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This book will help you remember a lot of necessary and useful words and combinations that you are going to use in situations and small talks while talking about advertisement.

The following episodes are combined in order to provide you with an opportunity of memorising some words and phrases just reading stories about advertisement.

Enjoy and learn!

Story ONE

Room for rent

Samantha is renting a flat. She studies at a local college at the second year. It’s very convenient for her as she can walk to the college. It takes her about five minutes. Her flat consists of two rooms. Lately, her roommate has left so Sam needs to find a person who will share the flat with her. She decides to place an ad in a local newspaper. This newspaper is popular among the students and the ad is likely to be read by one of them. Samantha phones the advertisement department. She leaves a message. Later she gets a call from a newspaper worker. They talk the conditions. Tomorrow Sam will go and pay for the ad. It will cost her nearly 3 dollars per month. She hopes to find someone within this time.

She waits.

Story FIVE


Megan wants to order a photo session. She has had a birthday this month and got some money as a gift so she would like to spend it reasonably. Now she is trying to choose the best place for it. She uses one application on her cell phone.

It offers a huge selection. One of them is a really attractive one. The price looks reasonable as well. She clicks on it to find out more information. It takes a while to clear all the details. Finally, she realizes that it’s the best one. It’s just the thing she has been seeking for. Megan fills in the form and orders a phone call.

Some time later everything is arranged. She can’t wait to start.

Story TEN


Norma is desperate. She has been dreaming of driving a car for all her life. Now she has turned 16 so she is up to start studying. Norma’s got a lot of friends who are a bit older than her. She has asked them all for some advice. She knows that the word of mouth is the best publicity ever.

It has turned out that some of her friends have already attended the same driving program.

Norma follows the advice to go there. She can join the course next week. It will take her a month to complete.

Norma feels relaxed at the moment. Her dream will come true so soon. It’s going to work out.



Rudy has just bought a newspaper at a street stall. Here is a job page. And There are some vacancies available in the neighborhood.

Rudy is searching for a job. He’d like to see what new offers can attract him. He looks through the page. The ads say about the working conditions, salary, schedule and social package.

Rudy can’t find what he wants. They all are just so boring for him. He isn’t satisfied at all. He thinks it is going to end soon. He comes home and decides to place his resume so that employers can find him themselves. He completes all necessary data and releases over the Internet. He has to wait for some reply now.


Mens wear

Clare is going to buy a gift for her boyfriend. She has been thinking over what to get for him for the whole week. Now she is really sure about it.

Thank her dad! He gave her a magazine the other day. It was full of various articles about mens wear. Clare found a coupon in it. It let her have a pretty nice discount on cufflinks and ties. Clare is excited.

She would never think up such a present for her boyfriend. He wears a lot of shirts and likes overdressing. Clare is going to the store tomorrow. It is not far from her home. It is located in her neighbourhood. Her boyfriend will definitely like it.


Culinary class

Debra likes to cook. She is keen on trying new recipes, inventing new ingredients and experimenting with flavors. Lately. she’s been thinking of attending some workshop on cooking.

She came across a sign when she was walking home last night. The doors were locked and she decided to check it later.

Now she is walking there back. She wants to clarify all the details about the adverted offer. She thinks of trying it if everything suits. The meeting takes her nearly one hour. The offer is just like it was on the sign. Debra is applying for the class. She is going to come tomorrow. She is looking forward to it.

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