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I came to a halt in front of them, and without prompting assumed my position. My arms slowly lifted to place my hands on my head, elbows out, breasts thrust forward invitingly. Then the final surrender. I slide my legs wide open, exposing myself luridly to my wide-eyed boss and my smirking Parents in Law.

Nothing was said, as I stood there presenting myself. For the first time I lifted my gaze from the carpet and took in the sight of three pairs of eyes soaking up the sight of my naked body. Despite myself my body stirred, and I felt an inner warmth. It was at this precise moment that a sickening thought hit me, and I could sense myself blushing further with shame. A part of me was enjoying my humiliation. Up until know I had refused to entertain such a thought. Nobody could enjoy being shamed, humiliated, treated like a child, and then punished until they cried like a baby. But at this precise moment I knew this was not totally true.

I did not enjoy what was happening to me. The humiliation and pain I felt was very real and ego crushing. But on another emotional dimension I was experiencing a level of sexual gratification I had never felt in my whole life. My emotions were being stripped to their inner core where hidden and primal needs lurk within us. It was a realisation that was very hard to deal with.

My eyes focused briefly on Geoff's crotch. He had a raging hard on and made no attempt to conceal it

'I had no idea you were so beautiful', my boss murmured, clearly appreciative of my bold display of nakedness. 'Your bald cunt is a very nice touch.'

'Thank you sir' I responded with a mixture of embarrassment and genuine gratitude. I may not have been so appreciative if I knew what he had in store for me.

'It is time to move on to your punishment Kym', Jane addressed me. 'Since Geoff is the one you offended with your behaviour, he will decide how you are going to be punished.'

This was no surprise to me, but the news still hit hard. The ultimate humiliation yet again redefined for me. To be spanked by my boss who was barely in his twenties.

'I have been giving this great thought', Geoff rubbed his chin ponderously as if to emphasis the brainpower he had put into this. 'I think you should both warm her up with a good old fashioned over the knee spanking. I will then punish her for her disappointing attitude towards her employment

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly at the thought of what I was about to endure.

'Furthermore,' Geoff continued, 'She will receive additional punishment for lying to me today about the real reason for needing to take an extended lunch break.'

That was grossly unfair I felt, but knew that to speak out at this time would only make matters worse for me.

'That sounds like a very good approach to me. And a very fair punish. Do you not agree Kym,' my Mother in Law enquired.

Reluctantly I agreed, 'Yes Ma'am.'

'Good girl, lets get started then'

Without further ceremony Jane pulled me over her knee, taking care to position me so that my buttocks were perched at the highest point on her lap. Then her trademark spanking commenced, alternating methodically from one buttock to the next. I tried to be brave, as I did not want to appear to be a crybaby in front of my boss. You would think that with everything else that had happened this day that being a crybaby would not have been a great concern. But a lady has her pride.

I was just starting to sniffle when Jane stopped. It was shorter than her normal spanking, and she was obviously taking into account the punishment I had ahead of me. I slid off her knee and crawled to Ben. His strong arms lifted me up like a hapless rag doll. I was immediately aware of the stiffness of his penis pushing against my stomach. It increased my awareness of my own inner sexual warmth.

Ben did not punish me with the same consideration his wife had. His spanking was vigorous and prolonged. Again I tried to be brave but was soon thrashing around on his lap and kicking my legs in the air. I could only imagine the view I was affording my young boss. I cried out and begged him to stop. Finally he relented, and I slide to the floor in exhaustion, my bottom glowing.

Fortunately Geoff had enough consideration to allow me to lie there for a few minutes so that I could at least make a partial recovery of sorts.

It was Jane who reached down and helped me to my feet.

'Assume your position', she requested. Wearily I obeyed, placing my hands on my head, and splaying my legs open in a very unwomanly manner. Jane walked behind me

'Wider' she commanded. I slide my feet out wider. I was mortified when I felt her hand touch my tender backside. She ran her fingernails up and down my left buttock, then repeated the dose on the other side. She then ran a finger up and down the crack between my buttocks, each time moving closer and closer to my vagina. Then her finger stopped at the edge of my pussy lips.

'Will you go wider for me', she whispered gently into my ear.

Without hesitation I opened my legs even wider, straining my inner thighs. I felt the cold air rushing into my vagina as my lips opened. Jane's finger moved to the centre of my vagina, and rested on my labia, pressing gently against my clitoris. I was breathing deeply, and I must admit it was a very intense moment.

'You are wet, aren't you my dear,' she whispered into my ear

'Yes ma'am', I responded, barely audible

'Tell the others so they can hear.'

I looked into the eyes of my boss and my Father in Law.

'I am wet'

Such a delicious humiliation.

I know I am an emotionally mixed up young lady, but I think I was actually disappointed when my Mother in Law removed her finger.

'I think she is ready to continue her punishment Geoff'

Geoff needed no second invitation to take up Jane's offer. As he stood up I saw Ben hand him a small bag. Geoff removed from the bag what looked very much like a small riding crop that I had seen jockey's use on horses. A shudder went up my spine. Until now I had only been hand spanked, and that was very painful.

'Turn around and go down onto the floor on your hands and knees' He sounded like my boss handing out another work request. I obeyed, and felt extremely foolish. Like a pet dog or something. All I needed was a leash around my neck.

'Rest your head on the floor and stretch your buttocks up in the air'

With great reluctance I obeyed, knowing only too well how exposed I would be to him. No part of my vagina would be hidden from his view. Nor my anus.

'Stretch your buttocks back more' he commanded, and I obeyed, arching my back.

I held my position, waiting for the punishment to commence. My senses were heightened. My nose was pushed down against the carpet and I was aware of the odour of dust and grime imbedded in its fibres. I could sense Geoff getting ready to strike the first blow, and tried to prepare myself.

When the crop impacted my buttocks there was an explosion of pain. I cried out and reflexively reached back to rub my buttock.

'Get back into position' There was authority in his voice.

I lowered my head to the carpet again and arched my back. Geoff spanked me a second time, and although the pain was intense I managed to hold my position

'Good girl', he commended me. This made me more determined to take my punishment.

He followed up with four further spanks to my very tender backside, and although I cried out with each blow I held my position.

Following the six strikes on my buttocks with the riding crop, Geoff declared, 'You have taken your punishment well for being a tardy employee. You are forgiven.'

'Thank you sir' I responded gratefully, my voice muffled by the fact that my mouth and nose were still buried in the carpet.

'Now lets deal with your lying today young lady, then your punishment is finished.'