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As usual, Pinfar, tried to analyze the feelings from a scientific point of view.

— As for me, I am more interested, what happens to the energy of love, when feelings cool down, Elia added, getting suddenly sad. — I am so afraid of losing you, Pinfar!

— Stop your melancholy, — Pinfar said with a smile. — Don't you remember the idea of huge potential of love in space, that our old Everon mentioned? A great part of it is consolidated at the planet Lilia, where love calmly slumbers in its undeveloped and hard-hearted inhabitants. So, you and I will try to awaken this volcano and release the tremendous energy, that entire Universe needs! I'm ready for the expedition, what about are you?

— Please, teach me how to "enter the point"! I just have to master this skill.

— In my opinion, this is the most effective way to get to Lilia. You become a Lilian for a while, and in a completely natural way you can convey your cosmic ideas to their minds. Personally, I prefer to "enter the point" by means of concentration. Just imagine a small black dot in front of you and keep your attention on it. Gradually it will get bigger, and you will be able to step into this darkness. And then you will be among the Lillians! I regularly practice concentration, but I have not tried to pass the exam for the High Council yet — there was something that held me back. Now I know that I hadn’t met you by that time. After all, you can return back from Lilia only after completing your mission.

— I promise you, my love, that very soon I’ll learn how to enter the point and we together will step into the darkness.

— No, Elia, we must enter the point separately — on that planet, there are its own, strange laws of nature. So, first I will take this step, and then you. I am sure we will quickly complete our mission on Lilia and return to our world.

As always, Pinfar was too overconfident.

Soon, the oracle Elia has perfectly mastered the ability of concentration. For her it was no longer difficult to cross that border where the planet Lilia began, the planet of love and beauty, which its inhabitants did not know about. By that time, she had already learnt a lot of phraseological expressions, songs, spells and prayers in the native language of the Lillians. All these she might need to implement that grandiose plan she and Pinfar had in mind- to educate the locals about simple cosmic truths and help them truly love each other. She was ready for this task. Meanwhile, love of the two young oracles got stronger day by day, and, of course, such feelings could not go unnoticed by the Council of the Higher Space Mission. Elia and Pinfar received an official call to carry out a mission on the planet Lilia.

— My sweetheart, don’t be afraid, I will wait for you there, on Lilia!” — Pinfar promised fervently, flashing his eyes, and the next moment he vanished into thin air, crossing the border of a giant black point.

According to the instructions of the Higher Space Mission Council, the oracle Elia had to wait for a while before following Pinfar to the planet. And finally, her moment has come. With her eyes closed, the girl crossed the border of the familiar world of her…

The next moment she found herself in a strange, brightly lit room. Some Lillians were moving around, actively discussing something and smiling at her all the time.

“How cold it is here, — Elia thought. — Pinfar was right, when he told about their strange laws of nature. Ah, Pinfar… You promised that we would meet each other, complete our task quickly and return home! But where can I find you on this icy planet?”

Oracle Elia unable to control her feelings, burst into sobs and tears. However, she cheered up, as soon as she recalled about her mission. So, she immediately decided to start her Enlightenment Mission, for which she had very little time. With her passionate message, Elia was going to break silly stereotypes of Lilians, which interfere with their happiness, and satisfy their unconscious thirst for knowledge of the Universe.

— Why don’t you, people, understand?! — Elia addressed her question to the young woman, who was looking at her with such kindness and tenderness that she immediately felt sympathy for her. — Everything in life is interconnected in such a way that it is impossible to remove any link, and if you do it, the whole chain will break, and it will be a completely different life then. Let’s take for example, your chance meeting a year ago, when you fell in love for the first time, and that song that you heard that day … Your сrazy acts that scared him away and awoke jealousy in the other one, and your self-distrust … And that “great love”, which actually turned out to be just a game, and that true love that you passed by — all these are the links in your life chain, and only you know which one will be the next. Just understand that nothing is by chance in life… But why don’t you want to listen to me?!

The Oracle felt desperate. The young Lillian woman, who had already become close to her, didn’t catch on what she was saying. She was just smiling senselessly and tenderly at Elia.

Very soon Elia lost track of the days passing by. Occasionally, her brain received some signals from the Higher Space Mission, encouraging her to be more active and faster, since her time was running out. By the end of a certain period, she would completely lose her space memory, and then she would have to live on Lilia blindly. In such conditions the most difficult part of her mission — to teach the local inhabitants to love — would become almost impossible, and she might never return back home.

The girl made every effort to make the Lillian woman understand the meaning of her message. So, she went on:

— Living on a planet of amazing beauty, why do you still need your deadly weapon, which brings evil to all of you and the entire Universe? After all, any controversial issue might be easily settled by a telepathic exchange of opinions — it's so interesting and exciting, I'll show you how! Why do you need these bulky monster machines? Can’t you see, that all living things are gradually dying, because of them, including the wonderful lily flower — the symbol of your planet? If you need to move to some other place, just think of it — and you’ll find yourself right there. It's easy, I'll teach you! Why do you need these huge ugly shelters, blocking out the sun, which you call houses? Unlike you, we make our homes, where our heart tells us — on flower meadows, at the mountain gorges or near waterfalls. This gives such a powerful impetus to creativity! You would love to live like this too. Why do you, Lillians, need to tell lies in order to get along with each other? After all, everyone is free to live as he wants, but at the same time to be responsible for every step he takes. It is not difficult at all, it just requires great inner honesty… But everyone lives like that in space — this is our unwritten law, and we are happy with it. And let’s take love… For centuries, you've been scratching your head about what it is. It's ridiculous! Love could be understood only with one’s heart, but in human language there are no words expressing the language of the heart. That’s sad… Believe me, that only love makes sense on your planet, as well as in the whole Universe. But please, listen to me! — Elia was talking to the woman she saw first on this planet. — I want to tell you about many more important things. Your understanding of them will make you and your whole world happier! I have to tell you before I forget everything. Very soon I will lose my space memory, I have very little time …

Suddenly Elia realized that she had forgotten who Pinfar was. His vague image no longer awakened those exiting feelings in her heart. The girl realized that she was gradually becoming one of the Lillians. And she cried in despair.

— Calm down, don't cry, my sweetie pie, do you want me to sing a lullaby to you? — The woman started singing in a soft tender voice, cradling the baby in her arms. While the girl kept crying and fussing, as if trying to say something important. She fell asleep, only after her mother fed her with breast milk. So, Elia, the oracle of the Higher Space Mission, was silenced in the most tender and loving way which was possible on this planet.