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Nash G. The Unknown American Revolution: The Unruly Birth of Democracy and the Struggle to Create America. N. Y. e.a.: Penguin Books, 2006. 512 p.

Neely M. E. Jr. Southern Rights: Political Prisoners and the Myth of Confederate Constitutionalism. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1999. 212 p.

Neely M. Jr. The Fate of Liberty. Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties. N. Y.: Oxford University Press/Barnes and Noble, 1991. 304 p.

Nevins A. The American States during and after the Revolution. 1775–1789. N. Y.: Macmillan, 1924. 728 p.

Nicolson C. The «Infamas Govener» Francis Bernard and the Origins of the American Revolution. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2000. 326 p.

Niven J. John C. Calhoun and the Price of Union: A Biography. Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 1993. 367 p.

Nye R. B. Fettered Freedom. Civil Liberties and the Slavery Controversy, 1830–1860. Urbana, 1972. 370 p.

Oliver S. L. Food in Colonial and Federal America. L.: Greenwood, 2005. 248 p.

Palmer R. R. The Age of the Democratic Revolution: 2 vols. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1959–1964.

Pancoast E., Lincoln A. E. The Incorrigible Idealist: Robert Dale Owen in America. Bloomington, Indiana: The Principia Press, 2007. 150 p.

Pasley J. The Tyranny of Printers: Newspaper Politics in the Early American Republic. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2001. 540 p.

Pessen E. Jacksonian America: Society, Personality and Politics. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1985. 400 p.

Pessen E. Most Uncommon Jacksonians: The Radical Leaders of the Early Labor Movement. N. Y.: SUNY Press, 1967. 208 p.

Porter K. H. A History of Suffrage in the United States. N. Y.: Greenwood Press, 1969. 260 p.

Potter D. M. The Impending Crisis. America Before the Civil War, 1848–1861. N. Y.: Harper & Row, 1976. 672 p.

Raaflaub K. Die Entdeckung der Freiheit: Zur historischen Semantik und gesammelten Geschichte eines politischen Grundbegriffes der Griechen. Munchen: Beck, 1985. 347 p.

Rabushka A. Taxation in Colonial America. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010. 968 p.

Randall J. G. Lincoln the President: 2 vols. N. Y.: Da Capo Press, 1997.

Reid J.Ph. The Concept of Liberty in the Age of the American Revolution. Chicago — London: The University of Chicago, 1988. 224 p.

Remini R. V. Andrew Jackson and the Bank War. N. Y.: W. Norton & Company, 1967. 192 p.

Remini R. V. Andrew Jackson: in 3 vols. N.Y: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977.

Robertson A. W. The Language of Democracy: Political Rhetoric in the United States and Britain, 1790–1900. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2005. 304 p.

Rossiter C. 1787. The Grand Convention: The Year that Made a Nation. N. Y.-L.: McMillan, 1966. 443 p.

Rude G. Wilkes and Liberty: A Social Study of 1763 to 1774. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1965. 250 p.

Rutland R. A. The Birth of the Bill of Rights. 1776–1791. Boston: North East University Press, 1983. 254 p.

Ryan M. P. Civic Wars. Democracy and Public Life in the American City during the XIX Century. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997. 394 p.

Schlesinger A. M. The Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution, 1763–1776. N. Y.: F. Ungar Pub. Co., 1957. 647 p.

Schlesinger A. M. Jr. The Age of Jackson. N. Y.: Little, Brown and Company, 1945. 577 p.

Schudson M. The Good Citizen: A History of American Civic Life. Cambridge — London: Harvard University Press, 2000. 402 p.

Silbey J. H. Political Ideology and Voting Behavior in the Age of Jackson. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1973. 189 p.

Sinha M. The Slave’s Cause: A History of Abolition. Princeton: Yale University Press, 2017. 784 p.

Sloan W. L., Williams J. H. The Early American Press, 1690–1783. Westport — London: Praeger, 1994. 248 p.

Smith J. M. Freedom’s Fetters. The Alien and Sedition Laws and American Civil Liberties. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1966. 488 p.

Smith M. D. The World of the American Revolution: A Daily Life Encyclopedia: 2 vols. N. Y.: Greenwood, 2015.

Smith M. M. Debating Slavery: Economy and Society in the Antebellum South. Boston: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 117 p.

Smith M. T. The Enemy Within: Fears of Corruption in the Civil War North. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2011. 240 p.

Spencer J. A. The United States Its Beginnings, Progress and Modern Development. N. Y.: American Educational Alliance, 1913.

Spurlin P. Montesquieu in America. 1760–1801. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1940. 302 p.

Spurlin P. M. Rousseau in America. 1760–1809. Alabama: University Press, 1959. 175 p.

Stewart D. O. Impeached: The Trial of President Andrew Johnson and the Fight for Lincoln’s Legacy. N. Y.: Simon & Schuster, 2009. 464 p.

Stewart J. B. Holy Warriors: The Abolitionists and American Slavery. N. Y.: Hill and Wang, 1997. 258 p.

Stewart J. B. William Lloyd Garrison and the Challenge of Emancipation. N. Y.: Harlan Davidson, 1992. 213 p.

Stimson Sh. C. The American Revolution in the Law: Anglo-American Jurisprudence before John Marshall. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990. 228 p.

Stout H. S. The New England Souclass="underline" Preaching and Religious Culture in Colonial New England. Oxford University Press, 2011. 416 p.

Stuart N. R. The Muse of the Revolution: The Secret Pen of Mercy Otis Warren and the Founding of a Nation. Boston: Beacon Press, 2008. 328 p.

Summers M. W. The Plundering Generation. Corruption and the Crisis of the Union. 1849–1861. N. Y. — Oxford, 1987. 362 p.

Sutton R. Stark Mad Abolitionists: Lawrence, Kansas, and the Battle over Slavery in the Civil War Era. N. Y.: Skyhorse, 2017. 304 p.

Swann L. A. John Roach, Maritime Entrepreneur. N. Y.: Ayer Co Pub., 1980.

Sydnor Ch. S. Gentlemen Freeholders: Political Practices in Washington’s Virginia. Chapel Hilclass="underline" University of North Carolina Press, 1952. 180 p.

Taylor W. R. Cavalier and Yankee. The Old South and American National Character. N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1993. 396 p.

The Many Faces of Alexander Hamilton. The Life and Legacy of America’s Most Elusive Founding Father / ed. D. Ambrose, R. W. T. Martin. N. Y.: New York University Press, 2007. 300 p.

The Postcolonial Enlightenment: Eighteenth-century Colonialism and Postcolonial Theory / ed. D. Carey, L. Festa. Oxford: University Press, 2009. 378 p.

Thelin J. R. A History of American Higher Education. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U. Press,

2004. 421 p.

Tise L. E. The American Counterrevolution: A Retreat from Liberty, 1783–1800. Mechanicsburg, Pa.: Stackpole Books, 1998. 672 p.