May 9, 1964: Chicago, Illinois. 10:20 p.m. J.R. Betz, U.S. District Court reporter. Three light green crescent-shaped objects, about half the apparent size of the Moon, flew very fast in tight formation from east to west, oscillating in size and color for 3 seconds.
May 18, 1964: Mt. Vernon, Virginia. 5:15 p.m. Civil engineer F. Meyers. One small, glowing white oval split twice after moving from the right of the Moon around to the left. Sighting lasted 17 minutes.
May 26, 1964: Cambridge, Massachusetts. 7:43 p.m. P. Wankowicz, RAF pilot and ex-Smithsonian satellite tracker. One thin, white ellipsoid (3.5 times as long as wide) flew straight and level for 3–4 seconds.
May 26, 1964: Pleasantview, Pennsylvania. 11 p.m. Rev. H.C. Shaw. One yellow-orange light, shaped like the bottom of a ball, was spotted in a field and chased down the road for 2 miles.
June 13, 1964: Toledo, Ohio. 9:15 p.m. B.L. English, announcer for radio station WTOD. Three glowing white spheres, glowing red on their sides, moved slow, hovered and then moved in circles very fast, all the while making a low, rumbling sound.
June 29, 1964: Lavonia, Georgia. B.E. Parham noticed a brilliant light in the sky, moving toward him at a 45 degree angle. He felt a burning sensation on his arms. Air Force conclusion: The phenomena was determined to be St. Elmo's Fire. The report was not forwarded to the investigating office at Wright Patterson since it was evaluated on the spot.
July 16, 1964: 15 miles south of Houghton Lake, Michigan. 11:15 p.m. Northern Air Service pilot K. Jannereth. Four white lights in a stepped-up echelon formation, were joined by two more. They closed in on the airplane, then rapidly slowed and flew along with it for a total of 5 minutes.
July 20, 1964: Littleton, Illinois. 4:45 a.m. J.J. Winkle. One 60 foot' diameter round-topped, flat-bottomed object with a long acetylene-colored flame shooting downward, flew straight and level, made a half loop, then rose up. Sighting lasted l minute.
July 27, 1964: Norwich, New York. 7:30 p.m. Duabert, engineering supervisor. One aluminum sphere with a luminous ring, remained stationary for 4–5 minutes.
July 27, 1964: Denver, Colorado. 8:20 p.m. A. Borsa. One white ball of fire, the size of a car, climbed slowly, then speeded up. Sighting lasted 2–3 minutes.
Aug. 10, 1964: Wake Island. 5:16 a.m. Aircraft commander Capt. B.C. Jones and navigator 1st Lt. H.J. Cavender, in parked USAF C-124 transport plane. One reddish, blinking light approached the runway, stopped and made several reverses during 2 minutes.
Aug. 15, 1964: New York, New York. 1:20 a.m. S.F.D. Alessandro. One 10'x5 foot 'bullet-shaped object with wavy lines on the rounded front part and six pipes along the straight rear portion, made a "whishhh" sound.
Aug. 15, 1964: Yosemite National Park, California. 8:15 a.m. E.J. Haug, of the San Francisco Orchestra and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music; and C.R. Bubb, a high school mathematics teacher. Three bright silver, round objects, in a stack formation, flew very fast, changing positions within the formation. The sound of rushing air was heard during the 3–4 second sighting.
Aug. 18, 1964: Atlantic Ocean, 200 miles east of Dover, Delaware. 12:35 a.m. Major D.W. Thompson and First Pilot J.F. Jonke, on a USAF C-124 transport plane saw one round, blurred, reddish-white object on a collision course with the C-124 from ahead and below. The airplane evaded the object. Sighting lasted 2 minutes.
Sept. 4, 1964: Cisco Grove, California. The witness claimed to have seen an object come toward him. He saw two humanoid beings and two creatures he described as robots. Air Force conclusion: Psychological.
Sept. 10, 1964: Cedar Grove, New Jersey. 7:09 p.m. P.H. DePaolo saw four white lights, 3–4 apart, were seen to the north, going west for 45 seconds.
Nov. 14, 1964: Menominee Falls, Wisconsin. 9:40 p.m. Dr. G.R. Wagner, MD and two girls watched three dim, reddish lights flew through a 160 degrees arc in 5 to 6 seconds.
