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Auant /avant/ le cycle de Latone parfait,

Feu, grand deluge, plus par ignares sceptres:

Que de long siecle ne verra refait.

Alas! what a great loss there will be because letters,

Before the cycle of the Latone perfect,

Fire, great floods, by more ignorant rulers;

Which for long centuries until it is seen to be restored.

Latone (Leto), in ancient Greek mythology, is the mother of Apollo and Artemis. This line can be interpreted in two ways: 1) as events that occurred in the spring, before the start of summer; 2) fire and flood are the apocalypse, then the cycle of the perfect, golden millennium.

Connection with other quatrains: 2.5. "lettre".

Quatrain 2.5 Submarine

Quand dans poisson fer & lettre enfermee

Hors sortira qui pis fera la guerre,

Aura par mer sa classe bien ramee

Apparoissant pres de Latine terre.

When in a iron fish and letter concluded,

Out will go one who will then make war,

He will have his fleet well rowed by sea,

Appearing near Latin land.

Quatrain 1.28 Deadly quarrel

La tour de Bouq craindra fuste Barbare

Vn temps, long temps apres barque hespe- (rique,

Bestail, gens, meubles tuous deux ferot (grand'tare

Taurus & Libra quelle mortelle picque.

The Tower of the Beech will be afraid of the barbarian forest

After a long time, after the Hesperian boat,

Cattle, people, possessions, all will be quite lost.

What a deadly combat in Taurus and Libra.

Barbarian forest is Russia, most likely. The Tower of the Beech can symbolize America with its skyscrapers. This quatrain placed in section 3 World war, because it says about the damage caused to everything – radioactive contamination.

linkage with other quatrains: 2.5.

Quatrain 1.55 3 World war

Soubz l'opposite climat Babylonique,

Grande sera de sang effusion,

Que terre & mer, air, Ciel sera inique,

Sectes, faim, regnes, pestes, confusion.

In the land with a climate opposite to Babylon,

There will be great shedding of blood.

Heaven will seem unjust both on land and sea and in the air.

The sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion.

Akin to this quatrain is in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 24:

6. Also had hear about wars and military rumors. Do not be horrified, because it should be, but it's not the end:

7. For the people shall rise against the people, and the kingdom against the kingdom; and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in places;

8. Yet this is the beginning of disease.

Quatrain 2.91 When the Sun will rise

Soleil leuant vn grand feu on verra,

Bruit & clarté vers Aquilon tendant:

Dedans le rond mort & cris on orra,

Par glaiue, feu, faim mort les attendans.

At sunrise one will see a great fire,

Noise and light extending toward Aquilon:

Within the circle death and will hear cries,

Through steel, fire, famine, death awaiting them.

Quatrain 4.24 Bloody Easter

Quy sous terre saincte d'ame voix fainte

Humaine flemme pour diuin veoir luire,

Fera des seuls de leur sang terre tainte,

Et les saints temples pour les impurs destruire.

Beneath the holy earth of a soul the faint voice heard,

The fire, the kindled man, will be taken like the divine,

The earth will be stained with the blood of monks,

And holy temples will be destroyed because of unclean ones.

Perhaps the Orthodox Easter is predicted on April 24, 2044. The Nostradamus date encryption system is so flexible that you can also get 2033 and 2022 from the number, when Easter will be April 24. In connection with the upcoming disasters, the destruction of temples and monasteries, the Holy Fire in Jerusalem will not come down. Then man will kindle him with deception as Divine.

Connection with other quatrains: 9.31 – war on Easter.

Quatrain 9.31 At Easter

Le tremblement de terre à Mortara,

Cassich sainct Georges à demy perfondrez,

Paix assoupie, la guerre esueillera,

Dans temple à Pasques abysmes enfondrez.

The trembling of the earth at Mortara

The tin island of St. George half sunk;

Drowsy with peace, war will arise,

At Easter in the temple abysses opened.

Quatrain 2.6 Famine within plague

Aupres des portes & dedans deux citez

Seront deux fleaux onc n'apperceu vn tel,

Faim dedans peste, de fer hors gens boutez,

Crier secours au grand Dieu immortel.

Near the gates and within two cities

There will be two scourges the like of which was never seen,

Famine within plague, people put out by steel,

Crying to the great immortal God for relief.

Quatrain 1.21 White clay

Profonde argille blanche nourrir rocher

Qui d'vn abysme y stra lacticineuse:

En vain troubles ne l'oseront toucher,

Ignorans estre au fond terre arguilleuse.

The rock holds in its depths white clay,

which will come out milk-white from a cleft,

Vainly ills will not dare to touch her,

Not knowing that there is clay soil in the depths.

Presumably quatrain refers to the period after the nuclear bombing. Millions of survivors after it will get irradiation and will die out. White clay can treat radiation sickness. It is unlikely that clay is considered here as pottery material. What das a meaning to predict clay for dishes?! More likely predicted the therapeutic property of white clay, which can help when will be irradiated.

Quatrain 4.67 Hidden lights

L'an que Saturne & Mars esgaux combust,

L'air fort sieché, longue traiection:

Par feux secrets, d'ardeur grand lieu adust

Peu pluye, vent, chaud, guerres, incursions.

The year that Saturn and Mars are equal fiery,

The air very dry parched long trajectory:

Through secret fires a great place blazing from burning heat,

Little rain, warm wind, wars, incursions.

7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. [Chapter 8, "Book of Revelation" by John the Theologian]


I do not know for what reason, but in the future the earth's axis will shift. Antarctica and Greenland will be in the temperate zone. The glaciers will melt. The level of the world's ocean will risen. The lowlands of the continents will be flooded. Europe will turn into islands and seas. The Baltic Sea will merge with the Caspian Sea. The Ural mountains will be an island. And also other global catastrophes will occur on Earth.

Quatrain 1.56 Great changes

Vous verrez tost & tard faire grand change

Horreurs extresmes & vindications,

Que si la Lune conduite par son ange,

Le ciel s'approche des inclinations.

Sooner and later you will see great changes made,

dreadful horrors and vengeances.

For as the moon is thus led by its angel

the sky draw near to the inclination.

Quatrain 3.4 Cold, dryness

Quand seront proches le deffaut des lunaires,

De l'vn à l'autre ne distant grandement:

Froid, siccité, danger vers les frontieres,

Mesme où l'oracle a prins commencement.

When they will be close the lunar ones will fail,

From one another not greatly distant,

Cold, dryness, danger toward the frontiers,

Even where the oracle has had its beginning.