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Nurse Bloom had recovered somewhat from her excesses with Blazer. And when she saw Ram's come flowing down the wall, she told him that he didn't have to be so messy, and she got up, removed her wet panties and went over to the wall and used them to catch up Ram's come. Then she threw the sopping panties into the sink. Next, she started to take off the rest of her clothes.

"Let's all get naked and screw our troubles away," she laughed.

And soon, all four of them were stripped down. Miss Bloom was lying on the examination table face down, and Ram was kissing her between the cheeks of her ass. While at the same time, Carol was squeezing the hunched-over Ram's balls and watching his mouth work down in the white valley of Bloom's backside. Her mouth was moving along with Ram's and she hoped he would stop soon so she could take his place. She felt Blazer's cock against her own soft buttocks and he was also licking her, behind her right ear, and squeezing her breasts.

Abruptly, an insistent knock came at the door. All four persons inside the examination room froze. The knock came again. Harder this time. And, finally, a voice whispered loudly through the door.

"I know you're in there. Open up. Open up or I'll have someone come and knock this door in!"

Bloom was the first to regain her voice.

"My God, it's Rand!"

And nurse Rand again pounded on the door. There was a tentative scramble for clothes, but Bloom told them that there was no way they could straighten themselves out before Rand brought the whole hospital down on them. She ordered the door opened. Blazer did so, and nurse Rand gasped in indignation at the completely naked man standing there before her with his purple red cock sagging only somewhat.

"Close the door," Bloom ordered and nurse Rand automatically stepped inside with her eyes and mouth both agape.

Wordlessly, nurse Rand looked around the room at the four totally naked people. Bloom was still lying on the table, and Ram still had one of his hands of each of her buttocks. His whole face was wet with saliva and nurse Rand could see that same saliva coating the valley of nurse Bloom's white buns. She could see Carol, looking younger than she had ever looked before, trying to hide behind the strapping young black boy whose cock she had, until recently, been pulling on. And then there was Blazer, standing between her and the door. His oversized, fleshy man tool leaning out of his orange-red jungle of dick hairs, which climbed up his body and onto his chest like some kind of red ivy. Was he standing there menacingly? Would he step aside to let her out? For the first time, she considered that maybe she had gone too far. But she just had to see for herself. She couldn't believe that such things actually happened. That human beings could deport themselves like animals, that they could actually be naked in front of each other, that they could actually touch each other. Now she saw it was true. Stories of the black mass flooded up through her mind. The rumors, the whispers in the night at the convent. She looked at Blazer again. He was red, so red. And she gasped and almost fainted when, for a second, she thought she saw horns on Blazer's forehead and a tad switching back and forth behind him. But that was too much. She closed her eyes and then opened them, and the apparition was gone.

She spoke, "What are you all doing in here?" Her voice was calm, and after she had asked the question she realized how silly it sounded. She was a witness to something she didn't want to see. And now seeing it, she was a part of it. It was like watching a very private murder in which no one would know the details except the victim, the murderer, and herself. And now she felt as guilty as if she had committed the observed act herself. Strangely, she began to relax. It was as if something that had to be done was finally finished. She had heard of orgies. She had condemned them, if they existed, as works of a devil cult. She didn't really believe in them, but here she was right in the midst of one, although interrupted by her presence. It was like walking through the woods and finding little men, with pointed hats, bowling. She thought of that and she laughed. She looked at Blazer and saw the perplexed look on his face. A big red-headed kid with half an erection, standing there naked and looked quizzically at her. She laughed harder. She could hear herself. She sounded younger than she thought she should. She felt fighter than she thought she should. Blazer was coming closer, or was she going to him? She reached out and grasped his cock.

"What's wrong with her?" whispered Carol Hooks, still cowering behind Ram.

"She's hysterical. She's cracked up," replied Bloom, barely above a whisper.

"Look at her go after that meat!" breathed Ram. He was watching nurse Rand, who had fallen to her knees in front of Blazer and who was holding his reawakening cock in both hands and staring up at it unblinkingly. Now nurse Bloom sat up on the table. She watched nurse Rand intently. Somebody inquired what was Rand going to do. And Bloom whispered to the kneeling, mesmerized woman on the floor, "Suck it. Go ahead, Rand, suck it!" Someone started to say something, but Bloom hushed them with a wave of her hand. She slid from the table and knelt down beside nurse Rand. Again, this time into the woman's ear, she said urgently, "Suck it, goddamn it." Rand's mouth began to move as if she were talking, but nothing came out. Still, she held the gigantic prick aloft, but she didn't move. Nurse Bloom kissed her on the ear. She licked deep and then tickled lightly with the tip of her tongue.

"You want me to kiss you?" Bloom murmured. She trailed her tongue along the other woman's cheek, she licked at the corner of the other woman's mouth. She put her hand up between the other woman's legs. She squeezed the other woman's cunt. And then she got her head between the woman and Blazer's cock and French kissed her.

They both toppled backward on the floor. When Bloom kissed nurse Rand, Rand let go of Blazer's dick and put her arms around the woman who was tonguing her. With a muffled screech she began to scrape Bloom's feminine skin with her fingernails. She forced her own tongue into Bloom's mouth. She reached down between their bodies and she found Bloom's pussy. Deftly she slipped a finger into Bloom's cunt, and unerringly, she found the right spots and Bloom realized belatedly that she was, in fact, being raped by another woman.

The other three stood amazed as they watched the spectacle before them. Bloom was now spread-eagled on the floor. Over her hovered a demonic nurse Rand, sucking her titties, licking at her belly, and finally, burying her nose and mouth between Bloom's outstretched legs. Bloom howled. She rocked up against the other woman's mouth. She scooted along the floor trying to escape the voracious mouth. But there was no escape. Nurse Rand, her white stockings torn and dirty, her uniform askew, crawled everywhere after her, sucking, licking and blowing into her pussy. Blazer, Ram, and Carol took refuge on the examination table since the two women, in their passion, covered all the floor space at one time or another.

On the table Carol sat between Ram's legs. Now the surprised entrance of nurse Rand, and the even more surprising scene taking place of the floor had, ironically enough, taken the three table-bound lovers' minds off their own sexual pleasures. But now Bloom had weakened. She had put up a good fight, but now she lay there in the middle of the floor and let Rand contentedly feast on her cunt. She had long passed the stage of mere enjoyment. The pleasure had become so intense that it was painful. Now she had been transported beyond any pain. Now there was only intense pleasure, pleasure that bypassed all her voluntary reflexes. Pleasure that controlled her ass effectively as any pain the body can endure. There was no thinking for her, no reflections. There was no seeing, no tasting, and no feeling except the retching, spasmodic pleasure that made her body jump like electric current was flowing through it. Every muscle in her body, she felt, was contracted as tightly as it could be, and the licking at her pussy was going to release them soon. She knew that she would not only cream, but that she would also pee, and maybe even shit. And she didn't want to do that. She didn't want to be embarrassed like that. Somewhere, someplace, the civilized portion of her mind was screaming. But in vain.