Deal,” I said, smiling for what felt like the first time all day. “See you in a few minutes.”

I hung up the phone.

Then, before I went to change out of my school uniform and into something nice for the theater, I got up and walked over to my computer.

I clicked on my e-mail. No new messages.

But that was okay. I wasn’t expecting any. I didn’t actuallydeserve any.

I clicked on Michael’s last e-mail to me—the one I hadn’t answered. Then I clicked REPLY.

Then I thought for a while.

Then, finally, in the blank space, I wrote:

Michael. I’m sorry.

Then I clicked SEND.


Many thanks to Beth Ader, Jennifer Brown, Barbara Cabot, Sarah Davies, John Henry Dreyfuss, Michele Jaffe, Laura Langlie, Amanda Maciel, Abigail McAden, and especially, Benjamin Egnatz

About the Author

MEG CABOTis the author of the best-selling, critically acclaimed Princess Diaries books, which were made into the wildly popular Disney movies of the same name. Her other books for teens include the Mediator series, the 1-800-Where-R-You books,ALL -AMERICAN GIRL,READY OR NOT ,TEEN IDOL ,HOW TO BE POPULAR , andAVALON HIGH , as well asNICOLA AND THE VISCOUNT andVICTORIA AND THE ROGUE . She also writes books for adults, includingTHE BOY NEXT DOOR ,BOY MEETS GIRL ,EVERY BOY ’S GOT ONE,SIZE 12 IS NOT FAT , andQUEEN OF BABBLE . She is still waiting for her real parents, the king and queen, to restore her to her rightful throne. She lives in Key West and New York City with her husband and a one-eyed cat named Henrietta.

Visit Meg’s website at:


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Books by


The Princess Diaries


Princess in the Spotlight


Princess in Love


Princess in Waiting

Valentine Princess: