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The Sheriff gave another of his exaggerated sighs, but the look on his face suggested he was clearly enjoying seeing me squirming in embarrassment. 'Do you have a very good explanation for the following, young lady? One: you are not registered as a guest in our hotel, yet were found trying to leave the guest area. Two: you tried to flee when spotted by myself.' The Sheriff was counting them off on his fingers as he went. 'Three: you were frequenting a hotel commonly used by prostitutes. And four: you are dressed up provocatively like a young girl to attract the punters.' Sheriff Stone cupped the palms of his hand together. 'I rest my case.'

I pinched my forehead with my fingers. This did not look good. I could not believe the mess I had got myself into. I knew I had no choice but to try and tell the truth, despite the excruciating humiliation it would cause me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

'My Parents in Law and I are staying at the ranch of John and Debbie Bennett.'

'So?' The Sheriff was not impressed. He gave no indication as to whether he knew John and Debbie.

I hung my head. This was so hard to explain

'My Parents in Law punish me to try and make me a better Daughter in Law.'

'They do, do they.' Sheriff Stone smiled. 'I am not surprised.'

I tried to ignore his disparaging remark

'As a special punishment they made me dress up in this baby doll outfit, and my Mother in Law drove me to the hotel and took me up to the room.'

'Oh, she did, did she?' The Sheriff was clearly sceptical. 'And what were you up to in the hotel room?'

'I had to undress,' I confessed, 'and my Mother in Law tied me to the bed.'

My confession could be clearly overheard by the three drunks in the cell, and I could hear them smirking. I felt so shamefaced. The Sheriff just stared, unblinking, and seemingly still unimpressed with my version of events. I had to admit, my tale did seem somewhat implausible.

'As a special punishment I had to lie there naked while strangers came into the room.'

The Sheriff sat up in his chair, causing it to groan under the weight. 'And then what?'

I bowed my head. I was so ashamed, yet I knew only too well the feeling of warmth that was radiating from my groin. I could not believe this abject humiliation was making me stimulated. I pulled down harder on my skirt for fear that the Sheriff might see a wet spot on my panda cotton panties.

'I splayed my legs wide open so that the strangers could see all of my private parts.'

'What a common slut,' I heard one of the drunks comment.

The Sheriff gave him the death stare before turning his attention back to me. 'And..?'

'I knew I would be punished,' I confessed, 'But I was really surprised when I got whipped on my vagina. It really hurt.'

'I bet it did.' The Sheriff was clearly enjoying himself.

'And then I felt somebody on the bed. I felt a penis pushing against my vagina, and then I was penetrated. I cried out because I am a happily married woman, and I didn't want to have sex with anyone except my husband.' I gushed my story out. The Sheriff was wide-eyed, and even the three drunks had gone quiet.

'But then I found out it was my husband, which was a really big surprise as my husband is supposed to be away on a business trip.'

'I bet it was a surprise.' The Sheriff took a moment to recover. 'It is quite a story, young lady. But somehow my version seems more plausible.'

'No, Sheriff Stone. I promise. My story is all true.' I pleaded breathlessly.

Sheriff Stone returned to his paperwork and seemed to be writing down my confession. I stood in front of him nervously, still gripping my skirt. Once finished the Sheriff put down his pen and looked back up at me.

'Undress.' His command was delivered quietly but with authority.

'What?' I exclaimed in total disbelief.

'You heard me, Kym Rose Barclay. Undress. All persons detained have to be searched. You could be concealing drugs or weapons. It is standard police procedure. Surely you know that?'

I looked at him aghast, my mouth hanging open. 'But...but, I didn't see you searching my drunken cellmates. Is that because they are men?'

The Sheriff suddenly rose to his feet, sending his chair skating backwards. 'Are you going to give me trouble, girl?' he boomed. 'I am very happy to leave you here for the night and see if your cooperation has improved by morning.'

The possibility of being locked up for the night with the three intoxicated males sent a shiver up my spine

'In fact, thinking about, leaving you here for the night seems like the right thing to do, given your lip and the way you keep disrespecting me.' With that Sheriff Stone strode around his desk and roughly grabbed hold of my arm, pulling me towards the holding cell.

'No..no..no!' I screamed, 'Please, I promise I will cooperate. Don't leave me in the cell. I'm so sorry!' I must have looked a real sight. Bouncing around on my feet, dressed in my baby doll outfit, tears in eyes, wailing at the Sheriff not to lock me up, and at the same time gripping tightly to the bottom of my skirt.

The Sheriff stopped pulling and looked at me, obviously weighing up his options.

'Please!' I begged, 'I promise I will co-operate.'

Sheriff Stone considered a while longer, before letting go of my arm. 'Very well. One last chance, young lady. Now undress!'

We were now standing only a couple of yards away from the cell. The three drunken inmates were grinning from ear to ear. They could not believe their luck. A night in the cells had never been so good.

'Please Sheriff Stone, I have one small request,' I whimpered

The Sheriff put his hands on his hips impatiently. 'What!'

'Is there not somewhere I can undress that is not in the full view of them.' I pointed my finger at the three stooges. 'It is far more demeaning than I deserve.'

The Sheriff laughed long and hard. 'Lady, if that grand little story you just fed me a few minutes ago is true, you should have no trouble undressing in front of these good ole boys. In fact, given your perversions, you will probably enjoy it. Now get undressed and allow me to do the search before I change my mind.'

With great reluctance I let go of the bottom of my dress and bent down to remove my shoes and knee high socks. I knew my white cotton panties were in full view. Once I had removed the shoes and socks the Sheriff held out his hand and I passed them to him. He made a big show of checking them to ensure I was not hiding any contraband. When he had finished his inspection he placed them on the chair and turned back to me. I swallowed hard, then unbuttoned my bibbed dress and slid it off. I was now only clothed in my white frilly top, my cotton panties with panda bears embroidered on them, plus the silly ribbons in my hair.

The Sheriff took his time inspecting my dress, before again placing it on the chair. He returned his attention back to me. With nervous fingers I unbuttoned my white frilly top, but I held it together with my hands. I was not wearing a bra, and I blushed when I saw my erect nipples protruding through the fabric. I glanced at the three inmates. They were all obviously ecstatic at my slow strip tease, and longing to see more of my body. I closed my eyes, then in one swift motion I pulled the top from my shoulders, fully revealing my pert breasts with the dark, erect nipples. I couple of the inmates groaned with pleasure. Again I went through the degrading act of having to pass the item of clothing to the Sheriff so he could carry out his inspection.

I was so humiliated, standing in the local Sheriff's office clothed only in my cotton panties. I held one arm in front of my breasts, while my other hand covered the front of my panda panties. I was mortified that I might have a wet spot on them, but I was too afraid to look down and check.

Finally Sheriff Stone placed my frilly top on the chair, then turned to wait for me to remove my final piece of clothing. His eyes were smiling and he was obviously enjoying the show as much as the cell occupants. I felt physically sick as I reached my fingers into my waistband, lowering my panties and stepping out of them. As I bent to pick them up one of the drunks moaned out loud, and I suspect he may have cum in his trousers.