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Ram watched nurse Bloom getting her pussy sucked out by nurse Rand. Now Bloom's shoulders were the only part of her body touching the floor. She had the back of her knees hooked over Rand's shoulders. Rand was kneeling now. Ram could see the wide open mouth of the sucking woman working on the upturned pussy. Ram's cock began to grow again. It swelled enough to reach out and touch the soft white backside of the young girl sitting between his legs. Unthinkingly, he pulled her back against him. But there was a hand between her legs. Blazer's fingers had buried themselves into her cunt hairs. Now he was parting the lips of her young gash. She settled against the big black man who's cock she was, by now, sitting on, and whose hands were again stroking her breasts and, also, she enjoyed the finger penetration of the red-haired man who sat next to them on the table. All three saw nurse Bloom get her gun.

She felt it coming. It was almost as if someone had cut away the bottom half of her body and now everything was draining out. It was not an unpleasant sensation. It was a great release of tension. Even her mind no longer fought the inevitable. Nurse Rand was sucking her like she had never been sucked before. Nurse Rand was an expert. Nurse Rand had done this before. Naughty nurse Rand. Bloom was thinking all this as her climax started to flow upward from her toes, and forward from her ass. Now her cunt muscles began to push. Now her pussy began to expel. With three great convulsions, nurse Bloom emptied her pussy into nurse Rand's hot mouth. The first convulsion arched her body out like a bow, her stomach reaching for the ceiling. The second convulsion slammed her ass toward the floor violently. On the third, her shoulders left the floor. She climbed up nurse Rand and somehow managed to be sitting on the other woman's shoulder with her fingers tangled in the sucking woman's hair. Then her feet were on the floor, and in her spasm she actually leapfrogged over her lover's head. They lost contact with a big "smack" and Bloom was walking around in a fit, pulling her own hair with her still-spasming pussy spitting out clots of woman juice onto the floor. She made it over to the examination table just before she fainted.

Nurse Rand, still clothed but dirty and disheveled, sat back on her haunches. She was staring at the wall as if she were expecting someone to walk through it. Blazer, Ram and Carol stretched Bloom out on the table. They got a sheet and covered her there and then they went over to investigate nurse Rand. They walked around her, examining, but she never really seemed to take any notice of them. They called her name and she responded properly enough, but no more. It was Carol who suggested that maybe she would be more comfortable with her clothes off. So they laid her out on the floor and removed her clothes. In the process of doing this, both men got big hard-ons again. Nurse Rand had a beautiful body. Blazer had the job of pulling down her panties. After Ram had raised her torso off the floor and Carol had unsnapped her bra, Blazer straddled the woman's body with his long cock falling against her naked white thighs, and he pulled her panties down, raising her rump from the floor with no help from the others. On his knees, he walked his way down her body and finally unhooked her panties from her feet. Here, before him, naked and hot, was the woman he'd always wanted to fuck. Like a gourmet loath to touch a beautiful meal, he looked at her a long time. He saw that her body looked younger than her face. He noticed that, even flat on her back, her tits rose up like stiff dicks under a bed sheet. He saw her waistline was so small that the skin was compressed into a darker line of flesh that encircled it. Her legs were womanly, not lean like a girl. But the biggest surprise of all was that nurse Rand was a blonde. Her pussy was buried under a lush golden silken thatch of beautiful blonde hairs. And then, for the first time, he noticed that she was looking at him. Frankly and openly, she was staring at him straight in the face as he knelt there at her feet. His cock had grown to an enormous erection, and he knew that she had seen it. For the first time, she spoke to him.

"Give it to me," she said quietly, "Please give it to me." Inexplicably, he was flooded with compassion for this woman lying before him. Tenderness pervaded his whole being, and for the first time in his life, he considered a woman as something other than a cunt.

"Do you," he stammered, "have you ever… "

"No," she interrupted, "you'll be the first one. You'll be my first real man."

She opened her legs slightly and turned her head away. Slowly he crawled to her. He handled her gently, almost as if he was afraid he would break her. He spread her legs farther. Under the blonde hairs he could see her open gash. It was moist and ready, lewd and yet so innocent. Carefully he pressed his cock to her entrance, and she began biting her lower hp. He hesitated again. Was he hurting her? Slowly he began rubbing his swollen cockhead up and down her wet trench. He was hovering over her, supporting himself with one palm flat against the floor. With the other hand, he continued to move his dick against her pussy. It felt so good, so goddamned good.

Slowly his back and leg muscles began to relax and his body lowered itself toward her. And his cock eased deeper into her warm hole. Her pussy sucked him in. Abruptly, she turned her head and banged her cheek against the floor. He thought he had heard her moan. He pulled out of her a little, but it was hard to do. The suction was terrific, and he knew that he could never pull completely away from her because she had something inside her that he had never had before. He didn't know what it was, but as his dick went into her, the pleasure became unbearable. And so, it was for his own sake as well as hers, that he allowed his cock to retreat somewhat. But now, after a second or two, he was ready to continue his lascivious journey. Down his body fell, deeper into her went his red cock. Now the meat was completely in, now the first part of the long shaft, and now, just a little more. She growled like an animal, and then she crooned. He was carefully watching his dick disappearing into her body. He watched as her cunt spread and ate the tremendous meal he was feeding her. He watched her take it all. And then, he looked up into her face and saw that again she was watching him with her eyes wide open. There was something in her eyes. He thought it was hatred at first, but then he realized that it was more like defiance, a challenge. And then she spoke. "Get it, get it, you nasty bastard. Fuck it! Give it to me." It wasn't a taunt. She said it evenly, coolly, almost as if she were giving him instructions on how to inject drugs into a patient's vein. He let his hips drop, and his cock sank almost the full length into her cunt. She raised her own hips and began to rotate around it. Her eyes were closed now, and she had the back of her head firmly against the floor. And then, she relaxed.

"That's it," she breathed, "Give me more. I want more." He slipped his hands under her buttocks and pulled her up to him. He ground his stomach into hers, and when their pubic hairs met, they began fucking like mad. Steadily they screwed, not making any sound except for an occasional grunt. Inside her pussy he could feel his shaft unbending, being worked up and down. There was a firm spot in there somewhere and every once in a while, his dickhead would hit against it, giving him unlimited pleasure. With his cock, and on every stroke, he searched for that spot. And she was trying to help him find it. Each time he hit that spot she could feel his cock rubbing harder against the walls of her cunt, swelling, increasing the pressure, increasing the friction and making her scream deep down inside her throat.