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7th Millennium GE:

Splendid Wisdom controls fourteen million systems, 71,083 AD

Establishment of the class of Hyperlords, 6654 Dashian Dynasty replaces Som Dynasty, administrative coup, 6987

8th Millennium GE:

Splendid Wisdom controls eighteen million systems, 72,140 AD

Composer Aiasin, 7028 Emperor Kassam-the-Farsighted, 7763-7775 Runs affairs by Mysteries of the Navigators Empire strengthens Ragmuk in preparation for war, 7770 Wars Across the Marche begin, 7774 Battle of Thirty Suns, 7775 Execution of Kassam’s confidant Cundy Munn Execution of Emperor Kassam Admiralty has mystical Navigators tortured, 7776 Treaty of Sanahadra with 1000 Suns of Helmar Rift ends Wars Across the Marche, 7981 GE Oversee founded to pursue hostility to Empire by covert means.

Count Ism Notkin rules on Treaty of Sanahadra, 7992

9th Millennium GE:

Splendid Wisdom controls twenty-one million systems, 73,197 AD

Beginning of Time of Troubles: Oversee works from hidden bases

Stars&Ship Navy becomes supreme arm of Emperor Emperor Krang-the-Blind, 8025-8036 Emperor Takeia the Happy, 8625-8653, orgies, deposed by Navy

10th Millennium GE:

Splendid Wisdom controls twenty-four million systems, 74,254 AD

Emperor Stanis-the-Careful, 9103-9110, deposed by Navy

Emperor Ammenetik-the-Great, 9456-9504 End of Time of Troubles Helmarian Oversee survives in hiding Emperor Maximoy the Polite, 9700-9725 tradition of the Valodian Lament

Pax Imperialis; 9892

Splendid Wisdom declares suzerainty over Galaxy complete

11th Millennium GE:

Splendid Wisdom controls twenty-five million systems, 75,311 AD

Emperor Hagwith-the-Ingenious, 10,232-10,268 invents robot Danny-Boy

12th Millennium GE:

Splendid Wisdom consolidates power, 76,368 AD

Emperor Manwell-the-Bloody, 11,134-11,144

Emperor Zankatal-the-Pious, “the Noose,” 11,907-11,925

Emperor Sarin-the-Gross, assassinated by bodyguards, 11,926-11,931

Stannelle-the-Peaceful, assassinated by bodyguards, 11,985-12,010

Founder bom on Licon in Nora’s Toes, 11,988

Future Emperor Cleopon-the-First bom, 11,988

13th Millennium GE:

Splendid Wisdom cultural and organizational decline, 77,425 AD

Emperor Cleopon-the-First, 12,010, assassinated 12,052. benefactor of psychohistorical research

Emperor Agile-the-Quintessence, 12,052-12,066 impotent tool of feuding clans

Founder gives 8th Speech to Group of Forty-six, 12,061 plots Faraway project

Emperor Dalubbar-the-Pliant, 12,066-12,100 coronation when four years old, tool of deceptive advisors

Fellowship set up on Faraway, 12,068; 0 FE

Founder dies, 12,069; 1 FE

Precinct of Nacreome revolts successfully on Periphery, 12,116

beginning of Interregnum collapse First Psychohistorical Crisis, 12,118; 50 FK Faraway balances local power vacuum Second Psychohistorical Crisis, 12,148; 80 FE

Ambitions of local warlords constrained by religion based on technical magic

Oversee takes on hidden task of protecting the Thousand Suns, 12,170

Regent of Emperor Tien-the-Young seizes power through boy, 12,216

Viceroy Wisard of distant Sewinna plots usurpation of throne, 12,217

Loyalist local rebellion against Wisard, 12,219

Tien crushes Wisard and revenges himself cruelly on Sewinnese.

Massacre of Sewinnese by new Admiral-Viceroy Tien-the-Young, his Regent, advisors, and concubines assassinated, 12,222

Exiled father of Cleopon II seizes throne, 12,222-12,238

Third Psychohistorical Crisis, 12,223; 155 FE Religion vs Trade; Merchant Princes of Faraway dominate

Faraway begins economic conquests independent of religious power.

