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Now the woman stood before the sitting Ram and looked down with righteous satisfaction at the velvet black column that angled up at her. He had his legs askew as she had just recently been sitting between them. But now, she reached down and slammed them shut like the cover of an offensive book, and he merely looked up at her, his mouth agape, his eyes dulled with sex. She straddled his knees and took his cock in hand. She rose up on her toes and with the free hand she used two fingers to part the lips of her pussy as wide as she could. The room was absolutely quiet. No one was moving, no one was breathing; the husband lay inert, Blazer's fingers were motionless inside the girl's sopping pussy and she had stopped her writhing on them. The woman put the gigantic meat between the two fingers holding her cunt open. She placed the cockhead against the moist inner lips of her pussy. She removed the fingers, letting the big glands hold her cunt open. She placed both hands on Ram's shoulder and she cautiously came slowly down off her toes and slid her pussy's mouth down past the tremendous cockhead and down onto the fat cock shaft. Slowly, with sighs and moans and tears, she went down to mid-shaft, where she was forced to stop for a second to catch her breath, and then resuming, on down she went, the big cock shooting off sparks inside her now. Her toes curled, she bit her lips, her head was thrown back, her eyes closed, now toward the base of the cock her pussy nipped. Now pussy hair met cock hair. Her knees were bent now. She was full on, and she let out a loud, happy sigh, and so did everyone else in the room.

The husband reached for his own tool, which he knew was somewhere under his stomach, and Blazer gesticulated in the girl's snatch while she whacked his cock up and down. And now the woman rode up and down on Ram's cock, slowly at first, but then faster and faster. She screamed and slobbered and cried. The chair and Ram began hopping across the floor. Faster and faster she went. Her ass was a blur, and now Ram was yelling. And they both howled in a frantic duet of lust, and the big cock, plunging in and out of the dripping pussy, made sopping and farting sounds. Ram fucked back, trying to gain some control over the situation, but the woman was too far gone. She hopped and twisted and slammed. She scratched and squeezed and pulled, and he felt every drop of come, from his head to his toes, collect in his cock and rush toward the woman's demanding cunt. The man pulled his own peter, his fist moving fast, and Blazer whirled his fingers inside the screaming girl's cunt while she twisted and rubbed his tool. Now the chair had been hopped up against the wall and Ram yelled and came forward out of the chair. The woman went over backwards, but Ram was holding her fast to himself. She landed on the floor on her back with Ram atop her. She clenched her legs around his waist and he rammed and she slammed. They twisted and turned on the floor until Ram's rooting, outstretched legs were extended there right in front of Blazer and the girl. They could see Ram's tight little ass, his big balls, and his wet, hard cock being swallowed and spat out by the woman's unsated cunt. They could see the source of each delightfully vulgar sound. The squirts, the slaps, the escaping air, the grunts, and the cries filled the room. But then the woman's legs unwrapped themselves from around Ram and formed a perfect vee high in the air, and with a pitiful cry, she held them there and went into a spasm of completion. Blazer and the girl saw the come well up out of the woman's pussy and around the still pumping cock. It ran down the crack of her ass and onto the expensive office rug. Then they saw Ram's balls contract, writhe and twist. They saw his tool slurp deep into the creaming cunt, they heard him and the woman scream again together, they saw the woman rise up on her shoulder blades, lifting Ram with her in an effort to get more of the shooting black cock deep inside her. They saw die come shoot out of the engorged cunt like water out of a rundown fire hydrant. The girl screamed and she creamed over Blazer's fingers, and she pissed in the rug. Blazer's cockhead was enclosed in the palm of her crushing hand when he shot, and the come squirted between her closed fingers like juice from a crushed grape and it went everywhere. It was on them, or the other couple, and it dripped slowly from the walls and ceiling. But the fat man lay with a small pool of his very own between his legs.

After it was all over, Blazer had told Ram that nurse Bloom wanted him, but Ram wasn't in the mood or condition to allow Bloom to catch up with him and so he kept busy in another part of the hospital working for another nurse. But one of the boys had to cover Bloom's section and Blazer did it because he had a good alibi for keeping the horny nurse out of his pants.


"Are you still under doctor's orders?" nurse Bloom snapped at Blazer later that week.

"Yes'm," he replied innocently.

"Well, where is that goddamned Ram?" she practically screamed. And he told her that Ram had been given another assignment under another nurse. She merely cursed again and walked off, and he went to the nurse's station where Carol Hooks was sitting reading a magazine.

"Hey," he said, "Did Rand say anything about us in the store room?"

"Naw," she crossed her legs after facing him, "and I can't understand it. She was pretty upset."

"So was I, but not like she was."

"Well, I am sorry, Blazer. I understand that it hurts when it gets up like that, and when you can't get it back down naturally."

"Oh yeh, yeh, very painful."

"Oh, I am sorry."

"It still hurts."

"Still? But that was yesterday!"

"I couldn't sleep last night."

"Well, if she just hadn't come in there… "

"I know. I know. It's not your fault."

"Well, maybe next time… "

"How about right now?"

"Oh Blazer, I can't leave the station right now. I got to answer the telephone and the patient's buzzers. The girl down the hall at the other station went somewhere."

"But I'm in awful pain."

"Why don't you just masturbate or something?"

"Hell, even to do that I've got to have some inspiration."

"Oh shit, Blazer, I feel awful about getting you so upset like this, but we can't do anything out here. And I just can't get up and leave."

"Oh well, I guess I'll just have to suffer." Then Blazer fell down on the floor and writhed in pain. "Oh, ow, ow…!"

"Blazer, what's the matter?"

"I'll be all right, but it gets me sometimes right in the left nut."

"Oh, God, I have to do something."

Now Blazer stood up. "Let's go into the cleaning closet across the hall. You can hear the phone and buzzers from there. And if anybody comes up you can just walk out of the closet with a mop or something in your hand."

"We can't do much in there. There's no room."

"Well, this is an emergency. We don't have to be comfortable."

"Maybe I could just help you masturbate."

"Yes, that's it. C'mon."

She got up and went to the utility closet, with him following close enough behind to rub his cock against her backside. Once inside the closet she said, "Don't close the door. I won't be able to hear the phone. And Blazer said, "But we gotta close it. We can't do anything with the door open. Close it a little bit," he said.

The closet was small. It contained a sink, some mops and a bucket. Inside the small confines the heat from her body flowed through him and concentrated in the tip of his cock, which stretched out toward her along the invisible lines of sex which flowed between their two bodies. She faced him.