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[Hostile Takeover 01]


By S. Andrew Swann


Scanned & Proofed By MadMaxAU


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Pearce Adams—Confederacy representative for Archeron. Delegate to the TEC from the Alpha

Centauri Alliance.


Ambrose—Dimitri Olmanov’s bodyguard.


Kalin Green—Confederacy representative for Cynos. Delegate to the TEC from the Sirius-Eridani

Economic Community.


Francesca Hernandez—Confederacy representative for Grimalkin. Delegate to the TEC from the

Seven Worlds. Nonhuman descendant of genetically engineered animals.


Robert Kaunda—Confederacy representative for Mazimba. Delegate to the TEC from the

Trianguli Austrailis Union of Independent Worlds.


Dimitri Olmanov—Head of the Terran Executive Command. The most powerful person in the



Sim Vashniya—Confederacy representative for Shiva. Delegate to the TEC from the People’s

Protectorate of Epsilon Indi.




Klaus Dacham—Colonel, TEC. In command of the Blood-Tide and Operation Rasputin.


Mary Hougland—Corporal, Occisis marines. Attached to the Blood-Tide.


Eric Murphy—Second Lieutenant, Occisis marines. Attached to the Blood-Tide.


Kathy Shane—Captain, Occisis marines. Attached to the Blood-Tide.


Webster—Alias used by informant for Col. Dacham.




Flower—A birdlike alien. Expert on the Confederacy Military.


Cy Helmsman—VP in charge of operations for Godwin Arms and Armaments.


Ivor Jorgenson—Pilot and smuggler.


Johann Levy—Demolition expert and proprietor of Bolshevik Books.


Tjaele Mosasa—Electronics expert and proprietor of Mosasa Salvage.


Dominic Magnus—Ex-Colonel, TEC. Ex gunrunner. CEO of Godwin Arms and Armaments.


Kari Tetsami—Freelance hacker and data thief.


Random Walk—An artificial intelligence device. Mosasa’s “partner.”


Mariah Zanzibar—Chief of security for Godwin Arms and Armaments.


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PROLOGUE: Politics as Usual

1: Secret Agenda                

2: Freedom Fighters           


PART ONE: Leveraged Buyout 

3: The Military-Industrial Complex

4: Industrial Espionage       

5: The Underground Economy           

6: Coup d’État                     

7: Criminal Justice              

8: Mergers                          

9: Insurance Fraud              

10: High-Risk Investments  

11: Depreciation                 


PART TWO: Fellow Travelers   

12: Book Value                   

13: War Crimes                  

14: Executive Session         

15: Silent Partners              

16: Golden Parachute         

17: Loyal Opposition           

18: Glass Ceilings               

19: Leaks                             

20: Executive Action       

21: Foreign Relations     

22: Family Values           

23: Controlling Interest  

24: Press Conference     

25: Conflict of Interest   


PART THREE: Covert Action      

26: Media Exposure       

27: Crossing the Rubicon

28: Loopholes                 

29: Securities Exchange 

30: Capital Expenditures

31: Contingency Plans    

32: Liquid Assets             

33: Counterinsurgency   

34: Loose Cannon           

35: Zero-Sum Game       

36: Extreme Prejudice    

37: Market Crash           


EPILOGUE: Economic Indicators          

38: Closing Costs            

39: Propaganda Victory  

40: Plausible Denial        




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Politics as Usual



“In politics, as in high finance, duplicity is regarded as a virtue.”

—Mikhail A. Bakunin






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Secret Agenda



“Foreign policy is dictated by powerful men’s prejudices.”

The Cynic’s Book of Wisdom


“Force and fraud are in war the two cardinal virtues.”

—Thomas Hobbes




For a hundred million years the two-kilometer-long Face had stared impassively up at the Martian sky. Dimitri Olmanov had only been visiting it regularly for the past century.


The first time he had seen it, Dimitri had needed a pressure suit and the sky had burned a hostile red. Today he survived wearing only a heavy parka. Today his breath fogged beneath an infinity of crystal blue that was only slightly tinted by clouds of engineered microorganisms.


His doctor would curse him for not using a respirator. Dimitri, he’d say, your new heart has quite enough trouble with the stress of your job. Don’t burden it with a too-thin atmosphere.


His general staff would object to him being out in the open like this—even with the omnipresent Ambrose. Too much risk in his job without inviting assassins.