* Forum "We and the Future", hyren.ru
Quatrain 3.50 The escape of Charles I
La republique de la grande Cite
A grand rigueur ne voudra consentir:
Roy sortir hors par trompette cite,
L'eschelle au mur la cite repentir.
The republic of the great city
Will not want to consent to the great severity:
King summoned by trumpet to go out,
The ladder at the wall, the city will repent.
The first line is about London, captured by troops under the leadership of Cromwell. Republican authority was proclaimed.
King Charles I was under strict surveillance. In November 1647 he escaped. However, he was soon arrested again, put on trial and executed.
The city will repent. Nostradamus considers the Great plague of 1665 and the Great fire of 1666 in London as a punishment for the execution of an innocent king.
Linkage with other quatrains: 6.14.
Decoding of number 3.50. The numbers rearrange – 053, If 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-53=947. 9 fliping in 6 and get 647 – the year of escape.
Quatrain 10.36* James I
Apres le Roy du soucq guerres parlant,
L'isle Harmotique le tiendra a mespris:
Quelques ans bons rongeant vn & pillant
Par tyrannie a l'isle changeant pris.
After the King of the stump the speaking wars,
The Isle Harmotique will hold him in contempt:
For several good years one gnawing and pillaging,
Through tyranny in the isle esteem changing.
The founder of the Stuart dynasty was James I – the king of children. After him, his son Charles I became king. The speaking wars – James I, like his son, had constant serious disagreements with parliament. In fact, the parliament was in opposition to the king.
3 line. The beginning of the reign of James I was quite prosperous. Then due to a lack of finances, he began to introduce new taxes on wine, timber, etc, to carry out other unpopular reforms among the people, and prices rose.
The last line, perhaps, about the seizure of power by Oliver Cromwell.
Linkage with other quatrains: 8.76, 2.53, 9.49.
Decoding of number 10.36. Rearrangement of numbers gives 1603 – the year of reign began.
Quatrain 9.11 The trial of Charles I
Le iuste à tort à mort l'on viendra mettre
Publiquement, & du milieu estaint:
Si grande peste en ce lieu viendra naistre,
Que les iugeans fouyr seront contraints.
The just man will be unjustly sentenced to death,
In public and in he the middle extinguished:
So great a plague will come to arise in this place,
That the judges will be forced to flee.
This prophecy is related in meaning to quatrain 2.53, where the great plague of 1665 was predicted, and then the fire, which became the punishment for London because of the executed king – the righteous.
4 line. Many judges and lords left London before the trial of Charles I. Most of them refused to take part in this lawlessness. Those who judged the king were themselves condemned and executed, after the restoration of the monarchy in England.
Linkage with other quatrains: 9.49.
Possible decoding of number 9.11. The numbers rearrange – 191. If to flip 9 in 6, 1 to consider as 1000, then 1000-61 = 939. 3+1=4 – 949. Turn first 9 over in 6 we get 649 – the year of death Charles I.
Quatrain 9.49* Conviction of Charles I
Grand & Bruceles marcheront contre Anuers.
Senat de Londres mettront a mort leur Roy
Le sel & vin luy seront a l'enuers,
Pour eux auoir le regne en desarroy.
Ghent and Brussels will march against Antwerp,
The Senate of London will put to death their King:
Salt and wine will overthrow him,
To have them the realm turned upside down.
Charles I (1600-1649) was the king of England, Scotland and Ireland since 1625.
The 4 line: His church reforms were not popular among the people. This led to an uprising, and then to a revolution.
The 2 line: The rebels led by Cromwell won. The monarch was dethroned. He was convicted and executed on 30 January1649 in London.
The 3 line: During his reign most of the production was monopolized, including salt and wine. This generated the impoverishment and antipathy of private entrepreneurs and their workers.
This prophecy has long been deciphered, since Charles I was the only 1 king executed in England. My contribution is to get a year from the quatrain number.
Linkage with other quatrains: 8.76, 2.53, 10.36.
Decoding of the number 9.49. If 1 put in front, 9 to flip in 6, then we get 1649 – the year of Charles I execution.
Quatrain 3.80 The bastard will be half received
Du regne Anglois l'indigne dechasser,
Le conseiller, par ire mis a feu:
Ses adherants iront si bas trasser,
Que le bastard sera demy receu.
The worthy one chased out of the English realm,
The adviser through anger put to the fire:
His adherents will go so low to efface themselves
That the bastard will be half received.
The events of the English Revolution of 1643-1651 are predicted in this quatrain.
The 1st line, perhaps, is about Charles II, the son of executed Charles I. In 1650 he arrived in Scotland, recruit an army, but in 1651 was defeated in the battle against Cromwell and fled to France.
2-3 lines are about the seizure of power by Oliver Cromwell and the suppression of resistance of the monarchists. In 1650 he was elected commander of the army.
The bastard will be half received: being of low descent, he did not become king, but only Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
Connection with other quatrains: 3.81.
Decoding of number 3.80. If 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-380=620. Turn 2 over in 5 and get 650 – the year of election as commander.
Quatrain 8.56[3] Battle of Dunbar3.26
La bande foible le tertre occupera
Ceux du haut lieu feront horribles cris,
Le gros troupeau d'estre coin troublera,
Tombe pres D. nebro descouuers les escris.
The weak band will occupy the land,
those of high places will make dreadful cries.
The large herd of the outer corner troubled,
Grave near D. nebro, discovered the writings.
The Battle of Dunbar 3 September 1650 was the most important during the English Revolution.
2 line. The Scottish army, led by Leslie, was 2 times more of Cromwell's army. Moreover, the Scots took high positions in the hills. Despite these advantages, the Scots suffered a crushing defeat.
3 line. The main forces of the English infantry were concentrated in the center. Leslie made a tactical mistake: his troops descended from the heights. Cromwell took advantage of this: attacked unexpectedly at night and won with minor losses.
4th line about the burial of the dead near Dunbar. Important documents of the enemy fell into the hands of Cromwell.
Decoding of the number 8.56. If 56 to turn over to 29, 2 to consider as 2000, then 2000-98=1902. Turning back 9 and 2 into 6 and 5 (1605), rearranging the numbers, we get 1650 – the year of the battle.
Quatrain 4.62 Against his Prince
Vn coronel machine ambition,
Se saisira de la plus grande armée:
Contre son prince feinte inuentinon /invention/,
Et descouuert /decouvert/ sera sous sa ramée /rameaux/.
A colonel with ambition plots,
He will seize the greatest army,
Against his Prince false invention,
And he will be discovered under the branches.