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Jane turned to me with a big condescending smile. This was going from bad to worse.

'Yes Ma'am,' I pouted

'Are you wet now?'

I just knew she was going to ask that question. I thought very carefully about my reply. I knew my humiliation had made my labia damp. If I lied my Mother in Law was just as likely to check me out.

I hung my head. 'I think I might be Ma'am, just a little bit.'

Jane gave an exaggerated, 'Tut, tut. What are we going to do with you?'

It was now Debbie's turn to tighten the screw. 'I don't want you getting wet on my dining chairs. They have just been covered. Get the tissues on top of the fridge and bring them to me.'

I trotted my bare backside off to the kitchen in search of the tissues. I could feel all the eyes checking out my naked buttocks. When I returned I endured a similar scrutiny, this time on my exposed pubic region. I dutifully handed the tissues to Debbie. She removed several and handed them to me.

'Put them on your chair....neatly,' Debbie ordered.

Embarrassedly I carefully laid them over the fabric of the chair. Debbie then removed another handful of tissues

'Now wipe yourself before you sit down. Knowing how your juices run, I do not want to take any risks.'

I could not believe she would make such a request of me. Stupidly I looked to my Parents in Law for support, but was greeted with satisfied grins.

With great reluctance I opened my legs wider, and in the full view of everybody I wiped my labia several times. Debbie held out her hand and I handed the tissues back to her. My dampness was clearly visible on the tissues

'Incredible,' Debbie's Dad muttered, disbelievingly.

'After dinner she is going to be punished. You are welcome to stay if you wish.' It was my Father in Law, Ben, speaking.

Debbie and Rachel's parents readily accepted his invitation.

Part 9

Fortunately it seemed they had finished humiliating me for the time being, and we all returned to the dining table to finish our meals. Two extra seats were pulled up to the table for Debbie and Rachel's parents. Gingerly I seated myself on the tissues, feeling very embarrassed as you can well imagine. Somehow I had lost my appetite. Everyone chatted away cheerfully, like one big happy family. Not surprisingly, I lacked the same joyous spirit. Instead I nervously pushed my food around the plate with my fork.

After dinner, everyone retired to the lounge and coffee was served. And of course it was my job to trot out to the kitchen and deliver the coffee to everyone. Eyes continued to burn on me with a mixture of fascination and lust. When I had delivered the last of the coffees, my Mother in Law, Jane, gestured for me to come over to her where she was seated on the sofa. She made me bend right over so she could whisper in my ear. I knew the persons behind me would get a clear view up my crutch.

'I now want you to take off your top,' my Mother in Law whispered to me, in a matter of fact tone like she was requesting more sugar, 'and get in position in the middle of the room. We will deal with you when we are ready.'

I audibly gasped. I always found 'assuming the position' to be an ultimate humiliation, but having to do it in front of Debbie's parents, as well as young Troy and Rachel, was going to be downright ego-crushing.

Slowly I stood back upright, and looked at my Mother in Law as if I was considering her request. But we both knew there was nothing to consider. I would obey. I knew it, and my Mother in Law knew it.

I moved to the centre of the room. All conversation stopped, and I was suddenly the centre of attention again. With thick fingers I fumbled to unbutton my top, then flicked it off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. People made approving comments at the sight of my totally naked body.

It took me a few moments to work up the courage to go to the next stage. I took a couple of deep breaths, and then in one quick movement I splayed my legs wide open and clasped my hands behind my head. This made a few jaws drop open, and no doubt increased the blood pressure of the males in the room, and possibly a few females. I wanted to close my eyes but knew my Mother in Law would disapprove, so settled on peering at a spot above everybody's heads.

Once the initial shock of my lurid display wore off, conversation resumed in the room. The women were discussing a TV show; the men were discussing increasing interest rates, while I did a very good imitation of an erotic statue in the middle of the lounge. I still could not help shaking my head in wonderment at how my life had dramatically changed at the hands of my Parents in Law.

After an eternity my Mother in Law placed her coffee cup on the table and gave a gentle cough. Instantly all conversation ceased.

My Mother in Law did not hold back. 'Unfortunately our Daughter in Law has behaved very poorly, and I apologise for any offence her behaviour has caused. I especially regret how she lured you innocent young ones to satisfy her depraved needs.'

My ears burned with shame, even though it was not the total truth.

Jane continued, 'Clearly she will need to receive a severe punish tonight, and will be punished further tomorrow.'

Her comments sent a shiver up my spine.

'Since she has offended all of us in this room, I think it is only fitting that she gets a spanking over the knee of everybody present.'

I gasped in horror.

'Even us?' young Rachel enquired hopefully.

Jane smiled warmly. 'Yes, even you young ones.'

I was mortified but knew better than to protest.

Jane turned her attention back to me. 'Now I want you to go to every single person, apologise for your behaviour, request a good hard spanking, and then thank them when they are finished.'

I knew I was going to need every bit of my courage to get through this ordeal. I fought back the tears that were forming in my eyes. But even through all this dread and fear I could still feel the sexual tension from within my own body.

Yet again I sucked in a few deep breaths while looking around the room to decide who would be the best person to approach first. I settled on Ben, as he was at least familiar territory. I took the few steps to stand directly in front of him.

'I apologise for my behaviour, sir.' I fought back a tear. 'Please give me the hard spanking I deserve.'

'Certainly my Daughter in Law. Over my lap. You know the routine by now.'

I bent over his lap, placing my hands on the floor to support myself. Ben was not satisfied my butt was high enough in the air, but instead of instructing me to get it higher as he usually did, he placed his hand in my crotch and roughly manhandled me until he had me in the desired position. I was shocked as Ben's hand was pressed hard against my labia in an overtly sexual manner, and he made no attempt to be subtle. Even when I was in position he held his hand there for several seconds before removing it.

As usual Ben's spanks came in a flurry, focusing first on one buttock before transferring to the other. It hurt like hell, and this was only the first of eight people who were going to spank me tonight. As I squirmed around on his lap I felt his hardened penis pressing against my belly.

Eventually he stopped, and with tears running down my cheeks I slid off his knee, thanked him, and moved to the next person, who was Debbie's husband, John. Again I apologised for my behaviour and asked for a hard spanking before straddling myself over his knee. Taking his lead from my Father in Law, John also placed his hand between my legs on the pretext of manoeuvring me into a better position. In doing so one of his fingers briefly entered my vagina, causing me to gasp in surprise. John's penis was rock hard and I could feel it pressing against me. Despite my intense humiliation, a part of me was gratified to know that men found my actions so sexually stimulating.