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Ronda smiled and played with herself as Angela coached Jeff. “Can we do my part?”

Angela received the image and pulling her knees under her to raise her butt into the air, she turned onto her stomach.

Jeff looked puzzled until Ronda nudged him into position behind Angela. Ronda took Jeff’s now erect cock in her hand and guided it gently between Angela’s engorged glistening labia. Ronda moved behind Jeff and pushed his butt. “Fuck her, lover.”

Angela reached between her legs and began to massage her clitoris as the length and breadth of Jeff’s cock filled her cunt. Before she was even at the edge of an orgasm, though, the pressure abruptly stopped as Jeff withdrew from her. She gasped as the probing moved to another place and began to demand entry into her anus. Ronda’s hands were on her butt. Angela reminded herself relax, relax, relax as she opened her sphincter to the invader to stretch her until she accommodated more and more and felt fuller and fuller, more and more complete. She continued to circle her clitoris with her finger, increasing the pressure at every press of Jeff’s mighty cock. Ronda stroked Angela’s right hip and thigh and then Ronda snaked her way between Angela’s stomach and the mattress. Angela adjusted herself to accommodate Ronda and the pressure inside her shifted to match. Angela moved her hands to the sides of her face to accommodate Ronda’s tongue as she began to gently lick Angela’s clitoris.

“I thought you wanted to watch.” Angela gasped. She didn’t understand the answer as she was overtaken by an intense shudder that started deep inside her and radiated to her toes and fingers as she collapsed into a heap on her side unaware of anyone else in the pile of bodies.

Angela was only dimly aware of Ronda telling Jeff to go wash his cock before she felt Ronda’s embrace.


“You were right about the pubic hair. He likes it. I’m glad you could tell me that. I always thought he liked my pussy bare.”

“See what happens when we don’t talk to our lovers? Our spouses? Hey, if mice is the plural of mouse shouldn’t spice be the plural…”

“Oh no, not again with the plurals.” Ronda laughed.

“Where’s asshole?” Angela used Ronda’s pet name for Jeff.

“He’s coming back tonight. The reason you haven’t seen much of me this past week is that he’s been fucking my brains out every night. Thanks for teaching him how to play with me, by the way. He’ll never be as good as you are, but he’s better than he was. And he’s paid some attention to me. That’s the main thing.”

“I’m glad it’s working out.”

“Uh-oh, my phone is vibrating. This is important. Only the agents have the cell phone number. I gotta take this.” Angela stood up and took the phone from her pocket, opened it, and put it to her ear.

“Must be kinda exciting to have a cell phone that vibrates like that. Especially if you keep in your front pocket and wear such tight pants. Um-hum. Agents calling, likely story.” Ronda leered.

Angela’s face was intent as she listened.

“It’s a mayday, boss. We’re outta here. Gotta run. They’re on to the bugs. We gotta jump ship right now or they’ll trace them over here to us. We’re gone. End of operation. Bye for now.”


“Can’t talk, boss. Later.”

“That really was Gudrun, the tall blonde one? The agent?”

Angela put the phone back in her pocket. “Yeah, look, something’s wrong. Some of Jeff’s guys found our bugs. The whole operation is blown. My girls have to get out of there fast. They’re leaving now.”

“What’s going on?”

“How the hell would I know? We’ll just have to wait and see. Look, that’s always a possibility with this kind of thing. These guys aren’t stupid. They don’t get where they are by being stupid. Or keeping their eyes closed. But don’t worry. We’ll figure it out. We have to wait for the girls to get out of there, then they’ll figure it out and we’ll have the story.”

Angela’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “The phone again.” She removed the phone from her pocket, flipped it open and said, “Talk to me, Gudrun. What’s going on?”

“Okay, boss. We’re on Whacker Drive. One of their guys got spooked, brought in a security guy, swept the place. They found all kinds of bugs, cameras, microphones. Half of the stuff wasn’t even ours! Someone else is in on this operation and I don’t know who the hell it is! Any clues?”

“No, not yet. Come on back to the office. I’ll try to get there later. It’s going to be a while ‘cause I’m all tied up for the rest of the evening. If anything else breaks, give a shout.”

“Right, boss.”

“What’s the deal?”

“I don’t know, Ronda. Someone got a security guy in there and they found all of our stuff. But they also found lots of stuff that’s not ours. Someone else is snooping on Jeff and his guys. Has Jeff said anything that would give you any idea of what’s going on?”

“No. Well, not exactly. He’s been kind of nervous lately. But not more than usual. These guys deal in commodities. That’s an up-and-down kind of thing, so they’re always nervous. I don’t know. What do you have in mind? What kind of thing?”

“Has he mentioned any government agencies, for instance?”

“Is FCC something like that?”

“The Federal Commodities Commission? You bet it is. They’re the ones that regulate Jeff’s business and all commodities traders. What’d he say about them?”

“Nothing exactly. Just he was having a nightmare the other night. Tossing and turning. And he was muttering something about FCC. I didn’t know what it was about. I woke him up.”

“What happened next?”

“Well, I wouldn’t tell just anyone, but since you’ve fucked him and we’ve shared him, I sucked his dick and when he got hard, I fucked him. He came and then went back to sleep. The whole thing took maybe five minutes. Why?”

“I’m not interested in your sex life here, girlfriend. I’m interested in Jeff’s dealings with Bowman, Lyons and Heartland. Look, has he mentioned the FBI at all? My girls said he contacted an FBI guy in a seedy bar. Any idea what that’s about?”

“None. Look, he’s never told me anything about any of this stuff. Sorry.”

“Well, my research shows some strange pricing patterns. It’s just too neat to be chance. I think there’s some stock market manipulation going on here.”

“How can they do that?”

“Fixing prices for commodities.”


“Maybe that’s what all the meetings around the world are. He’s meeting with other dealers and they’re setting prices. If the FCC gets hold of that, they’re toast.”

They heard the garage door open and shut. There were footsteps in the kitchen. Finally Jeff appeared in the living room. He looked somewhere between dejected and frantic.

“What’s up?” asked Ronda. Her voice was shaking with anticipation, but Jeff did not notice. He was preoccupied.

“All hell has broken loose. You can’t imagine. The whole corporation is collapsing and I had to get out from under before I got caught under the rubble.”

“What are you talking about?” Angela asked.

Jeff pulled off his suit jacket and untied his tie. He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt with a jerk of his neck and said, “Any chance of getting a gin and tonic?”

Ronda saw Angela’s nod and went into the kitchen.

“I’ll help.” Angela followed Ronda to the island.

Angela sliced the limes and squeezed them over the ice cubes as Ronda measured out the gin from the blue bottle.

When they returned to the living room Jeff was slumped into an armchair.

“Okay, what’s the story?” Angela handed Jeff his drink.

Jeff sipped tentatively, and then again more decisively.