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I was stunned.

'I had only planned for my parents to continue the punishment for a few weeks, but then we all saw how you were being affected erotically by it all.'

I blushed, for it was true

'And to be honest,' Michael continued, 'I have felt you were a true submissive and I desperately wanted to bring this side of you out into the open.'

I knew he had been successful.

'And you are telling me your parents were reluctant puppets in your little scheme.' I needed clarification.

'Initially yes. But I have to confess they soon became intoxicated by the dominant roles they were playing. And they had such a beautiful and willing student.'

Again Michael caused me to blush.

I had so many unanswered questions I did not know where to start

'How did you get here?'

I flew in this morning and Debbie, Rachel and my mother collected me while you were hiking up Brooks Mountain

I went bright red and wondered what he knew about my hike up Brooks Mountain

'Who were the strangers in this hotel room?' I breathlessly enquired. I had so many questions, but Michael put his finger over my mouth to hush me.

'No more questions. Just get dressed and meet us down at the bar.'

With that comment, Michael stood and exited the room. I sat staring at the closed door, my jaw hanging open. 'What has just happened to me?' my mind was asking, trying desperately to piece everything together. I was mortified and deeply embarrassed that Michael knew of my behaviour. I sat staring at my baby doll clothing lying on the bed beside me, but I knew I could not summons up the courage to dress myself and go downstairs to face Michael and my Mother in Law.

I felt like a slut, and had let everybody down, including myself. 'How had I let myself behave as I had?' I pondered, tears welling in my eyes.

As I sat there in a confused state, wallowing in self-pity, the hotel room door swung open, and the outline of my Mother in Law filled the doorway.

'You are keeping us waiting,' she reprimanded me, 'Did your husband not ask you to get dressed and meet us down stairs?'

'But Ma'am, I won't....I can't...' I desperately tried to gather my thoughts.

'Did Michael ask you to get dressed and meet us down stairs?' My Mother in Law repeated herself impatiently.

My head sunk onto my chest. 'Yes, Ma'am,' I whispered.

'Come to me.' My Mother in Law stared directly at me, but she did not raise her voice. She was still standing in the open doorway.

Nervously I raised my naked body off the bed and shuffled over to my Mother in Law. I knew she was going to spank me. I deserved it, and I needed it. As soon as I was in front of her she took hold of my forearm and turned me so she had a good clear access to my buttocks. She did not bother lecturing me, as we both knew I had done wrong. In front of the open doorway she gave me a severe spanking and I bit down on my lip so as not to make the kind of noise that would attract curious onlookers. An elderly couple did pass by the doorway, hesitating briefly to give me a disapproving look, before silently going on their way.

'Now get dressed and I want to see you downstairs within five minutes,' my Mother in Law was breathing heavily from the excursion of the spanking.

As soon as she had closed the door I quickly dressed in my terrible baby doll clothes, washed the tears from my face in the bathroom and tried to make myself presentable. I was so conscious that my darling husband was going to be downstairs, and I wanted to look good for him. But as I looked in the mirror all I saw was the dishevelled, blotchy tear stained face of an adult woman dressed in child's clothing.

I forced back the tears of shame and tentatively opened the door to my hotel room and peered down the corridor. A couple were coming towards me so I closed the door and waited until I heard them pass by. I rechecked the corridor was clear then strode quickly to the circular staircase that would take me down to the bar below.

Half way down the stairs I froze as I heard the noise of someone coming up the stairs. I looked over the balcony and just about died when I saw the uniform of a policeman. I panicked, turned on my heels and began to retrace my steps back up the staircase, hoping to be out of sight before the policeman came into view. I was only a couple of steps from the top when a booming voice turned me to ice.

'You halt right there, young lady!' rang out the deep, gravel voice.

My heart felt like it was beating a million times a minute. I was so embarrassed to be seen in this stupid, baby doll outfit. As I gingerly turned to face the policeman, his jaw dropped open in surprise. He looked me up and down several times, and I could tell by the delight in his eyes that I had livened up his night.

The policeman was a huge bear of person, overweight, balding, and probably in his late fifties. I could see from his badge he was the local Sheriff, Jake Stone. He walked slowly up the stairs until he was beside me, hands on hips, glaring down at me.

'And what might you be up to young lady?' Sheriff Stone was clearly very suspicious.

I opened my mouth, but couldn't even begin to think where to start with a rational explanation. I wanted to cry but forced myself not to.

'Well!' he demanded impatiently, 'Are you a guest here?'

'Not exactly....I was brought here by....'

'Have you been entertaining people in your room, young lady?'

I looked at him aghast. Did he know that I had allowed myself to be tied naked to the bed, and then had exposed my body totally and wantonly to strangers, before being whipped and fucked by my husband? Had he been one of the strangers standing by my bed? I gulped, and blushed at the thoughts. I just stared at him stupidly, lost for words.

'And why are you dressed disgustingly like a young girl?' the Sheriff enquired further, almost spitting out the words.

I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me. I was embarrassed beyond belief.

'Ma'am, I am arresting you for prostitution and lurid behaviour in a public place.' With that the Sheriff spun me around and placed handcuffs on me like I was a common criminal.

I cried out in shock. 'Prostitution!' I screamed. 'No! No! You have it all wrong. I am not a prostitute. I am a loving wife. My husband and Mother in Law are downstairs. You'll see. You ask them. You have it all wrong.'

As I pleaded the Sheriff led me down the stairs, but instead of turning into the bar where Michael and Jane were waiting for me, he ushered me outside onto the sidewalk. As I continued to scream my innocence, members of the public stopped to watch the spectacle. The Sheriff opened the back door of his police vehicle and as I bent over clumsily to get into the car I heard several wolf whistles from the males who had gathered to watch the excitement. I knew that my short bib dress was doing little to hide my panda cotton panties from full view of the onlookers.

It was so difficult to control my movements with my hands handcuffed behind my back. I fell into the backseat, and then struggled to get myself upright. My dress was up around my waist, and my panties were totally exposed. The Sheriff slammed my door shut, before climbing into the drivers seat. He looked over his shoulder and peered at me, his eyes looking down at the crotch of my exposed panties.

'Comfortable, young lady?' he grinned.

'Please sir, you have it all wrong,' I pleaded further, tears now streaming down my face. 'Please ask my husband and Mother in Law. They are in the bar, waiting for me. Please...'

However my pleas fell on deaf ears as Sheriff Stone started the car and left the hotel, and within thirty seconds we had travelled the two short blocks to the Sheriffs office. After parking at the rear of the building he unceremoniously dragged me from the car and into his office. The handcuffs were removed and I was led tearfully into the single holding cell, which was already occupied by two very scruffy looking males who were obviously in an advanced state of intoxication.