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Connie Bedford

Private Duty Nurse


"Mr. Blazer, will you come in here, please," said Miss Bloom, the supervisor of nurses. It was a crisp and no-nonsense voice that called Blazer into the little examination room. Blazer obeyed. He was just an orderly, and she was his boss. Besides, he knew what she wanted and his cock began to rise. He watched her walk briskly ahead of him. The low-heeled nurses' oxfords emphasized her fat legs, and even her starched white uniform could not hide her healthy big ass, thought Blazer.

Into the room they went. Inside, she closed and locked the door. Then she eyed the big red haired young man who was looking back at her expectantly. She was only thirty-nine years old and her miles of walking as a nurse had kept her muscles firm and her skin tones healthy.

"I want to suck your cock, Mr. Blazer." She was a very proper woman, and she addressed all her subordinates with respect.

"But first I want to get naked, and I want you to also." She unbuttoned her uniform and stepped out of it, and she hung it neatly on a coat hanger. Blazer automatically unbuttoned his shirt. He never took his eyes off Miss Bloom. Now she was pulling her slip over head. He saw her white panties and her garter belt. He saw her fleshy white thighs overflowing her white stockings. Her big titties were incased in a large cotton bra which also covered her midriff, but even while he was watching, this came off and her nipples were free and beckoning him to come suck. He whipped his undershirt over his head quickly so as not to miss any more than was necessary. He watched her remove her stockings, then she unhooked her garter belt and pulled it out of her panties. He dropped his pants and underpants to the floor. His cock stood out reaching for her. It was an angry red, hard as a ten pin, and, she felt, about the same size. She came over to him and grasped it with both hands. And again she marveled at the redness of his cock hairs, and how they were a different red from the red-purple color of his turned-on cock. Reverently, she caressed it. He watched her staring at it while she stroked it. He saw her lips moving as if in prayer. Then she murmured, "Goddamn, you sonofabitch, you've got a good cock… " She reached between his legs and hefted his balls with one hand while she pulled more urgently now on his big shaft with the other. He closed his eyes and began panting through his open mouth as she tickled the hairs growing between his two big sacs. He could still hear her litany as she played with him, "… big juicy cherry picker… asshole reamer… pussy king… " He put his hand down between her legs and found that her panties were so wet that they clung to her pussy like Saran wrap. He rubbed his hands in the hot wetness and she rotated herself on his fingers.

The thing that fascinated him was that she was so reserved and unapproachable, and yet when she wanted to fuck she was lewd; indeed, more lewd than most other women he had screwed. But even in the throes of her ecstasy there was still a token of her reserve-she still called him "Mister."

"Shit, shit, shit, Mr. Blazer, your big hammer turns me on. Slip my panties down. Help me, please. I can't let go of this big cock."

He moved one wet hand from her crotch, and he placed it on her hip and down inside her panties. He already had the other hand on her other hip, so slowly he pulled the panties down. Now she had both hands on his cock shaft. He was circumcised and she enjoyed twisting the big cockhead one way with one hand while rotating the massive shaft the opposite direction with her other hand. She moved one hand to the big nut and started twisting and pulling at it. She looked up into his face and saw him grinding his teeth.

He had her panties down off her hips, but the crotch was still clinging to her sopping pussy. He tried to reach behind her and in between the cheeks of her ass to pull the clinging cloth away, but her backside was too large for him to reach around. Then he tried to reach between her legs from the front, but her two arms and his own big prick were in the way. Suddenly she seemed to realize what he was trying to do and she helped him. She took the head of his cock and guided it between her legs. He felt the bottom of his sensitive head meet the wet cloth of her panties at the same time that he felt the top of his cock slide up against the wet lips of her flowing cunt. With his cock she probed at her panties and separated the cloth from her pussy. The heat along the top of his dick, which was being caressed by her slot, was almost too much to bear, especially since it contrasted with the coolness along the bottom of his cock where the wet cloth was now clinging. The heat and the coolness made him slobber like a baby, and his knees began to sag. Finally the panties were separated, but he just stood there, entranced, with the top of his tool slipping along her slot.

"Take them all the way off," her voice was strained. She knew that, for him to obey, they would have to break their delicious contact. They stood there locked together by their primary desires. They kissed and fondled each other. His cock grew harder, and it tended to burrow its way into her pussy, which encouraged it, trying to suck it in. They held their breaths, not daring to move even to fill their lungs. But breathing was not important now. Their genitals had complete control and they waited to see what would happen. His dick was sucked up into her cunt. The lips of her pussy laved the purple head of his sensitive cock. He bent his knees to improve the angle of penetration. She tried to open her fat legs wider but the panties held them together.

"Take my panties off," she stage-whispered in his ear. And impatiently, quickly, like a man taking leave of a loved one before a long journey, he removed himself from her and dropped to his knees. He pulled the panties down with him. To her ankles they came, and she stepped out of them while digging her fingernails into the flesh of his shoulders.

Her pussy was there right in front of his nose. He saw the thick, kinky brown hairs that were the roof of her candy factory. And among the brown hairs was a bright red one, his own, a strand that had abandoned its own home for the fields of paradise when their cock and cunt were kissing each other. And he continued to stare and he saw some grey among her browns and he knew that this was a woman, a full-fledged, hot-boxed woman who would never be satisfied with a mere thirty-second hump. He knew that she demanded satisfaction and that she would accept anything that would help make her come, and even at his tender age he had a code: no gentleman fucks a woman without making her come. He caressed the inside of her thighs, he felt the wetness flowing down them and he dabbled his fingers in it and then into his mouth. He licked her thighs, first one and then the other. He raised each of her feet, one at a time, tenderly, and kissed her toes, and then again, he licked her from knee to crotch on both thighs. She was being thrown off balance and she hopped, and he walked on his knees over to the examining table, where she could lean against it while he continued his worshiping. Now she was able to rest a thigh on one of his shoulders and dig her elbows into the examining table. Gently he bit the inside of the thigh resting on his shoulder, then he caressed each tiny reddened love bite with his soft warm tongue.

Up her thigh he went, sucking, biting, licking, kissing, and then he came to her pussy. Down he hunched until his rigid, blood-stiffened tool almost stabbed him in the chest. He held his head back like a man sucking grapes from a high vine and he licked at her pussy tenderly. When she felt his tongue, she yelped as only a female can when her pleasure becomes more than mere excruciating. She jammed her eyes shut: no need for sight at a time like this. She gritted her teeth together; no need for food at a time like this. His tongue probed deeper. She threw her head from side to side violently as she was caught in the spasm of lust. Hairpins fell out of her head, and her hair shook loose, coming down over her naked shoulders and then caressing her bare back and adding to her unbearable pleasure. Now he was so low and so far under her that even the leg which was over his shoulder was almost touching the floor. He pressed harder against her pussy with his mouth until the weight left the foot that she was standing on and she was riding his face as if it were a bicycle seat.