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He did so, and she hefted his cock and balls in her hands.

"Oh, that's a pisser, that's really a pisser," she said. Then she told him to sit down on the floor. And he sat down on the cold shower floor and propped himself against the frigid tile wall, but he was so excited that he hardly noticed any discomfort. Still standing over him, she turned her back to him. He watched her beautiful ass as she squatted down toward him. His dick reached out for her body. Now she reached between her bent legs and grasped his blood-hardened tool. While holding his stiff cock against her crotch she rubbed the shaft of his dick between her legs, splitting her wet trench with it. She began to moan, "Yes… yes… it makes me want to do it. Can I do it, baby?"

And he replied agonizingly, "Yes, you beautiful bitch, you can do anything you want to."

"Oh shit. It's coming!"

He threw his head back against the hard wall as he felt what she was doing to him.

"Hotdamn," he cried, "your piss feels good."

She was peeing on the head of his cock and the piss ran down onto his abdomen and dribbled off his balls. It ran like heated wine, and all the while she was pinching rhythmically the underside of his cockhead with her fingers, playing in her own water. His balls began to churn, and he nearly shot his load, but he regained control of himself. She raised up from him a little.

"Lie flat on the floor," she requested, and he managed to do so but his legs stuck out of the shower stall.

"Do you like me?" she asked.

"I love you."

"Am I beautiful?"


"You could eat me up, couldn't you?"

"Oh, yes, ma'm."

"You've never had a rich piece like me before, have you?"

"No… "

She went to her knees in front of him. Her hair clung to her shoulders as she grasped his cockhead into her mouth. She sucked it briefly and then said, "Give me some pee."

"I'll try," he said.

"Please," she begged, and she tilted her head downward and pushed the top of it against his abdomen while she fondled his tool and brushed the shaft against her kissing lips. He made his muscles relax and the nectar she wanted so badly began to come. It seemed to catch her by surprise, for when she felt it wetting her fingers, she fumbled frantically to get the spouting head into her mouth. She swallowed what she wanted and the rest forced its way between lips and cock and flowed down onto her breast and thighs. She sat back from him and rubbed the piss all over the front of herself. She rubbed it well between her legs, and then she made a small outcry and collapsed against his legs. Gently, he picked her up and turned on the shower. A girl like her, he thought, likes to be clean.

The next morning nurse Bloom told him, rather coldly, that she had made an appointment for him with the resident doctor. She herself didn't know who the doctor was, but whoever it was Blazer was to report and explain his problem; otherwise, she said she would have to see about terminating his job because he was not healthy enough to work around sick people. So that morning he sat around waiting for his hour of appointment to come. He sat in the nurse's station and read a magazine from the day room. Carol Hooks, the high school student nurse, came in. She had a small package in her hand as she flopped down in the chair next to him.

"What are you doing? Goofing off?" she asked.

"Naw, I got an appointment to see the doctor," he mumbled.

"S'matter, you sick?"

"Naw, Bloom wants me to."

"She ought to know that there's nothing wrong with you. You're probably just exhausted, that's all."

"Why in the hell do you say that?"

"Oh, never mind."

Abruptly she extended a leg out and pulled her uniform well up on her thigh.

"Tore my stocking," she said. "Lucky I had some money to buy some more."

She began taking her new stockings from the bag, but then she paused, "I'd better not change them here. Some poor guy might come along and go ape. I'll be in the store room."

She got up and went into the small shelf-lined room next to the nurse's station. She only closed the door partially, and he could see her shadow as she moved just behind the door. He sat there for a few moments and then almost automatically he got up and went to the little room she was in. He stepped around the door and stood there boldly and watched her. And she, just as boldly, went on with what she was doing. She had the hem of her uniform tucked under her chin. Her slip fitted so tightly that it just stayed there where she had pulled it, around her small waist. Her panties were brief and pink but with a lacy overlay of very dark red, which allowed the pink to show through as if it were her very own skin. White, silky garter belt suspenders came from under her panties and latched on to the straining welt of her overloaded stockings. The stockings squeezed her thighs almost like a tourniquet, and as he stood there she unfastened the last snap of the torn stocking and began to roll it down her leg. He could see a red reproduction of garter belt fastener and the strap itself printed on her full white thigh. She already had her shoes off, so leaning against the shelving, she bent her leg and yanked the stocking off her foot. He watched it float through the air toward him, and as slow as it went, he didn't try, nor was he sure that he could, get out of its way. It landed lazily on the top of his head and the exhausted welt, still warm from the heat of her upper thigh, settled ever so lightly against his nose and mouth. One eye was obscured by the stocking, but with the other, he could see her massaging the red indentations in her meat.

"Oh, goddamn," she said. "I'll be marked for life. My thighs are so fat. I bet you didn't know I had such big legs up here did you, Blazer? C'mere, see if you can get these marks off of me."

When she looked up from her legs, all she saw was her stocking floating down to the floor, but she felt Blazer's hands on her thigh. He kneaded her gently.

"Oh, you are a gentleman, Blazer. I can tell. I bet some men would attack me like a dog after a piece of raw meat. That feels good, Blazer, so good."

Blazer continued to rub. He knew she was a young girl. She probably hadn't had too many experiences, if any at all, and she certainly never had gone this far with a man without having to fight the guy off. She needed a man to become frantic before she would cut him off. She never realized that a pro like Blazer never got frantic, that he would work her up methodically until she was too hot to want him to stop. The tips of his fingers were under her panties now.

"You need a little moisture to get these marks out," he said.

"Moisture? What do you mean, Blazer?" she sounded far away like she was speaking absent mindedly.

"I'll show you," he said, and he planted his mouth over and around the little red circle in her flesh. He licked and he sucked while his right hand caressed her backside and the fingers of his left entangled themselves in her moist hairs. She was breathing hard now and he heard her puffing grow louder as he slowly rotated her around to face him squarely. Now, with a slight toss of his head he could cover both thighs with his tongue, and after feasting in this manner for a while he tilted his head back slightly, opened his mouth wide and placed it against her silken-covered crotch. He breathed through his nose and exhaled through his mouth. His warm moist breath penetrated her thin panties, wilted her pubic hairs like boiling water does a noodle, and opened her pussy like a steamed clam shell. He heard her gasp and felt more of her weight against his face. He opened and closed his mouth, massaging her cunt with his lips. Her panties were sopping wet from his spit and her juices.

"God, Blazer, God!" he heard her cry out somewhere far above him. He removed his hands from her body and unfastened his pants and his cock leaped out like a jack-in-the-box, its hungry purple head rubbed against her leg, mid-calf. Up his hands went again, this time to the waistband of her panties, and he peeled her panties down to her ankles, where she impatiently stepped out of them. Now he stood up, dragging his gigantic cock along the length of her writhing body. Her legs opened and then closed, as best they could, around his fire hose. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and she sucked on it and caressed it with her own tongue. Her wet pussy slopped along the base of his blood-hardened cock. This was a dream come true for him, here was the youngest nurse in the hospital, a girl not out of high school yet, twisting herself against him and rubbing her naked cunt over the shaft of his tool.