"For approval?" It had taken her a moment to catch that. Theo fought hard to keep her face and eyes turned away from Veradantha, still standing silent beside her. "Local approval? The Pilots Guild is galactic."
Theo saw the guard lose concentration as he looked elsewhere for guidance and finally found it in a man in a business suit who lounged nearby. He moved forward, speaking firmly, to Theo and Verandatha as much as the guard.
"Yes, that has been the process here; any pilot with credentials and training might go to the local Guild office and join. Of late, however, an additional step has been added for those not from Eylot—they must meet piloting standards, of course, but they also must first have a job offer or a job and to get that they must be—"
The guard pointed to Theo's left hand, where the card bearing the crest of Howsenda Hugglelans was clenched firmly against her Anlingdin Academy credentials.
"Guide, the pilot does carry other, appropriate, ID."
The man in the suit nodded.
"You were correct in scanning her credentials, and correct that they are somewhat—out of the ordinary—for a student here. We shall make a note of that. As we should not start proceedings without her, you will admit her." He glanced at Veradantha, not politely.
"You will not be needed, counselor. Please return to your area."
The hearing hadn't taken long. In fact, Theo wondered why it had been called a "hearing" at all, since nobody had listened to her.
She walked—no! She strode. An eager calm infused her, dance was her being. The world went on all around her, voices and sounds, and as in a half-watched but well-known play. The theme of this play was an old one: Theo Waitley, threat and menace.
This episode was perhaps better scripted than the play as seen in her early days, when it was her hapless clumsiness that was cited. Now it was her pure potency that mattered—Theo Waitley, trained in unarmed combat, Theo Waitley, with a history of at least four violent incidents since she'd arrived on campus . . .
Four? There was her riot, of course, and then the incident of the stolen flight hours. But . . .
Somehow, for the purposes of this exercise, her infamous sailplane flight was linked to the general unrest being brought under control throughout the continent by the new policy rectifying the disadvantage and self-disadvantage Eylot had been laboring under. Then there was the recent incident, also linked to general unrest, in which a senior faculty member had intervened.
And now, of course, it was well known that this person with a history of violence was carrying a gun. True, as a pilot she might be permitted a gun, and clearly, she'd had the gun with her during the riot. That she hadn't brought it out and wounded dozens was considered by the panel to be a matter of oversight.
Commander Ronagy had not been absent at the hearing; nor had there been anyone Theo knew in the room. Evidence was read by the man in the suit—the Guide—and no discussion was allowed. She sat in her chair while the Guide spoke, telling the room that in times of unrest it was necessary and purposeful to regard the precincts of academia as central to the future of the planet, and in particular, the precincts of any place producing pilots, who are the core of commerce. Acknowledging the speeches by the Guiding Council as authorizing immediate action by Guides in place . . .
"This hearing is to announce and confirm the decision of the Guides of Purpose on the immediate suspension of academic privilege, residence, and attendance of Theo Waitley at Anlingdin Academy, on the grounds of a history of her continued association with violent activity. Given the state of unrest facing Eylot we must act to make and keep Anlingdin an orderly institution and cannot countenance the existence of an ongoing nexus of violence. This suspension is to remain in force until the student can demonstrate two years of clean, nonviolent civil behavior records, after which reinstatement to the start of the equivalent semester may be considered upon proper application through recognized channels, assuming the state of unrest and threat is resolved. Failure to leave the premises on time or in good order will be considered a violent breach of the peace."
After that, they'd read the incidents, explained that in uncertain times order was necessary, and . . .
Dance. Thoughts of bowli ball, and a vague understanding that she'd really be needing a place to sleep. Tonight. She wondered if there was some kind of a rebound from the interrogation drugs that made her feel like this.
She'd been distracted several times during the proceedings, wondering who the Guides would report this to. Certainly they should report it to Captain Cho, who had seen her enrolled—so she would need to be informed, and of course Win Ton, once she was settled, somewhere. She would have to tell Kamele—and that was something Theo wasn't looking forward to. Father had worked so hard to bring Kamele around and—Father. She couldn't start to imagine what Father would say.
But there, that was later. Father would be fine; Kamele would—she would make Kamele understand. Just like the times with her mentor and the silly problems on Delgado. She'd get through this.
She would.
For now, she walked, with a single goaclass="underline" get out. There was a shuttle flight in an hour; the Guides having preempted the first two jitneys to show up after the hearing.
Before her, there were footsteps. A lot of footsteps, being not at all quiet, and now, voices.
"There she is!"
She turned, calmly, ready, feeling the weight in her pocket as well as the energy in her arms, anticipating that the first move would be—
As calm as she'd been about facing potential hostiles, she was unnerved to find a half-dozen members of DCCT.
"You're all going to get in trouble!"
"We're all in trouble already," Kara said, grimly, "every one of us in DCCT. They've tagged us with association with recent violent activity, and with association with a known nexus of violence."
They were walking rapidly, away from the hearing room and in the direction of the space field and dorms.
"Nexus of—"
Theo's temper flared.
"Someone brings a riot to DCCT and it's your fault? And I'm the nexus? I am the nexus?"
She stopped suddenly, eyes closed, the pause so rapid that several of the DCCT members jostled her.
"What are you doing, Theo? Are you going to be able to walk or should we call a cab?"
Kara was right next to her, looking intensely into her face, eyes grim when Theo opened her own.
"I was remembering names, Kara. Faces and names. I swear I will not forget this!"
Kara bowed, very formally.
"Yes, we have the names as well. The whole thing was live on the admin channel, you know!"
"Double," Theo said. "Double! I have their faces. They think I'm going to want to come back to this—"
"That is much Balance, Theo. Do not take on—"
Overhead a rotary wing was sweeping by, search beam bright.
"There, they said they were going to start security sweeps on groups of three or more."
That was Bova, echoed a heartbeat later by Freck.
Theo spun—"I'll be able to do this, just go. Don't get into more trouble on my—"
Kara turned as well, hands moving purposefully: Split return careful I cover and report.
A flutter of assents, and the two of them strode on alone, the sound of the rotary thrumming in the distance. When they reached the path leading toward the field Theo veered in that direction, while Kara strode on toward the dorms until realizing with a start that Theo's path had diverged.