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“Body parts. Bits of the body. Trophies. Some piece of the victim that the killer removed and took away with him.”

Neel consulted his laptop. “We have approximately two minutes before they kick us out altogether,” he said.

“You’d better work quickly then,” said Nisha, nudging him with her elbow.

Neel scooted slightly to the right, chair wheels drumming the boards. His fingers danced on the keyboard of the desktop. Lines of information appeared. As one, Nisha and Santosh leaned forward to look more closely.

“There’s nothing,” said Neel. “Correction, there is something. Here.”

He pointed at the screen, indicating a brief murder report. The victim’s name was Rahul. He had been found in the bath.

Both eyeballs missing.

Chapter 37

The journalist Ajoy Guha leaned back in his swivel chair in the DETV editorial office, sucking contentedly on a lozenge. On shelves behind him were neatly organized files, each containing in-depth investigations into various stories. It was well known that Guha required his team to devote hundreds of hours of research before broadcasting a show on any given topic. The sole personal item on the shelves was a photograph of a woman.

He addressed his team, who had assembled in the office, some standing, some perched on the edges of desks. “The suicide of Kumar is a major story,” he said. “But we need an angle. Something unique to Carrot and Stick.”

“How can we be sure that it was suicide?” asked one of the team members.

“Very good,” said Guha. “Let’s look into that.”

The subordinate glowed with pride.

“There’s something I think you should see,” said a research assistant, passing Guha a bunch of papers.

“What are these?” he asked.

“Financial statements of Surgiquip India Limited,” she replied.

“Patel’s company?”

She nodded. “One of the largest investors in Surgiquip is an anonymous fund based in the Bahamas. Some of the directors of the fund are known friends of Kumar. There’s every reason to believe that the money invested in Surgiquip also included Kumar’s money. Effectively, Kumar was Patel’s partner and, given his official position, was in a position to favor Surgiquip.”

Guha rolled the lozenge inside his mouth as he contemplated the implications of that information. “Let’s find an excuse to get Patel into the studio,” he said. “We can rip apart those connections once he’s in our hands.”

“Do you think that’s wise?” asked the show’s producer. “Some of these companies are our lifeblood. Without advertising bucks, we’re nothing.”

“These people need to be exposed,” said Guha. “You can be either a news channel or a profitable business. You can’t be both.”

Chapter 38

Looking more closely into Rahul’s death, the first thing Santosh had discovered was that there were very few details available. Contacts in the force had supplied him with a time of death — sometime between 9 p.m. and midnight — and Rahul’s occupation — shift worker — and that was it.

Now he stood in front of the late Rahul’s front door, an apartment locked and sealed with a length of police tape, and was about to let himself in when a door to the left opened and the face of a elderly neighbor appeared.

“Can I help you?” she asked, with such an admirable lack of suspicion that he opted to come clean.

“I’m a private investigator,” he said. He indicated the sealed door. “I’m looking into the death of your neighbor.”

She held herself as though to stop herself from shuddering. “Awful business.”

“Would you be willing to speak to me about it?” He shifted his weight onto his walking stick. Totem or not, it had its uses: weapon, pointer, putting elderly ladies at ease.

“You’d better come in,” she said.

In a few moments they were sitting together, drinking tea, the neighbor telling him what scant details she knew. No, she had never noticed anything unusual. No strange guests or visitors. Nothing like that. No, she hadn’t heard any odd noises. He was a good neighbor. Quiet. Kept himself to himself. Hardly ever there.

“He was a shift worker of some kind, wasn’t he?” asked Santosh.

“He worked the hospitals. A porter, I think. Orderly. Nothing medical. Nothing proper, you know. But even so, all these jobs need doing, don’t they?”

“Yes, they do,” agreed Santosh, thinking that those jobs weren’t usually well paid enough for ordinary hospital porters to be able to afford apartments. Not unless they were making something on the side. “Which hospitals did he work at, do you know?”

“No. In actual fact, I think he worked at them all at one time or another. Certainly I saw him in a number of different uniforms.”

From the inside pocket of his jacket, Santosh took Arora’s bio and showed it to the neighbor. “Did you ever see this man?”

She took a good look then shook her head. “Do you think he did it?”

“It’s just a theory at this stage.”

“What a horrible thing to do to someone,” she said, hugging herself once again.

“The eyeballs?”

“Well, not just that. The ice too.”

Santosh’s teacup rattled as he replaced it on the table. “I beg your pardon. Did you say ‘ice’?”

“Yes. When he was found — it was a colleague who found him — there were empty bags of ice in the bathroom. It had melted by that time, of course, but they think the bath was full of ice.”

Ice, thought Santosh. Like you might use to preserve an organ for transplant.

Back in the hallway — thanks made and the neighbor installed in front of the TV — Santosh broke the tape, picked the lock, and let himself into Rahul’s apartment.

It was not dissimilar to his own in terms of layout and lack of furniture. Whoever Rahul had been in life, he was not a homebody; the single armchair, TV, and coffee table in the front room suggested a person unaccustomed to spending much time in his own abode.

Along one wall was a low bookshelf; the few books on it were beach reads and bestsellers, the usual suspects. Meanwhile in the kitchen were exactly the kind of single-man ingredients and utensils that Santosh had in his own home.

Santosh thought back to Jack breaking into his apartment. Both locks had been easily picked. Had Rahul been at home when the killer had entered? Had he been asleep when the killer had filled the bath with ice? Surely not.

What did he do? Did he let himself in, fill the bath, then wait? Or did he catch Rahul unawares, knock him out, then fill the bath with ice?

Rahul was a shift worker, so it was entirely likely that he could have been asleep early, but even so.

“He would have had to bring his own ice,” Santosh said aloud. “He brought his own ice, filled the bath, and waited for Rahul to arrive. Which meant he knew Rahul’s movements. He knew what time Rahul was arriving home.”

Which meant he was targeting Rahul specifically.

Chapter 39

Nigambodh Ghat was located along the banks of the Yamuna river toward the rear of the historic Red Fort. On any given day, more than sixty corpses would be burned on Hindu cremation pyres at Nigambodh Ghat.

There was high security that day. The cremation of Nikhil Kumar was a state funeral. An honor guard in dark green turbans and red plumage led Kumar’s grief-stricken wife and son to the brick platform. His body, wrapped in homespun cloth, was placed in the sandalwood pyre, his head pointing south, as hymns from Hindu scriptures were recited. His son sprinkled water from the Ganges on the pyre before lighting it.