Leon Trotsky
1522, Vyse Ave, Bronx, NY, USA
After the Germans came out for unrestricted submarine warfare, mountains of military supplies blocked the railways and filled all the eastern stations and ports. Prices instantly soared, and I saw thousands of women – mothers, in the wealthiest city of the world – come out into the streets, upset the stalls, and break into shops. What will it be like in the rest of the world after the war? I asked myself.
Julio Mariutti
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Grand Duchess Olga
Alexander Palace, Tsarskoye Selo, Russian Empire
Cold weather, a snowstorm, minus 24 degrees this evening. We didn’t do anything in particular in the evening. Father read “Masquerade”. Bed at 11.
Zinaida Gippius
Sergievskaya 83, Petrograd, Russian Empire
Kerensky called on us in the last few days and related with much invective the news of the recent arrest of a number of workers from the War Industry Committee and the position that Milyukov has taken regarding the event. Kerensky was all aflame, positively beside himself with anger, to which I only shrugged my shoulders. The story was, after all, nothing new. Milyukov and his faction were only being true to themselves.
Kerensky was restless and impatient as always. But, profound as his impatience and indignation are, he’s right to experience them.
Mikhail Larionov
at work sketching the costume of the Dragon in the ballet "Russian Fairytales"
Rome, Italy
Nils Eivind Bjørnerud, Lena Dg and 2 others
20 February
The tsar’s former lover is advised to leave the capital
The chief of Petrograd’s secret police warns of imminent food riots
Tough choices at the French embassy in Petrograd: should the foie gras be washed down with Bordeaux or Burgundy?
Leonide Massine
Rome, Italy
Many have heard of the young Spaniard who painted the dancers and helped Bakst to paint some of the accessories used in the ballet.
Grigore Pintea, Lena Dg
Paul Klee
paints «Hieroglyph with a bird and a fish»
Summer school, Gersthofen, Bavaria, German Empire
Lena Dg, Julio Mariutti and 1 other
Olga Paley
Petrograd, Russian Empire
One eminent Russian lady ventured to pen a letter of unprecedented nerve to the Empress. I saw this letter, written in a careless and hasty hand on pages torn out of a notebook. Among other things, she wrote the following: “Leave us, in our eyes you're a foreigner.” Naturally, the Empress was mortally offended.
Lisa May Davidson
Alexander Spiridovich
Petrograd, Russian Empire
Globachev has reported on the increasing dissatisfaction with the lack of certain foodstuffs. He warned of the possibility of so-called "bread riots" and excesses of "the most horrible of all the anarchic revolutions." Almost every day his reports speak of strikes. The General warned that there may be an attempt to organize a march to the Tauride Palace and that the Bolsheviks, the Mensheviks and the Social-Democrats. are united in this plan.
Peter Struve
Petrograd, Russian Empire
Two features characterize the internal political situation in Russia today: 1) economic difficulties related to the war. 2) The increasingly deepening standoff between the Tsarist government and the people. Dissatisfaction with the situation in the country is extremely sharp and clearly visible.
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Amedeo Modigliani
paints "Adriana" ("Woman with a Fringe")
Emil Gudo's square, 13, Paris, France
Nils Eivind Bjørnerud
Mathilde Kschessinska
Kshessinska mansion, Petrograd, Russian Empire
Every day brought more and more alarming news. Nobody knew the exact reasons for this anxiety, but a menacing, stormy atmosphere hung over the capital, and uncertainty increased. It had begun with vague reports, and nobody had been able to decide whether the situation was really serious, or whether these were merely rumours spread by a troubled populace. However, in the first week of February General Halle, Chief of Police of the Fourth District of the "Peterbourgskaia", See more
Taco Tichelaar
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Maurice Paleologue
10, Kutuzova embankment, Petrograd, Russian Empire
Doumergue and General de Castelnau lunched at the embassy very privately to-day.
We conjured up memories of the days just before the war. Doumergue, then President of the Council and Minister for Foreign Affairs, was one of the first who saw, or rather confessed himself obliged to see, the threatening reality. See more
19 February
Pablo Picasso visits Diaghilev in Rome
Lenin continues to berate Trotsky
“The general mood in Petrograd is subdued. People are openly criticising the tsar”
Vladimir Lenin Inessa Armand
Zurich, Switzerland
Dear Friend,
The other day we had a gratifying letter from Moscow (we shall soon send you a copy, although the text is uninteresting). They write that the mood of the masses is a good one, that chauvinism is clearly declining and that probably our day will come. The organisation, they say, is suffering from the fact that the adults are at the front, while in the factories there are young people and women. See more
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Lev Tikhomirov
Moscow, Russian Empire
It’s Maslenitsa. And there’s no food to be had. We barely managed to get ourselves some milk. As for meat, Masha’s attempt to get hold of some proved wholly unsuccessful. Marfusha was next to be sent, and after spending an age in the queue she got four pounds of the stuff (bones included). See more
Elenaabout Gurdjieff, Taco Tichelaar
Pathe News
Alpine ski squad on patrol.
Nils Eivind Bjørnerud
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Carl Mannerheim
Petrograd, Russian Empire
The general mood in Petrograd is subdued. People are openly criticising the tsar. Due to heavy snowstorms, tens of thousands of freight cars are stuck on the tracks, with the bread and fuel situation in the capital and other major cities becoming particularly severe as a result.
Taco Tichelaar
Alla Nazimova
New York, USA
Premiere of the play "Admission of a mistake”
Pablo Picasso
Italy, Roma, Via del Babuino, 9, Hotel de Russie
We’re on our way from Paris to Rome to work on the ballet "Parade".
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Jean Cocteau
Rome, Italy
About to head off for the baths. Street by street we’re getting to know the city, wandering around without coats. Picasso arrives soon.
Rome is bewitching. I succumbed to the charms of its streets on the very first morning. We arrived by train following a journey accompanied by countless adventures, the very least of which was yesterday’s sleepless night.
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Grand Duchess Olga
Tsarskoye Selo, Russian Empire
Sat at home with Alexei in the playroom with Mama and Anya. Uncle Mimi drank tea. Clearly it was very cold. Papa read "August Cadets" about grandpapa. It was awfully sweet.