Nov. 19, 1964: 1,400 miles east of Tokyo, Japan. One bright white flashing light was travelling from horizon to horizon in 20 seconds.
Jan 23, 1965: Williamsburg, Virginia. 8:40 a.m. Mr. T.F. Mains saw one mushroom or lightbulb-shaped object, 75–80 feet' high, 25 feet' diameter on top and l0 feet' bottom diameter; metallic grey with a red-orange glow on the near side and a blue glow on the far side. The object made a sound like a vacuum cleaner. The witness' car electrical system was affected as the object moved away at an altitude of 4 feet.
March 4, 1965: Corvallis, Oregon. 9:23 p.m. W.V. Harrison. Three lights rose from the ground, several seconds apart. The next day, an oily spot was found at the site.
March 8, 1965: Mt. Airy, Maryland. 7:40 p.m. J.H. Martin, instrument maker for U.S. Bureau of Standards watched six lights fly overhead slowly for 3 minutes.
April 4, 1965: Keesler AFB, Mississippi. 4:05 a.m. USAF A2C Corum, a weather observer; confirmation by college student R. Pittman not clear from available data. One 40 foot' black, oval object with four lights along the bottom, flew in and out of the clouds for 15 seconds.
May 7, 1965: Oxford, Michigan. 7:30 p.m. M.E. Marshall. One light, like a satellite, split into two parts, one of which was copperish color, then two more joined up. One object may have been tumbling. Sighting lasted 1 minute.
July 6, 1965: Kiel, Wisconsin. 9:30 p.m. Mrs. E.R. Hayner. One flashing light, like a satellite, was seen for less than 1 minute. No further data was in the files.
July 25, 1965: Castalia, Ohio. 9:15 p.m. Amateur astronomer M.D. Harris, 16. One bright blue star crossed 90 of sky in 10–15 seconds.
Aug. 4, 1965: Dallas, Texas. 9:30 p.m. J.A. Carter, 19. One light flew fast, straight and level for 12 seconds. No further data in files.
Aug. 4, 1965: Tinley Park, Illinois. 11:35 p.m. Two unnamed 14 year olds. One light moved around the sky for 16–17 seconds.
Aug. 19, 1965: Cherry Creek New York. 8:20 p.m. Mrs. William Butcher, son Harold, 17, and children saw a large elliptical object, with a reddish vapor underneath, came close to the ground, then shot straight up into the clouds a few seconds later. Radio drowned out by static, a tractor engine stopped. When the object was on the ground, a steady beeping sound could be heard. Afterwards, a strange odor was noticed, and the next day, a purplish liquid, 2"x2" marks and patches of singed grass were found at the site. A bull bellowed and tried to break its bonds.
Aug. 30, 1965: Urbana, Ohio. 10:30 p.m. M.A. Lilly, N. Smith, T. Nastoff. One white ball, 5–8 feet' in diameter and trailed by a 2–3 foot' light, hit the road 100 foot' in front of the witness' car, bounced and flew away. Sighting lasted 3–4 seconds.
Sept. 3, 1965: Exeter, New Hampshire. 2 a.m. Patrolmen Eugene Bertrand, Jr. and David Hunt, and Norman Muscarello. One large, dark, elliptical object with a row of red lights around it, moved slowly and erratically around houses and trees, while lights blinked in sequence. Farm animals were very noisy. Sighting lasted about 1 hour.
Sept. 3, 1965: Damon, Texas. 11 p.m. Brazoria County Chief Sheriff's Deputy Billy McCoy and Deputy Robert Goode. One triangular object, 150–200 feet' long, 40–50 feet' thick at middle and dark grey, with a long, bright, pulsing, purple light on the right side and a long blue light on the left side. Came from distance to 150 feet' off highway and 100 feet 'in the air. Purple light illuminated ground beneath object and interior of police car. Driver felt heat on his left arm. Initial sighting lasted 5-10 minutes. Second sighting occurred later that night.
Sept. 25, 1965: Chisholm, Minnesota. 9:55 a.m. Bett Diamon. Five orange lights in a row flew fast and made an abrupt turn during the 1 minute sighting.