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19. Spink W. Jogeshwari: A Brief Analysis, c. 1-35, ил. I-VI.

20. Cp. Panigrahi, K. D. “Sculptural Presentations of Lakuli§a and Other PaSupata Teachers”, 1969, c. 635-643.

21. Тема Мировой Оси, представленная в Элефанте, просматривается и в буддийской скульптуре; ср. Coomaraswamy А. К. Elements of Buddhist Iconography, 1935, с. 53,54, ил. VII, «Будда, проповедующий бодхисаттвам на горе Гридхракута» (Карли).

22. Ramanujan А. К. Speaking of Siva, с. 144,149-151,153-161,164,166,168

в его переводах гимнов Алламы Прабху.

23. «Кандария» означает «пещерный». Наименование Храма Канда-рия Махадевы XI века означает «Великий Бог пещеры»; ср. Кгат-risch S. “Linga”, 1977, с. 365; Filliozat J. “Les images d’un jeu de Siva a Khajuraho“, 1961, c. 284 № 10.

24. В горах Панджаба XVIII и XIX столетий, особенно из Манди (в стиле Саджну) (ср. Archer W. G. Indian Paintings from the Panjab Hills, т. I, c. 365, т. II, ил. 60), а также в живописи из Гархвала Шива с его семьей изображен в пещере.

25. Ramanujan А. К. Speaking of Siva.

26. Ср. Sivaramamurti С. The Art of India, c. 362, фиг. 379.

27. Шива «Саптасварамья», деталь, см. Frederic Louis. The Art of India, c. 165, ил. 133; Sivaramamurti C. The Art of India, c. 176; Lippe A. Indian Medieval Sculpture, ил. 7. В левой руке каждой (по-видимому) из семи фигур — чаша. Этот аспект Шивы еще не был описан иконографически.

28. Ср. Spink IV. М. “Jogeshwari: A Brief Analysis”, с. 3-6,16.

29. Ср. Coomaraswamy А. К. History of Indian and Indonesian Art, ил. XXXI,

фиг. 135. Также см. Zimmer Н. Art of Indian Asia, t. 11, ил. 85.

30. Ср. Shah U.P. Sculptures from Samalaji and Roda, 1960, ил. 25,42. Они сочетают изобилие объемов с легким «классическим» шармом.

31. Spink IV. М. “Jogeshwari: A Brief Analysis”, ил. VI, фиг. 31; и Chandra Р.

A Guide to the Elephanta Caves.

32. См. Hirananda Sastri and Ratan Parimoo. A Guide to Elephanta, ил. 15.

33. Обо всем рельефе «грота» см. Frederic L. The Art of India, c. 162, ил. 129. Левая поднятая рука простерта под диагональным уклоном к движению фигуры от коленного сустава вверх к вершине углубления, где оно резко обрывается потолком ниши.

34. Zimmer Н. Art of Indian Asia, т. II, ил. 223.

35. Для анализа восприятия и характеристики см. Chatham D.C. “Stylistic Sources and Relationships of the Kailasa Temple in Ellora”, 1977.

36. Zimmer H. Art of Indian Asia, т. II, ил. 40, 41.

37. Ср. Gopinatha Rao T. A. Elements of Hindu Iconography, t. 2, ч. 1, c. 217; и Sharma B. «Ravana Lifting Mount Kailasa in Indian Art», 1973, c. 327.


АВAtharva Veda Samhita. Edited by R. Roth and W.D. Whitney. Berlin, 1856. — With the commentary of Sayana. Edited by Shankar Pan-durang Pandit. 4 vols. Bombay, 1895-1898.— Translated by Ralph Т.Н. Griffith. 2 vols. Benares, 1895-1896.— Translated by William Dwight Whitney. 2 vols. HOS 7-8. Reprint of lsted. Delhi, 1962.—Translated by Maurice Bloomfield. SBE 42. Reprint of 1st ed. Delhi, 1964.
АйтБрAitareya Brahmana. Edited and translated by Martin Haug. 2 vols. Bombay, 1863.— Rigveda Brahmanas: The Aitareya and Kausitaki Brahmanas of the Rigveda. Translated by Arthur Berriedale Keith. HOS 25. Cambridge, Mass., 1920.
АПAgniPurana. Edited by AcharyaBaladeva Upadhyaya. KSS174. Varanasi, 1966.— Translated by Manmatha Nath Dutt. 2 vols. Calcutta, 1903-1904.
АпШСApastamba Srautasutra. With the commentaries of Dhurta-swami and Ramagnicit. Edited by Vidwan T. T. Srinivasa-gopalacharya. Vol. 2. Oriental Research Institute Publications, Sanskrit Series, 93. Mysore, 1953.
АУпAtharvasira Upanisad. In The Saiva Upanisads. With the commentary of Sri Upanisad-Brahma-Yogin. Edited by A. Mahadeva Sastri. Adyar Library Series 9. Reprint of 1st ed. Adyar, 1950.
АшвГрAsvalayana Grhyasutra. Edited by Adolf Friedrich Stenzler. AKM 3.4. 1864.

