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I let out a low moan, and was immediately embarrassed. My Mother in Law was actually smiling.

I could already feel my orgasm building like a runaway train and I was powerless to stop it. I arched my back down and opened my legs wider so as to afford my onlookers a better view. I wanted my humiliation to be as complete as possible.

Desperately I searched out my clit and pulled it hard until it was fully distended from its hood, then rubbed it furiously between my fingers. My groaning was becoming louder, and I was panting like a puppy. I was so aroused that I very quickly began to orgasm. I slid several fingers deep into my vagina and thrust them in and out furiously. I was making slurping noises and could feel my juices running onto my inner thighs.

As I looked deeply into my Mother in Law's eyes I exploded in orgasm. My body shuddered and I wailed out loud with unadulterated pleasure. Even this first orgasm did not satisfy me and I continued to alternate between rubbing my clit and thrusting my fingers deep into my vagina. I knew I must look like an absolute slut, but I could not help myself. A second orgasm quickly built and again shuddered threw my body. I was bathed with sweat, and collapsed on the bed with exhaustion.

When I finally lifted myself up the room was empty. I could not believe what I had just done. It was inconceivable that any self-respecting woman could behave like that in front of a roomful of people, especially when two of those persons were my Parents in Law. But then, so much of my life in recent months could not be thought of in rational terms.

I lay on the bed for a long while, contemplating what I should do. I had fully expected to be punished, and was surprised they had departed the room without giving me a thorough spanking for my behaviour. I had no doubt I would receive a severe punishment for my actions, and I wished they had done it already, as the dread of anticipation can almost be as bad as the punishment itself.

I had no clothes in the bedroom apart from my top, so I sat on the edge of the bed and put it on. I knew I would have to venture out sooner or later, but I stalled for a while longer as I was embarrassed at having to front up to everyone. Eventually I plucked up the courage, walked to the door, and gingerly opened it.

Everyone was seated around the big oak table eating dinner. They all turned to me and stared, which only served to increase my embarrassment.

'You are late for dinner.' It was Debbie reprimanding me this time. 'I should put you over my knee again and give you a damn good spanking.'

The fact that Debbie is only a couple of years older than me made her comments even more humiliating. I knew that I dared not argue the point with her.

'I am sorry Ma'am,' I could not believe I actually called her Ma'am. It was bad enough having to address my Mother in Law as Ma'am, but I hoped it would please Debbie if I showed her similar respect. It seemed to work.

Debbie pointed to the spare chair. 'Sit down and eat.'

I quickly obeyed, even though sitting was uncomfortable as my buttocks were still tender from the horse ride. I had not realised how hungry I was from all this 'country living', and ate well while the others indulged in mostly small talk.

Without warning there was a gentle knock and the front door opened. In stepped a middle-aged couple and Debbie and Rachel rushed over to greet them with a hug. Debbie then turned to us and introduced the couple as her parents.

Debbie then escorted the couple over to the table and began introducing the rest of us to her parents. Everyone stood up. I was about to do the same when I suddenly remembered I was naked from the waist down. I had been so absorbed in eating dinner that I had temporarily forgotten about my state of undress. Soon everyone was standing, except myself. I think Debbie had deliberately left my introduction to last. With a huge grin on her face she pointed to me and made the introduction.

'This is Jane and Ben's daughter in law, Kym. She is from New Zealand.'

Debbie and Rachel's parents smiled, and waited for me to stand to shake hands.

I blushed, and mumbled, 'Pleased to meet you.' But did not stand.

'Stand up girl, where are your manners?' It was my Father in Law, Ben, dishing out the reprimand

Everyone was steering at me, and I wished the floor would open up and swallow me.

Incredibly embarrassed, I pointed down to my crutch, trying to remind them I was actually naked from the waist down.

'What's wrong with you girl?' Ben was acting confused, but I knew full well that he was aware of my nakedness. I was being set up to be humiliated, yet again, by my Parents in Law.

I stared down at the table. 'I do not have any panties on,' I mumbled

'You don't have any pants on!' Ben acted as if this news was a total shock. Jane, John and Debbie had a similarly shocked look on their faces.

'No sir,' I continued to mumble

'And pray tell me,' my Father in Law enquired, 'Why is a grown woman sitting at the dinner table in a state of undress?'

'It is a long story,' was my evasive response. I was blushing bright red.

'Well I am sure our guests are very keen to hear your little story of explanation.'

I looked up at Debbie and Rachel's parents. They had a look of keen anticipation on their faces, and were obviously fascinated to hear why a grown woman is sitting near naked at a dining table.

I closed my eyes and tried to recall the events of the day, and then think how I could recount them to two total strangers. There seemed no easy way. It was going to be a humiliating experience no matter how I recounted the day.

I decided to get it over as quickly as I could.

'We went for a long horse ride, then stopped for a swim. Us young ones stripped down to our underwear, but I was only wearing a lacy pink thong as I did not know we might go for a swim. I was also wearing no bra,' I added as an afterthought. 'I did not want to get undressed and was naughty when told that I had to.' I could not believe how I was sounding like such a naughty young child.

I continued. 'When I got out of the water I was made to take off my panties. Then I had to go over Debbie's knee and have my bare bottom spanked. I was then told I had to ride back on the horse with no panties on since I am so naughty. And I got such a sore bottom.'

I had rushed it all out with hardly a breath. I looked up at everybody staring intently at me, and incredibly I could feel my body beginning to betray me. I was becoming sexually stimulated.

'And what happened when you got back?' Ben probed

. I inwardly groaned. I had hoped my explanation would satisfy everyone. I took a deep breath, and then went for it.

'When I got back my bottom was sore and Rachel and Troy rubbed some oil on me to sooth the pain. But I let them touch me on my private parts.' I could not have been more embarrassed, confessing my sins in front of everyone, and especially Rachel and Debbie's parents.

'My, oh my, you have been naughty.' It was Debbie's mother who addressed me. 'I think you had better stand up.'

Hesitantly I pushed my chair out of the way and stood up. My inclination was to clasp my hands in front of my pubic area but I did not want to risk upsetting my Parents in Law, so I placed them at my side. My top only came down to my belly button so my shaven pussy was in clear view.

Debbie's parents stared at me with what seemed to be a disbelieving fascination. They were not shocked, which surprised me.

Debbie's dad turned to my Parents in Law. 'She is very obliging. She must enjoy being punished like a brazen tramp.'

It was time for the Mother in Law to get in on the act. 'Oh yes, in fact she gets so excited she gets very wet. Don't you dear?'