Splendid Wisdom accepts with relief strong Emperor Cleopon II, 12,238

Fourth Psychohistorical Crisis, 12,263; 195 FE

War organized by banished general against Faraway Successful general recalled to Splendid Wisdom and executed by Cleopon-the-Second, 12,264 Revolt against Firm hand of Cleopon II; he is murdered, 12,278

General time of troubles and retreat for Splendid Wisdom

Sack of Splendid Wisdom, Cainali Invasions begin, 12,338 Era of warlords Cloun-the-Stubbom bom, 12,351

Tuned-probes built by Helmarians for Lakgan pleasure houses, 12,370

Cloun begins rise to power within Lakgan, using probe, 12,371 Technique not covered by psychohistorical parameters

Cloun takes over Lakgan as First Citizen by mental coercion, 12,378

Fifth Psychohistorical Crisis, 12,379; 311 FE Civil War between Faraway and Traders, mispredicted

Cloun Conquers Faraway

Emergency action by Pscholars restabilizes Founder’s Plan, 12,383; 315 FE

Cloun dies, last years as enlightened despot, 12,388

Faraway breaks Lakgan rule, reestablishes economic sphere, 12,389

The Pscholars, having revealed themselves to Faraway during the Cloun crisis, make long range plans to go into hiding by pretending they have been destroyed, sacrificing 50 martyrs, 12,419-12,446; 351-378 FE

Pscholars provoke a six month Lakgan and Faraway war, which they know Faraway will win, to restore Faraway confidence in their destiny, 12,445; 377 FE “Violence is the last refuge of the competent”

Tamic Smythos and forty-nine others are captured at the end Lakganian War to deceive their Faraway hosts into believing that the capture of fifty psychohistorians based on Faraway is a clean sweep. Exiled to barren Zural, 12,446; 378 FE

Tamic Smythos is smuggled off Zural by corrupt Chancellor Linus, 12,454

Period of Coalescence, 12,820-13,000

Slow but general acceptance of quantronic familiar

14th Millennium GE:

Second Empire comprises twenty million systems, 78,482 AD

Formal establishment of Second Empire, Pax Pschol-aris, 13,157; 1089 FE Rebuilding of Splendid Wisdom begun Pscholars induce power shift from the Periphery back to galactic core

15th Millennium GE: Splendid Wisdom controls twenty-eight million systems, 79,539 AD Kargin Linmax bom, 14,650 Jars Hanis bom, 14,703 Hahukum Kon bom, 14,707 Kikaju Jama bom, 14,726 Rigone bom, 14,762

Nejirt Kambu and Hiranimus Scogil bom, 14,765 Eron Osa bom, 14,778 GE, watch 328, hour 7; 80,362 AD, 3rd februan, 2nd hour

Frightfulperson Otaria of the Calmer Sea bom, 14,784 Petunia Scogil bom, 14,797

Story begins 14,790 GE; 80,374 AD; 2722 FE




From the Cathusian Excalifate’s Compendium of Ancient Metric Documents:

Surviving Fragment of an Article on Ancient Metrics by Donald Kingsbury, (probably written before the Great Die-off).


[Basic Instrument:]

...commonly acknowledged that we use the time-reckoning devised by ancient astronomers of the Mediterranean. But few of us are aware that the foundation of the linear measures and weights that drove this ancient economy also rests upon that same time framework, the length of the pendulum that completes a full cycle in one sidereal-second, moving to-and-fro 86,400 times while the stars rotate back to the same position in the sky that they held the previous evening.

The ancients might have developed an escapement to keep their pendulums powered but we can’t make such an assumption without evidence—however, it is plausible that the priestly team which counted swings either by tossing pebbles in a pot or by flipping beads on an abacus could also be imposed upon to man a small bellows. Puffing at the bob would not compromise the timekeeping as long as the swing angle of the pendulum was controlled.

The one second pendulum is not of constant length, primarily because our planet is a flattened sphere and gravity becomes stronger as we move toward the poles. Pendulum length decreases as the latitude decreases from pole to equator, decreases with increasing altitude, decreases as the swing angle increases, and will depend upon how much air and rock lies below the pendulum. We can expect a normal value well inside the range 0.246 to 0.248 meters. In spite of its variability, the length of the pendulum was the most stable of the lengths available to the ancient geometers.