— Translated into German by Adolf Friedrich Stenzler. AKM 4.1.1865.

— The Saiva Upanisads. Translated by T.R. Srinivasa Ayyangar and edited by G. Srinivasa Marti. Adyar Library Series 85. Adyar, 1953.

БВП Brahmavaivarta Parana. Edited by Jivananda Vidyasagara. 2 vols. Cal

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— Translated by Rajendra Nath Sen. 2 parts. SBH 24. Allahabad, 1920-1922.

БД Brhaddevata attributed to Saunaka. Edited and translated by Arthur Anthony Macdonell. 2 vols. HOS 5-6. Reprint of 1st ed. Delhi, 1965.

БДП Brhaddharma Parana. Edited by Haraprasad Shastri. BI 120. Calcutta, 1889.

БНарП Brhannaradiya Purana. Edited by Hrshikes'a Sastri. BI 107. Calcutta, 1891.

БП Brahmanda Purana. Edited by J. L. Shastri. Delhi, 1973.

БрП Brahma Purana. Edited by Narayana Apte. ASS 28. Poona, 1895.

БрУп Brhadaranyaka Upanisad. With the commentary ofMadhva. Edited and translated by Srisa Chandra Vasa, with the assistance of Ramaksya Bhattacharya. SBH 14. Reprint of 1st ed. New York, 1974.

— In The Thirteen Principal Upanishads. Translated by Robert Ernest Hume. Reprint of 2nd ed. Oxford, 1951.

БхвП Bhavisya Purana. Bombay, 1910.

БхП Bhagavata Purana. With the commentary of Sridhara. Edited by Pandeya Ramateja Sastri. Varanasi, 1962.

— Translated by N. Raghunathan. 2 vols. Madras, 1976.

БШС Baudhayana Srautasutra. Edited by W. Caland. 3. vols. BI 163. Calcutta, 1904-1924.

ВарП Varaha Purana. Bombay, 1902.

ВаюП Vayu Purana. Edited by Narayana Apte. ASS 49. Poona,1905.

BB Vastuvidya. With the commentary of M. R. Ry. K. Mahadeva Sastri. Edited by L. A. Ravi Varma. TSS 142. Trivandrum, 1940.

ВДхП Visnudharmottara Purana. Third Khanda. Edited by Priyabola Shah. GOS CXXX. Baroda, 1958.

— Part III. Translated by Stella Kramrisch. 2nd ed. Calcutta, 1928.

ВмП,СМ Vamana Purana. Containing the Saromahatmya. Edited by Anand Swarup Gupta and translated by Satyamsu Mohan Mukhopadhyava, Ahib-hushan Bhattacharya, N. C.Nath, and V.K. Verma. Varanasi, 1968.

ВП Visnu Purana. Edited by Srimunilala Gupta. Gorakhpur, 1967. — Translated by H.H. Wilson. Reprint of 1st ed. Calcutta, 1961.

BC Vajasaneyi Samhita in the Madhyandina and the Kanva Sakha. With the commentary of Mahidhara (Part I of the White Yajurveda). Edited by Albrecht Weber. London, 1852.

ГБр Gopatha Brahmana. Edited by Rajendra I. Al Mitra. BI 69. Reprint of 1st ed. Delhi, 1972.

ГГр Gobhilya Grhyasutra. With a commentary by the editor. Edited by Chandrakanta Tarkalankara. 2 vols. BI 73. Calcutta, 1880.

ГС Goraksa Samhita. Edited by Camanalala Gautama. Bareli, 1974.

ДБхП Devlbhagavata Parana. With the commentary of the editor. Edited by Pandeya Ramateja Sastri. 2nd ed. Varanasi, 1965.

— Translated by Swami Vijnanananda. SBH 26. Reprint of 1st ed. New York, 1974.

Джатака Jataka. With commentary. Edited by V. Fausboll. Vol. III. Reprint of 1st ed. London, 1963.

— TheJatakas or Stories of the Buddha's Birth. Translated by E.B. Cowell. Reprint of 1895-1907 ed. 6 vols. in 3. London, 1973.

ДжБр Jaiminlya Brahmana. Edited by Raghu Vira and Lokesh Chandra. Sarasvatl-Vihara Series 31. Nagpur, 1954.