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13 February

Psychologist Ivan Pavlov on the Russian slave mentality

The infamous erotic dancer Mata Hari is arrested

The starve makes people leave their houses

Ivan Pavlov

 Bol'shaya Pushkarskaya street, Petrograd, Russian Empire

How often and in how many ways does the impulse of slavery appear on Russian soil, and how useful it is to realise this!




Elizaveta Naryshkina

 Tsarskoye Selo, Russian Empire

A lull on the political front. The whole world is protesting German submarine activities. As a moral victory this is important, but for the moment is having little practical effect. In what capacity can America or China do anything?

Walid Azar




Mata Hari

 Palace-Hotel, Paris, France


Margaretha Zelle, female, also known as Mata Hari, lives in the Palace Hotel, is Protestant, a foreigner born in the Netherlands on August 7, 1876, 1.78 meters tall, and literate, is accused of espionage, in part for passing state secrets, or for collecting information constituting a state secret with the purpose of transferring it to the enemy, and with the intention to helping the enemy carrying out its operations. She was delivered to the Saint-Lazare prison and imprisoned in a cell No. 12.

Walid Azar



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Pathe News

French submarine hunters.

Walid Azar




Kazimir Malevich

Colour and number and sound rule the world.

Anton Zotov, Walid Azar and 1 other



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Leon Trotsky

 1522, Vyse Ave, Bronx, NY, USA

We rented an apartment in a workers’ district, and furnished it on the instalment plan. That apartment, at eighteen dollars a month, was equipped with all sorts of conveniences that we Europeans were quite unused to: electric lights, gas cooking- range, bath, telephone, automatic service-elevator, and even a chute for the garbage. These things completely won the boys over to New York. For a time the telephone was their main interest; we had not had this mysterious instrument either in Vienna or Paris

Walid Azar, Henry Lin and 2 others



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Maurice Paleologue

 10, Kutuzova embankment, Petrograd, Russian Empire

Eleven workmen, members of the Central Committee of Military Industries, have just been arrested on a charge of "plotting a revolutionary movement with the object of proclaiming a republic."

Arrests of this kind are common enough in Russia, but in the ordinary way the public hears nothing about them. After a secret trial, the accused are sent to a state gaol or banished to the depths of Siberia. The press never mentions the matter, and quite frequently even their families do not know what has happened to their missing relative. The silence in which these summary convictions are wrapped has a good deal to do with the tragic notoriety of the Okhrana. But this time the element of mystery has been dispensed with. A sensational communiqué informs the press of the arrest of the twelve workmen. This is Protopopov's way of showing how busy he is in saving tsarism and society.



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Grand Duchess Olga with Tsarevich Alexei

 Alexander Palace, Tsarskoye Selo, Russian Empire

We have 2 in the infirmary. There was an operation, the re-amputation of a foot. After 5 o’clock we returned for tea. Alexey, thank God, is better. He’s not in pain. I stayed up with Shvybzik [Anastasia] again until 10 reading the papers. Mama doesn’t seem to mind. They’re all absorbed with Papa by a puzzle.

Walid Azar




Birzhevye vedomosti

At a special session on city supplies, agents from the Ministry of Agriculture raised concerns regarding the failure to meet targets for bread delivery stipulated by the ministry.

The agents testify that the conditions simply do not exist to meet the targets regarding the quantity and quality of bread for delivery laid out in the ministry’s instructions.




12 February

Life in Petrograd in 1917: “Yet another idiotic banquet”

The Grand Prince Aleksey is prescribed morphine to help him sleep

Don't miss an opportunity to watch famous ballerina Anna Pavlova performing "Giselle" in Havana

Nicholas II

 Tsarskoye Selo, Russian Empire

Woke up with a hoarse throat. Went for a walk with Tatyana. The weather was rather pleasant. I sat with Aleksey until tea. At 6 I received Shcheglovitov, and then Protopopov. After reading the evening papers we did a puzzle together.

Julián Huertas



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Alexandre Benois

 38, 1st line of Vasilyevsky Island, Petrograd, Russian Empire

Yet another idiotic banquet. Patriotic speeches. Utterings of “Constantinople, Constantinople”. Bloody foolishness! We hear rumours from the kitchen staff that a general strike is in the offing. Most likely the “comrades” are really planning something big this time, but nothing of any decisive significance is likely to come of it; the “hydra” will be easily grinded down by the regularity of our policing methods. Unless, as some are now saying, the police themselves are in a state of collapse. If such is the case, our brother the bourgeoisie ought to watch out…

Kenneth Whyte, Vitor de Vile



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Anna Pavlova

performs the ballets "Giselle" and "The Magic Flute" at the National Theatre in Havana

 458, Paseo de Martí, La Habana

Kenneth Whyte, Olga Malkova and 4 others



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Aleksei Kruchenykh  Mikhail Matushin

 Erzurum railway administration, Sarykamysh, Karskiy region

Can it really be that there has been nothing new in art in Petrograd? Where is Filonov living? I received the transfer (75 roubles), and thank you for your troubles.

I am working a lot.

My greetings to everyone.




Grand Duchess Olga with Tsarevich Alexei

 Alexander Palace, Tsarskoye Selo, Russian Empire

Alexei had ½ a syringe of morphine injected and has been sleeping since 6 o’clock.


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11 February

Eleven workers are arrested for disseminating revolutionary propaganda: the sound of the starting gun?

The wife of Rasputin’s murderer develops an addiction to card games

Listen to an archival recording of Fyodor Chaliapin, the most famous bass of the early 20th century

Maxim Gorky

 23, Kronversky ave., Petrograd, Russian Empire

When I finally collapse, many numskulls will be frightfully shocked to learn of how great a capacity I had for work. This, probably, is my best quality; at the very least it is the only one of them that is remotely good.

Kenneth Whyte, Demetri Sophianopoulos


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Alexandre Benois

 38, 1st line of Vasilyevsky Island, Petrograd, Russian Empire

In the evening a big group of us went to a picture show and we were punished for such self-indulgence; the film was awful.



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Elizaveta Naryshkina with Tsarevich Alexei