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'And where are you off to, Missy?' he demanded.

Frustration welled up from within. 'Get out of my way, you fucking creep,' I exploded.

The bartender responded by roughly grabbing my arm, but he contained his temper and spoke quietly. 'Have you got ID young lady, to prove you are old enough to be in this bar?'

Instinctively I went to reach for my ID, but quickly realised that since I had changed into the ridiculous baby doll outfit I was carrying no money or identification of any sort. I groaned in anguish. Ironically the bartender was probably younger than my 29 years.

'Well?' the bartender quietly demanded.

I struggled to think how to form a suitable explanation, and breathed a big sigh of relief when my Mother in Law stepped into view. 'This is my Daughter in Law. Is there a problem here young man?' she politely enquired.

The bartender looked me up and down, twice. 'Your Daughter in Law?' he said, shaking his head disbelievingly. 'Well your Daughter in Law is in a licensed hotel with no ID. I should report her to the Sheriff.'

I screwed my face up in alarm. I had seen enough of Sheriff Stone to last me a lifetime.

'I am afraid my Daughter in Law is a little eccentric and very impulsive,' my Mother in Law explained to the bewildered bartender. 'When she behaves badly like this, which is frequent I might add, I normally spank her bottom.'

'You spank her bottom?' the bartender scratched his head.

'Her bare bottom.'

'Her bare bottom?' The bartender didn't know what to make of this but seemed intrigued.

I, on the other hand, was mortified and glared at my Mother in Law, but dared not utter a word. I glanced over to my husband, Michael, who was still seated at the booth. I pleaded with my eyes for him to intervene, but his only response was to give me a friendly little wave of acknowledgement.

'Perhaps if I spank her bottom, right here, right now, you might think that was sufficient punishment, rather than reporting her to the Sheriff, who I am sure is a very busy man.'

The bartender rubbed the stubble on his chin. 'On her bare bottom?' he clarified.

My Mother in Law nodded.

The bartender's eyes roved up and down my body once more, and he obviously liked what he saw. A broad smile covered his face from ear to ear. 'Very well, but it needs to be a damn good spanking as she was downright rude to me and I was only doing my job.'

'I totally agree,' my Mother in Law spoke sternly like an old fashioned school ma'am. She turned to me. 'Apologise to this nice young man for your behaviour.'

I pouted my lip, and fought back a tear. 'I am very sorry for being so rude to you. It was uncalled for.'

'And what do you deserve?' my Mother in Law interjected sternly.

I blushed and looked at my feet. 'I deserve to be spanked.'

'How will you be spanked?' she demanded.

'On my bare bottom, Sir,' I whispered in humiliation.

'Speak up girl. I want everyone to know how you feel you should be punished.'

I was suddenly aware of how deathly quiet it was in the bar. I looked up and saw that the eyes of every patron were firmly fixed on me. There must have been over twenty people in total at the bar, including several women.

I gulped in several breaths of air to steady my nerves. I summonsed my courage and tried to speak loudly, 'I deserve to be spanked on my bare bottom, Sir.'

I felt so shamefaced.

'I think we all agree with that.' My Mother in Law was playing to the onlookers, and was clearly in her element. She was not about to miss a golden opportunity to totally humiliate me in public. 'Take off your panties,' she requested loudly so no one was in doubt what was being requested of me.

I was only too aware that my baby doll dress was so short in hardly covered my bottom. Nervously I fumbled with my panties, at the same time trying to keep my back straight so as to not expose my buttocks. But I only succeeded in humiliating myself further as I stumbled sideways and fell clumsily to the floor, giving everyone an eyeful of my white cotton panda panties. Embarrassed, I quickly got up, and lowered my panties to my knees. I hoped this would be sufficient for my Mother in Law.

'What did I ask you to do?'

'Take off my panties, Ma'am,' I sniffed.

'And have you taken them off?'

'No, Ma'am.' I was trying not to cry in front of all these strangers. Hastily I lowered my panties to my ankles and stepped out of them.

'Hand them to me.'

As gracefully as I could I bent down and picked up my cotton panties. I knew that my lower buttocks would be clearly visible to some of the patrons. The atmosphere in the bar was electrified with tension. Nobody was making any attempt to leave. They clearly wanted to witness the unexpected show that was unfolding before them.

My Mother in Law took my panties from me, and humiliated me further by inspecting the crouch. She looked up at me with sly eyes and I knew what was coming. 'Are you wet, girl?'

I fought back the tears of embarrassment. 'I don't think so, Ma'am. Perhaps just a little bit.'

I was mortified when she held the panties up, clearly exposing a rather large, round wet spot in the middle of the crouch. 'Is this what you call a little bit?'

I was crestfallen. 'I guess not, Ma'am.'

'I think not,' her school ma'am voice reinforced. 'Now open your mouth.'

I was taken a back. 'Pardon, Ma'am?'

'Open your mouth,' she repeated impatiently.

Confused, I opened my mouth.


I obeyed, opening my jaws wide. I could not believe it when my Mother in Law then rolled my panties into a ball and stuffed them in my mouth.

'That will keep your foul mouth silent. Now bend over that table, and make sure that bottom of yours is pointing where people can get a good view.' My Mother in Law indicated to a small round table beside her.

I was dying with humiliation but followed my Mother in Law's command without question. I bent at the waist and rested my upper torso on the table. It reeked of stale beer. I could hear an excited murmur amongst the bar patrons as my buttocks came into view.

'Open your legs,' directed my Mother in Law.

I spread my legs wide, knowing that in doing so my labia would be in clear view of my excited audience. I tried not to think of what my husband would be feeling of his wife at this moment. Would he be shocked and disgusted by my behaviour? I hoped he understood I had no choice other than to obey his Mother. I hoped he could see I was only trying to be the perfect Daughter in Law to his parents.

I tensed as I felt my Mother in Law's hand take hold of the bottom of my mini baby doll dress, lifting it fully up to expose my milky white buttocks. She tucked it into the waistband so it was secured, and I was totally exposed. When the first spank connected I yelped in surprise and pain, but the noise was muffled by my panties in my mouth. The blows reigned down quickly and with considerable vigour. She was clearly not holding back on my poor buttocks, and I was soon squirming from the red hot pain. Tears began to flow, and I struggled to breath through my nose.

It was not until she had administered to me one of the most vigorous spankings I had ever received that she finally stopped. My buttocks felt like they were on fire and I continued to squirm and cry, and made no attempt to stand up. I knew my lurid little dance would be affording my audience a bird's eye view of my most intimate cavities, but at that moment it was secondary to the pain from the spanking.

'Stand up,' my Mother in Law directed.

Gingerly I obeyed, pushing myself upright. My nose was running, and I quickly wiped it on the back of my sleeve. I fought to regain my composure. Shamefacedly I glanced around at my audience. They were clearly awestruck by what they had witnessed.