Well, maybe he'd even understand why it was she'd been spending quite so much time at sim-ship, and why it was she was busy, busy with extra dance, busy with a sudden interest in packet and courier ships, busy avoiding the sometimes just-too-stealthy questions and insinuations from Asu.
Really, what was it to Asu exactly what they'd done or hadn't, or when, or who started what? The first three days after her return from orbit she'd felt like Asu was peering at her neck, looking at her shoulders, for Simple Sake, checking out her feet and legs for marks and bruises!
Win Ton was Liaden, and thoughtful and gentle, and Liaden! That meant careful, in many senses.
And everybody's questions about, "How was it in orbit?" Pfui!
Yes, Win Ton was a Scout pilot . . . which meant a master class pilot, as it turned out, and so yes, not only could he certify her orbital time but he also should, because that's part of what master class pilots were supposed to do. He'd also been very clear that once they lifted, it was all about the ship.
She smiled to herself. Yes, when she'd rolled the Torvin through the sun-cooling routine, Win Ton's smile had been good. But she'd rolled it properly on axis, and then she'd offered her calculations to him and the board for the deorbit burn that would bring them down on the longest, flattest, slowest, quietest possible landing the ship could make, according to all the information the ship so willingly fed second board. And it was all about the ship, and about being a pilot.
Taking the long way to lunch meant a visit to DCCT was out of the question before afternoon class, but it also meant one more chance to avoid Asu, who needed to be in class at about the moment Theo reached for her last cheese muffin, counting teatime in her head. Now that math was falling into place for her she'd been getting in extra dance as well as extra bowli ball and those calories needed to be replaced, and she and Asu were suddenly out of the habit of companionable late night snacks. . . .
Theo continued the count in her back brain even as she thought about Asu. She was senior bunk, after all, and so she needed to be in some touch with Asu, just in case someone asked.
Count reached, she said, "One hundred thirty-two" out loud and gently sipped at her second cup.
Out of the side of her vision appeared a familiar hand with rings on it, fluttering query query before the rest of Kara appeared, bonelessly dropping into the chair opposite, tray carefully isolated from the flump of the body.
"What?" Theo felt her eyebrow rise and tried to suppress it, without luck. Genes!
"Counting flower petals odd and even?"
It was Theo's turn to flutter query with one hand as she sipped again. It was really hard to get the tea exact when the available hot water varied by so much, but . . .
"I distinctly heard you counting," Kara said, unzipping food from her tray. "Bova informs me that there's a well-known Terran custom of offering a potential night-friend the opportunity of counting flower petals together. I gather one actually pulls the flower apart in the process. Should both parties reach the last petal with a 'Yes, I will' . . . then the night is decided."
Theo thought a moment, scrunching up her face seriously, cup still in front of her lips.
"How many choices are there, I wonder? Or is it binary?"
Kara bowed, laughing.
"Yes, it is binary. I think you begin to see, O Pilot."
"And so if one knows the number of petals a particular flower generally has . . ." Theo sipped, put the cup down in favor of finishing the maize button.
The grin got wide.
"Thus speaks a pilot! It is, in fact, pilot's choice. If one is in need, as one may be, one picks the proper flower and starts with the proper count. If there is but one flower to hand, the same result might be obtained."
Theo chuckled around her swallow. "Fast head or fast hand, it's no gamble."
Kara sighed gently. "Temptation is always a gamble, my friend, even a temptation one welcomes!"
Theo theatrically took the last bite, looked toward her empty hand.
"None left to tempt me."
Kara sighed again, ending with a laugh.
"If it was all only so easy! But I digress. I saw you here and haven't caught you at DCCT lately." Her hands waggled busy busy busy. "Session ends become full with duty to school!"
"Not over," Theo said, "there's ummm . . ."
"Thirty class days," Kara said, "after today. Many of us will be wandering offworld very soon now. Are you going home to Delgado and kin?"
Theo sipped, shook her head. "The time, the money, the tickets!" Her free hand emphasized do not mesh. "I don't want to spend all my money and time in between, as much as I'd like the travel . . ."
"Hah. Will Win Ton your Scout friend be available to—"
Theo shook her head, hands saying, would do, more do not mesh.
"Don't mesh?"
Theo looked at the cup, seeing small particles in it.
"My Scout," she said carefully, "Win Ton. He's on his way to Liad, to be married."
Kara opened her mouth, her shoulders leveling after she managed not to spill her drink. After putting the drink down she gave a short head nod and a hand-fluttering repeat of don't mesh.
"Oh, Theo—this is an unexpected lack of luck! In an orderly universe delms would have something more to do than looking for ways to discommode those of the—well, no, the delm's job is the clan after all. Liadens! He could be tied to clan-strings for a year or more!"
Theo sighed, wishing there was more tea at hand.
"He told me. I mean, he was careful to explain all of how it works. And then after that marriage, he's put in for a survey assignment . . ."
"Survey! Theo, that's wonderful for him." Kara's face was bright. "A good assignment and a way to stay out of the delm's sight." She paused and, Terran-style, pointed a finger at Theo. "And he bowed equal to you. This is not an act, done so publicly. He meant it!"
Theo smiled wanly.
"I believe he does mean it," she said with a sigh, "but that still means no visit during break, right?"
"Indeed," Kara, said, suddenly sounding like yos'Senchul in her seriousness. "That would shatter the Code in so many places . . ."
Theo shrugged. It wasn't like the Code, whatever it was, had anything to do with her.
"So you are just staying at the academy?" Kara shook her hand into rethink plan. "The break dorms aren't much fun, you know. They crowd everyone into Plummer Hall, and have hard-set meal schedules, and . . ." She paused and gave a conspiratorial wink, "and they keep strict compliance hours. Check rooms even. I did it first time around. It is to avoid!"
"You're going home, too? Who will I talk to?"
"I am not going home. That is also to avoid! If luck is not mine I'll spend session break with an uncle who has a small repair shop at Portcalay. My best hope is to pick up something at the Hugglelans job fair."
"The what? Are you going to be a cook?"
Kara raised her eyes to the ceiling, and not finding the answer there, she opened her hands wide and gave Theo a stern look.
"Where have you been, Pilot Waitley? Do you think Hugglelans is just the Howsenda?"
Theo shrugged again.
"Well, I mean, they do have the restaurant . . ."
Kara covered her face in mock despair.
"Theo, Hugglelans is the largest fixed-base operator on the planet! They run the port—the landing zone, all the public spaces, the hotels and dayrooms, the maintenance shops, the cantinas, the whole thing! The Howsenda is . . . a sideline. No, I misspeak. It is a melant'i game, a show of strength, a brag . . . a hobby for the owners. Well." She paused.